The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 846: The real purpose of the 4-eyed rabies

Where the Four-Eyed Rabies couldn't see, Ville grabbed it in the air, and a petite red figure appeared out of thin air.

"Little girl, it's not a good habit to eavesdrop on what others are talking about." Xiaoweier glanced at the invisibility cloak in his hand and said disdainfully, "This kind of half-scared witchcraft was made by yourself? The quality is really bad, right? You really don't have the talent for alchemy."

"I..." Susan couldn't help but feel aggrieved. The magic weapon that the teacher looked down on was actually not made by herself, because her idea of ​​casting level could not make such a magic weapon. She made a magic charm of 100-refined steel by herself. Cultural equipment can only be maintained at a good level, and the success rate is not 100%.

Susan has already obtained the alchemist badge from the Mitis Wizarding Academy, but her level is definitely the bottom of the alchemist. She does not intend to do this, but it is more convenient for her to develop with an additional professional identity. .

Seeing that Ville ignored her and continued to move forward, Susan took away the invisibility cloak and jumped to chase him, "Teacher, why did my brother leave? It's so good for everyone to be together."

"Because you have grown up, your brother doesn't need to stare at you all the time to protect you." Ville's voice was very natural.

"But, even so, there is no need to separate. My brother is still so weak and not so safe outside. I can actually protect him." Susan waved her small fist, fist made a sound, this The girl's violent factor is not necessarily less than that of Xiao Luo, but her strength is much worse than that of Xiao Luo, but compared to the four-eyed rabies, she is a lot stronger, even if it is not compared to witchcraft, it is the same as the pure warrior profession.

Sue Really Violent Lolita Shan!

"Your brother is different from you. He is like a tenacious Tengman. Only by relying on the strong can he grow taller. Although your strength is not bad, you can't bring greater help to your brother. It's just a small sapling and can't carry your brother and the vine.

Little Will cast his eyes into the distance. Although he didn't look at the road, he was able to avoid the potholes in the road. "In the beginning, your brother was attached to the Lost Dogs League. He has almost no reputation, but he can take you with you. Simply mix it up."

"Later, your brother relied on me and the elite sniper team, and began to have a good reputation, and even led to the huge development of the entire losing dog league."

"Later, your brother attached to my grandfather. He started a different life of his own. He was even able to intervene in part of the college's affairs. Although it was only an apprentice-level affairs, his status and status were completely different."

"Then, when my grandfather was promoted to a holy-level wizard and took control of a holy-level wizard tower, your brother's status and status increased again, but his improvement in strength could not keep up with the increase in status and status. The Wizarding Academy valued more as wizards. Level, even if he possesses the strength of a great warrior, it still cannot allow him to pass unimpeded in the Mitis Wizarding Academy."

"In other words, the environment of the Wizarding Academy is no longer suitable for your brother to give full play to his abilities. He has grown to this level. The simple life of the Wizarding Academy has not given him much help anymore. The knowledge he needs to learn is already under my grandfather's hands. After learning, all that is left is the accumulation of time, magic, and experience."

"At this time, your brother did not settle for the status quo, but chose a stage that suits him, and found a thicker tree to grow better. This tree is the goddess of music, Baihuayin. If I’m not wrong, your brother will not immediately establish a so-called family, but will become a missionary, a pastor, and then a bishop of the God of Music, and will only create a new church family after he has a higher strength. "

Little Ville rubbed Susan's little head very naturally and said, "Little girl, don't look at your aptitude for a lot better than your brother. Your current strength is also stronger than him, but it's really hard to say what your final achievements will be. , Maybe you will still be protected by him in the future. Alas, sister-controlled creatures, sometimes really scary, they will show greater strength than their own potential."

"Teacher, you are not qualified to speak of others in this regard, the leader of the famous sister-control group in the Wizarding Islands, who wants to exceed the **** level and provides shelter for her sister who will become a **** in the future. You are actually the biggest one. Sister control!" Susan stuck out her tongue and leaped forward and bounced away.

Walking in front of Little Ville, Susan's eyes were a little moist, and two lines of tears flowed down. Idiot brother, you don't need to work so hard. My sister has grown up and can already protect you. Why must I take me? As a child? ! Humph, brother, this kind of creature is really stupid.

"Stupid, idiot, big idiot!" Susan slammed forward and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Little Ville couldn't help but shook his head slightly: "Sure enough, he is still a child who has not grown up, and he will cry even if he leaves his parents."

Sister control is indeed terrible. The most important reason why the Four-eyed Rabid Dog chose to leave the Mitis Wizarding Academy and devote himself to the great cause of becoming a **** of music is that Susan graduated.

The Wizarding Academy without a sister is no longer worthy of the Four-Eyed Rabid Dog. He needs to live under the same sky with his sister. He wants to better protect his sister, so he chose to continue to grow, and still grow up quickly. Growing up to the point where she can shelter her sister Susan.

His strength is definitely not better than his younger sister. The Four-Eyed Rabies is self-aware, so he chose to strengthen his power, and at this time, he invested in the goddess of music to make suggestions and play a pivotal role in her becoming a god. It is definitely the best time.

There are many helpers around Baihuayin, but there are few people who can let her use them with confidence and consider her wholeheartedly. The Saint Diana was born in the elves and served as the leader of the mercenary association. She was destined to be impossible. Baihuayin's own person. Bishop Holly and Rutherf Wilson Knight will become subordinates of the Church of the Goddess of Music in the future. Their help to Baihuayin is indeed okay, but they are not capable of acting alone.

Philomena is Baihuayin's most assured person, but Philomena is not at ease with Baihuayin. She intends to stay with her for a long time. Even if she can't be personally protected, she can't stay away. A good interface is simply impossible.

As for the members of the sister control group, except for Angeline, no one else will be involved in Baihuayin's command, because their group leader is Xiaoweier, their mercenary group name is the sister control group, and the leader’s sister is a reincarnated god. Baihuayin trusted him very much, but the result was already doomed.

Baihuayin lacks a strategist think tank that truly belongs to her. The four-eyed rabies is not strong, but has good intelligence and decisive ability. Such a person is exactly what Baihuayin needs.

In the eyes of others, they see more of the wisdom of the four eyes, but they have forgotten the reason for his nickname. This is a weak young man who dared to clamor in the first encounter with an elite sniper team. All of you are weak. His four eyes have extraordinary fighting spirit, self-confidence and arrogance.

Looking at it this way, in fact, I have a lot of similarities with the Four-eyed Rabid Dog, but I am more fortunate. Fortunately, I have been favored by Professor Wetzel and become an apostle of the gods of wisdom. This is how my strength has advanced by leaps and bounds. , You can protect your sister's strength.

It’s just that compared to the four-eyed rabid dog’s sister, Susan, her sister looks more powerful. A reincarnated god, she is now only a second-level wizard and holy knight. Alas, the road to Tier 5 is still very long. Said, let's raise the wizard level to the third level first.

After counting the time, shouldn't it be time to see my sister?

Don't worry, there is still a little time, the Elf Forest himself must go, but his identity is a little bit special.

"Sister control or something, it is really troublesome." Little Weier sighed faintly.

I don’t know when it has been close to the Lilith’s voice sounded from behind: "You are the least qualified to say this."

"I'm really not a sister-in-law, just a very ordinary caring for my sister." Xiaowei sighed helplessly: "You know, the person I love has always been you!"

"Oh, then next time I meet, should I mention our wedding date to Aunt Mojiesi? My fiancée's name is not short."

"Well, this matter is a little bit big, dear Lilith, we need to be careful." Little Ville could imagine that Lilith asked her mother for the wedding date in front of the moon elf Léa, and that little guy didn’t explode on the spot. It.

"Oh~" Lilith dragged a long voice and stared at Little Vail closely, her eyes slightly meaningful.

"This matter requires at least grandpa, grandma, father and mother to discuss it together to be solemn, right? And your father Wright should also be present." Little Weir gave his excuse, wanting to get them together. At least you have to wait to get out of the elf forest. After all, grandpa and father can't enter the elf forest. They don't have an elf blood.

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