The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 849: Florett's Melancholy

It is expected that the three-month training lasted five full months.

The reason is not that they did a bad job, but that they did a great job. Lilith and Little Vail wizards were upgraded, so that Professor Troy and Wetzel had to train them for saint-level wizards, and then to train them to become dragons. .

Third-level holy wizards, third-level paladins, Ville and Lilith have the physical and mental power to support the transformation of the dragon, but they cannot fully adapt to the fighting style of the dragon after the transformation, and they need to keep fighting with Troy. Fighting with dragons is enough.

Their training did not hide from Baihuayin and Philomena. The two were very surprised at the transformation of Little Ville and Lilith's dragons, and Lilith's identity was completely exposed.

"It turns out to be the blood of the stupid dragon family, tusk, I didn't expect that the stupid dragon family had persisted in a business that had not succeeded for hundreds of years, and it was actually realized in a descendant who was living outside and not favored by them and unknown to them. Hehe. , If they know about it, I will definitely come to the door and ask you to recognize your ancestors." As a pure-blood elf, Philomena knows many things about the elf tribe, including the so-called stupid dragon family.

The stupid dragon family is just Philomena’s depreciation of the name of that family. The real name of this family with the blood of the elves and sub-dragons is called the dragon spirit family, short for the giant dragon and the elven family. They are a whim of an elven demigod. The purpose of the product is to create a dragon druid that integrates the blood of dragons and elves.

"My name is Lilith Kendall, the daughter of the Drake City branch of the Kendall family of the Gods Continent, and my mother's name is Connie Kalbis. My grandmother is a member of the Dragon Spirit family, and I am only eighth-eighth. I have the blood of the Dragon Spirit family, and the water thrown out by the married daughter, I am the daughter of the Kendall family and the daughter-in-law of the Declan family in the future.” Lilith’s words made Floret happy, and this is her own. Good daughter-in-law.

Lilith claimed that she was the daughter-in-law of the Declan family, not the daughter-in-law of the Star Mountain family. Florett was very satisfied. It was her own idea for her son to change his name to Wil Star Mountain for the convenience of walking in the Wizard Islands. , But it doesn't mean that he doesn't pay attention to the surname of Declan, but between the surname and his son's safety and future, he chose his son's future.

I originally thought that my wife’s patrilineal family was very powerful, and my old father-in-law was already a holy wizard, and his brother was also a holy wizard, but later learned that the Star Mountain family has more family power in the Fourth Ring Wizard Islands. Huge, there is even a demigod ancestor.

This made Floret Alexander, and after getting acquainted with the two elven saint wizards of Philomena and Diana, he learned that his mother-in-law was not easy, but she was a pure-blooded elf who escaped marriage. My family got acquainted with Rhine Star Mountain by accident, and even gave birth to a daughter.

The strength of the pure-blooded elves family is very powerful, although because the Star Mountain family did not make a big deal of Rhein Star Mountain, they still brought Catherine back to the Elf Forest.

My own Tier 3 blood race has the strength, but he may not really be recognized by his mother-in-law unless his precious son or daughter speaks. Florett feels proud when he thinks of his son and daughter. The son is an evildoer and the daughter is a god. Others fight for fathers and fight for children by themselves.

"Pop!" A white hand on the shoulder was patted, and Mrs. Night's voice sounded in her ears: "Don't think too much, as a noble member of the blood clan, my sister will always stand behind you and support you."

The corners of Floret's mouth moved, but he couldn't say a word. Mrs. Night thought he was lacking in confidence, and smiled and said, "Your bloodline is very good. The next Tier 4 can be deceived. There are only a few demigods in the entire Elf Forest. If you don’t count the holy spirits under those elves and goddesses, the number of palms is the sky, not to mention the demigods, you can also impress them with your current Tier 3 strength. You are worthy of Mojiesi! And there is a sister behind you. I support it, but I am a noble blood that inherited the blood and power of Mary, the blood god, and I will become the new blood **** in the future."

Florett shook his head, madly complaining in his heart, what I want to say is not this, but what you call me!

Florett has no doubts about her bloodline and Madame Night’s bloodline. The probability of becoming a demigod in the future is more than 90%. It is hard to say whether Madame Night will become a god, but she is absolutely sure that she will be promoted to a demigod. Yes, as long as you don’t die.

Just as the "known" underground lover of my son Javier, is it really appropriate for you to ask me to call your sister?

This sentence is not easy for Florett to say. Although more than one super-powerful person has identified the identity of Mrs. Night, she has never admitted it herself, and she has not found any more handles for them secretly together, except There is no handle at all other than giving the control of the seven-story holy tower to her.

The seven-story holy pagoda is the son’s life-saving artifact. If it is not someone who can be trusted, it will not grant permission. Lilith is the son’s true fiancée, and Xiao Luo is a god-sister. She is obedient to her son, even her own righteous father. Very jealous. Not to mention Nicole, as long as she is not a fool, she can see her thoughts on Little Will, well, maybe she hasn't seriously considered it herself.

Because of her special status, Feimer can temporarily ignore it. In Florite's mind, she is the link between her son and the storm mermaid clan. It is more of an alliance. Her son earned money from doing business with the lord of the distant sea. A lot of wealth.

The Sister Gil is the representative of the church in Mabster County, the Karst Kingdom of the Gods Continent, and the transit hub for the connection between her son and the Gods Continent, which has great political significance.

Only Mrs. Night did not represent any power. It was only herself. It is no wonder that Florett would think too much. If there is no such relationship, Will Will give her the control of the seven-story tower? The previous shadow clan girl wanted to **** it, but her son didn't give it to her.

Florett raised his head and looked at the three tall figures not far away, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" The earth moved and the mountains shook the dust, and even the third-tier masters could feel a little roar. Depressed, a silver dragon, a black dragon, and a shadow dragon have been fighting for more than two hours, and they are still invincible.

On the other side, the cat-man saint turned into a violent wind and quickly turned around a giant bear. His scimitar cut out like a storm, but he was beaten by two seemingly cumbersome sledgehammers.

"Oh, that's it, children have their own blessings, and I, as a father, really can't control them." Florett's words made Mrs. Night a black line, and you are not worried about yourself but your own son.

Just your enchanting son, will he suffer? Hum, I am not his opponent now, although I have the confidence to become a Tier 5 blood clan in the future, but I don't have the slightest confidence to suppress this little guy. The secrets in him are definitely more than that.

Florett took a deep Trying to calm down his mind, his son has grown up, is strong and intelligent, and is no longer a child who can restrain and teach (although he has almost always It is the wife who is teaching her son, you are a soft rice king), leave it to him in the future.

To help her daughter become a god, to welcome his wife and family reunion and leave the burden to him. Just be a benevolent father by yourself.

As for Yan father or something, it is true that I can't stand up to my son's majesty, his strength is not allowed.

At this moment, Florett is a little sad. His own status as the head of the family seems to exist in name only. His son is not yet married, and he is about to abdicate.

Amidst the roar of the earth, a deep crack of more than ten feet long appeared. Ville and Lilith went back a few steps, Long Hua receded, sweat soaked through his clothes, breathing heavily. The fresh air and deep exhaustion can make people see clearly even far away.

Troy returned to his human form, without the slightest messy appearance on his body. He clapped his hands in admiration and said, "Yes, yes. The test of the Temple of God is waiting for you!"

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