The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 845: Confessions of a 4-eyed rabies: I hate you

There are as many as 100 apprentice wizards supported by Mitis Wizarding Academy, but they are all veteran apprentices who are over 40 years old. Many have no hope of formal wizards approaching the expelled members. The only ones with real potential are four-eyed rabies and golden retrievers. Dozens of warriors who originally belonged to the Lost Dogs Alliance.

That’s right, the group of people from the Lost Dog Alliance are all bloodline awakened warriors. They also have good wizard talents, but they don’t get much attention in the academy. This good qualification is in the Seven Ring Wizard Islands. The Sixth Ring Wizard Islands is indeed very good, but it can only be regarded as average in the Mitis Wizard Academy, and it is more helpful to them to come out.

The Four-Eyed Rabies’ wizarding qualifications can only be regarded as good. Even if he gets the bloodline gems, he still can’t compare with his baby sister. His wisdom is more external. He has his own life plan. He must be a formal wizard. It's shocking, but the road is not a regular road, he wants to take the road of the formation mage.

The Golden Retriever is actively asking to come out. The Lost Dogs Alliance no longer needs him. At the Mitis Wizarding Academy, he doesn’t have much nostalgia and meaning to exist. He wants to start his own family and even develop while he’s young. His own family, the school career of the Mitis Wizarding Academy is his capital, the strength of the great warrior is the foundation of his foothold, and the road of Baihua Yin to become a **** is his best opportunity.

He can’t do it as a preacher. Music is never what he is good at as a rough guy, but it is still possible to provide protection for the local church of the God of Music. The status of an honorary temple knight in the Church of the God of Music is still very helpful for him. Yes, there are not a few people who think like him, but there have been a group of people who have invested in the **** of food before.

The Four-Eyed Rabies quickly got the recognition of Baihuayin by virtue of his ingenuity and began to take over a part of Little Will’s work. Three months later, the Four-Eyed Rabies led a team on the road to independently develop the belief in the goddess of music. He took away most of the apprentices of Mitis Wizarding Academy wizards who were over 40 years old, and left young people including the Golden Retriever to Little Vil.

Before leaving, the Four-Eyed Rabies asked Weier out alone. The two walked on a remote road. The Four-Eyed Rabies was silent all the way, and walked far, far away.

"Aren't you going to ask me something?" Finally, the four-eyed rabid dog took the initiative to break the silence.

Little Ville shrugged and said indifferently: "I only know that you have shared a lot of work for me, which greatly relieved my lack of skills. You have this ability to complete the planned plan. I believe in your ability to do things, and I can guess. As a result, what else is there to ask?"

"You know what I'm trying to say is not this." The four-eyed rabid dog took a deep look at Little Will, and suddenly sighed: "You know what, I actually hate you very much."

Little Ville gave him a surprised look, "I really didn't see this, because I didn't feel malice from you."

"Hate and malice are completely different things, I have enough reasons to hate you, but there is no reason to be malicious to you, please don't doubt my morals!" The four-eyed rabies pointed the frame on the bridge of the nose with the **** and explained very seriously. .

"You have a good background, a happy family, a good education, and you have not experienced the grief of parting from your loved ones. Your qualifications are amazing, whether you are a grudge or a wizard. You have a very powerful teacher behind you to support you silently. "The four-eyed rabid dog's voice is very flat, as if it's just explaining a very common fact.

"Your grandfather is Teacher Rhine. He has built a good foundation for you. All the knowledge of apprenticeships and even the knowledge of formal wizards is open to you, but my sister and I are just ordinary merchants. We are in extraordinary power. I have nothing, I have to pay for what I want to get when I come to school. I hate your superior background."

"When I first met you, I was a veteran at the bottom of the academy, a failed dog in the League of Lost Dogs. We flew around all day and worked hard to calculate for a little bit of points and credits, in order to survive in the academy. And to get the knowledge we want, we paid a lot and a lot. But you, a complete newcomer, with a powerful and invincible attitude, defeated many people like me. At that time, I hated you and hated your strength. ."

"I analyzed your hidden strength very rationally, and brought the friends around me to make a fortune. Your strength and mystery caught our attention. Then, my dear sister was attracted to you. Your student. You brought her brand new top-level meditation ideas, gave her a better cultivation environment and cultivation resources, so that her strength improved by leaps and bounds. I was so gratified that I also hated you and hated you for taking away my sister. My only relative in this world."

"I have always lived at the bottom, my background is not high, my strength is not strong, I can only rely on my own mind to survive, I am a military division of the Lost Dogs Alliance, it is precisely because of my coordination and advice, the Lost Dogs Alliance In order to maintain it happily all the time. Without you, we might continue to do this. Your appearance and the approach of the college competition have changed things."

"You recommended me to Winste. I actually knew it early in the morning. You are using me to hone those wizard apprentices, and I am also using you and the group of wizard apprentices to enhance the strength of the Lost Dogs Alliance, although you are also selfish. , But this selfishness is biased towards my sister and Vivienne, so I can only follow your steps. I am arrogant and intelligent, but I can only follow your baton in front of you, even if I want I impose some obstacles on you, but still can't stop your pace. I hate your wisdom."

"My sister's strength surpassed me, and began to widen the gap step by step. I was able to give her less and less help and protection, but I was not reconciled to it, so I also want to become stronger. It's you. Given my opportunity, the inheritance in the Tower of Terror gave me this qualification. Teacher Rhine gave me a glorious identity and obtained more resources. All of this is given by you, and I and you have nothing to do. What kind of friendship, you just looked at my sister's face and gave me your seemingly insignificant help. For me, this is an earth-shaking change. I hate your charity."

"My sister's strength has been greatly improved. This is the change you have brought to her. You even put her on the official list of the college competition, and let her show her strength in the college competition, and gained countless honors and honors. Attention. My sister has become more confident, and this confidence can bring her even greater improvement and spiritual improvement. In her mind, your status gradually surpasses me. I hate you for taking my sister."

"After the college competition, you quickly applied for graduation and left the college. At the same time, you took away my sister. You gave her more opportunities to practice, broadened her horizons, enriched her experience, and broadened her Contact, I can clearly feel that my sister has matured a lot after returning."

"You left the Constructed Wizard Tower and your sister, but you summoned her to a dangerous battlefield against the devil shortly afterwards. Although she finally got the Saint-Rank bloodline, you even gave me and the Losing Dog Alliance a lot of compensation afterwards. But I hate your self-assertion."

The Four-Eyed Rabies said countless places and reasons to hate Weier, but Weier felt full of gratitude from his emotions.

"My sister has grown up. She is a formal wizard and warrior. She no longer needs my protection, and she is no longer the little girl shivering on the night of thunder and lightning. I will also start my own life path, so my sister she , Please!" The four-eyed rabid dog said deeply.

Little Ville just wanted to return the gift, and suddenly he reacted, "Wait, what do you mean by this? Please, what the **** am I?"

"My sister should have her own life when she grows up. As an older brother, I will try to learn to let go. As her teacher, you will take this and be responsible for my sister's life." He patted Xiaoweier on the shoulder and said fiercely: "You'd better train my sister to be a talent, don't let her be sad and disappointed, otherwise, hum, even if I can't beat you, I won't make you feel better."

"I swear with my glasses that I will create a big family. If you dare to treat my sister badly, I will do my best to avenge you!" The four-eyed rabid dog's fierce face grabbed Ville's shoulders with both hands, trying Give him some pressure.

"Smack!" Ville's shoulders shook, and he slapped his hands. "You dead sister control is incurable. Susan is my student. I will teach her more knowledge, but I can do it. Which step depends on her own efforts. As for your threat..."

Little Will patted the four-eyed rabid dog on the shoulder and said faintly: "You should maintain the respect you deserve when facing the strong. I, Will Declan, a second-level wizard and holy knight, deserve your respect."

After Ville turned and left, the four-eyed rabid dog pressed the frame on the bridge of his nose with his middle finger, a touch of amazement on his face slowly converged, and he bowed to Ville’s back deeply, "I have received your guarantee, my sister will ask you. Up."

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