The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 850: Beast God Level 6 Level 1

The population of the Orcs is quite large, and the inner layer of the Wizard Islands cannot accommodate such a large population. In addition to the continent of the gods, the periphery of the Wizard Islands is also a place where orcs gather, and the main hall of the Beast God Temple is located in a secret and huge part of the Wizard Islands of the Five Rings On the island: Beast God Island.

This is a huge island that spans more than 5,000 miles from north to south, and the widest from east to west is also 3,000 miles. Nearly tens of millions of orcs live on the island, including lions, tigers, apes, wolves, foxes, cranes, eagles, cattle, and dogs. There are not a few big clans such as cats, cats, and so on, and their strength is also exceptionally strong. The Beast God Island can be said to be a powerful existence where the Five Ring Wizard Islands can be tied for the first place with the Elf Island.

The strength of the residents of the Beast God Island is not the first. The first is the pious belief in the Beast God and the style of martial arts. The branch halls of the Beast God Temple can be seen everywhere, but the main hall is not accessible to everyone. A clone of the beast **** sits there.

The bells ringing through the world are clearly audible within a hundred miles. All the orcs who heard the bells put down their work and rushed to the nearest temple of the beast god. This kind of alarm bell can not be sounded casually, nor is it Anyone is qualified to ring.

"Someone wants to challenge the six levels of the beast gods and fight for the qualifications to see the beast gods."

"The last time someone challenged the six levels of the Beast God was more than three hundred years ago. A total of ten human, sea, and elven masters fell on the fifth level."

"They ended in the fifth level, but not all of them were defeated by the guards of the fifth level. The first four levels had already brought down most of the challengers, and the remaining few were exhausted. At the fifth level, there is no difference between the superior and the weak in the six levels of the Beast God."

"In fact, I think the first level is the strongest. After all, the first level faces challengers in a heyday. If the strength is not strong, it is easy to be crushed."

"Hmph, the guards of the first pass are average in their own strength, relying more on the strength of pets, they are not heroes."

"Pets are also part of strength."

"It's projected, hey, there is a cat warrior in the challenger. Are these witnesses?"

Under the Beast God Mountain, Professor Wezel, Baihuayin, and Philomena were chatting and laughing together, accompanied by five or six orc priests wearing red robes. Except for Mirofina, everyone else was a demigod master.

"Weizel, that kid is your disciple? Tsk, a holy master in his twenties, great!" The fox high priest looked at the fast-moving figures walking fast, with a smile on his face, the fox and this The kid also has some friendships, isn't Frina currently working under this kid?

"It’s just good luck. This kid won the seven-story holy pagoda and was favored by seven venerables including the crown of the beast. His growth cannot be separated from the pity of the seven venerables. I just played a role in it. A trivial effect." Professor Wetzel's words made several orcs and demigods very satisfied, so this kid is not a pure outsider.

"Four elven blood awakeners, one blood clan, and one cat warrior. Hey, six such young saint-level masters are very rare. No wonder they have the confidence to come to see the beast **** crown, but do they look down on me too much? Orcs." A tauren demigod smiled: "Come on, you can't get past the first level without a lot of strength."

The sound of "Rumble" appeared, and Xiaowei hurriedly waved his hand: "Be careful, there is a herd of animals in front of you! What kind is it, demon cow?!"

A group of demon cows rushed over, the strongest is only the second-order demon cow, and the number of second sister demon cows is only a dozen, and the other advanced demon cows are 200 or so, but there are thousands of non-ranked demon cows. The huge number of monsters charging up is really terrifying.

Facing the fierce impact of thousands of troops, the best way is to fly into the earth, but these two things are prohibited here.

That’s right, the six levels of the beast gods reduce harassment for the beast gods. It is forbidden to fly here. The earth witchcraft tricks are allowed, but they have been weakened a lot. Moreover, the attributes of the devil cow are mostly earth attributes in the middle of the night. Lilith, Guai Liluo, Nicole, Jasmine, and Floret faced them. Except for Ville, none of them had an advantage in attributes.

"Go ahead!" Xiao Weier made a decisive decision. At this time, defense is impossible. Not to mention the dozen second-order demon cows. Even the first-order demon cows behind and the non-level demon cows behind will be enough for them to drink a pot. .

Head-to-head is not the best choice, but to be flexible is the best solution.

Weier reacts quickly, but there is one person who moves faster than Weier, and that is the most obedient sister Xiao Luo.

Guai Liluo heard Xiao Weier's words, and two sledgehammers appeared in his hand, and his figure instantly rushed to the forefront. The two short legs "cengcengceng" quickly moved away, and in a blink of an eye they came to the front of the charging herd.

"One hammer." "Boom!"

"Two hammers." "Boom!"

"Three hammers." "Boom!"


The leader of the second-order demon cow was beaten into the air. Guai Liluo’s power and skills are absolutely top-notch among the third-order holy warriors. Guai Liluo’s aptitude is not lower than that of Ville and Lilith, and is different from Ville’s and Lilith wizards and knights. Guai Liluo has a specialization on the path of Druids, and is very obedient specializing in the direction of warriors, and other auxiliary skills are temporarily put down.

The speed and strength of the magic cow are very fast, and the gap between the teams is not small. After all, it is very dangerous for the marching team to be too tight. The strange Liluo is like a reef in the river, born in the "Magic Cow". A crack opened in the flow.

Ville, Lilith, Nicole, Jasmine, and Floret quickly followed up. The demon cow did not use any spell-based attacks. The five Saint-level masters shuttled in the team very easily, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" Putting down a demon cow completely disrupted the team.

If Guai Liluo is a symbol of strength, and Nicole and Florett are representatives of speed, then Ville, Lilith, and Jasmine are displays of skills. They hit the uncomfortable place of the demon cow without a single shot, and at the same time, it is not The purpose of killing is purely to bring them down and disrupt the order of the demon cow army.

The demon cow army quickly became a mess. The six of Little Weir resembled six sharks going upstream. They fiercely cut the "bull stream" and quickly came behind the demon cow army. There were less than one hundred demon cows brought down by them along the way. The damage caused was several times this.

The impact of the demon cow army, the impact of rolling woods and thunderstones, and finally even a wave of mudslides. In the face of such an unnatural disaster, Ville had to expose his hole cards of earth witchcraft, so that he could survive this time with minimal consumption. Tests, but these tests are actually just the appetizers of the first level, which are small means to eliminate the weak from fishing in troubled waters.

An open and flat platform is tens of thousands of square meters. At the center of the platform, a tall figure is sitting there. A three-foot-long Warcraft calf barbecue in his hand has been eaten for most of the time. The figure is as high as one meter in height and has a pair of hideous heads on top of it. Horns, his arms are three points thicker than Will's waist.

"Oh, you are here." The tall figure stood up, killed the barbecue three times and divided two, and with a "click", it broke the bones and washed away the marrow. Only then did they throw away the broken bones and clapped their hands, and the anger flashed. After all the stains disappear without a trace, this person's micro-manipulation of vindictiveness has reached the point of integrating into life.

"You are very good, a little better than I thought." The tall man clenched his fists and slammed twice, making a "pop" sound, and a big smile appeared on his face: "My name is Niu Ben, great A holy warrior of the orc barbarian tribe, eighty-six years old this year, little guys, do you come together or one by one?"

After getting permission from Little Ville, Guai Li Luo took a pair of sledgehammers and walked forward two steps, and introduced himself seriously: "Luo, sister, twenty years old."

Is it A name as cute as her face, but what kind of race is my sister? and also...

"Little sister, lying is not something a good boy should do. Are you reporting the wrong age? You should be ten years old." Niu Ben saw Guai Liluo's expressionless face and tried to pretend to be a serious self-introduction. The whole person was adorable in an instant.

Lilith squinted at Xiao Weier. Sure enough, in Xiao Luo's mind, race and occupation didn't matter. The important thing was her sister's identity. Oh, there seemed to be another explanation from the sister control group.

"Give up, be beaten, give up." Guai Liluo raised his sledgehammer slightly, and looked straight at the sturdy man on the opposite side, a ten-year-old little loli, holding two hands that were bigger than her head. The sledgehammer pointed at the sturdy man who was ten feet tall and told him to surrender, otherwise he would be beaten, not to mention the little Ville, Lilith, etc., even the Wezel, Baihuayin, and orc priests at the foot of the mountain. It felt a little weird, and the orcs watching the real-time projection in the temple of Baili Baili also laughed together.

"Such a cute loli, how can they bear to let her fight? Shouldn't they take her home and spoil her?"

"Niu Ben, you just surrender, Mengmeng's attacking power is infinite."

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