The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 851: Guai Li Luo's strongest summoned beast: brother

Moe does not distinguish between national borders and races, especially the three non-contrasting Moe like Wei Li Luo, let alone ordinary orcs, even a few demi-god level orcs sacrifices have been overturned by Wei Li Luo Moe.

But the contrast of Guai Li Luomeng quickly became apparent.

"Magic Bull Body Refining Fist!" Niu Ben released the water very compliantly. At first, it was only a popular magic Bull Body Refining Fist, but even the popular **** method of the Barbarian Bull tribe was violently beaten by him. It looks like it is very powerful. As for whether to release the water, most people really can't see it, but...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Guai Liluo's hammer swung out, and Niu Ben retreated steadily.

"Yes, yes, the little guy has a good strength. My brother is going to be serious. Demon Cow Bone Practicing Boxing!" Demon Cow Bone Practicing Boxing not only exercises bones, but also breaks the bones of others.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Guai Liluo's hammer seemed to be two points faster than before, and Niu Ben continued to retreat.

"The little guy's hammer is not light. It's five or six hundred catties. Tsk, you have Saint-level combat power at a young age. It really should not be underestimated. Be careful, little guy. I'm going to make a real move. !"

Different from the universality of the basic boxing method "Magic Bull Body Refining Boxing" and a specialization of advanced boxing method "Magic Bull Bone Training Boxing", "Strong Bull Mo Boxing" is the top boxing method of the Barbarian Bull clan, and people with insufficient strength cannot Cultivation does not show the power of the application if it is not at the holy level. This boxing technique can enhance the user's strength and condense the punches. It is well-known in the entire orc race.

The entire orc race attaches great importance to boxing techniques. They have a very complete inheritance of boxing techniques. As long as the talent is strong enough, coupled with enough hard work, they can practice step by step, and they can cultivate to the demigod without much problem, but this is a personal qualification. The requirements are very strict, and everyone who can sit in the six levels of beasts and gods is undoubtedly a genius with such a possibility.

There are simplified and full versions of "Magic Bull Fist", which can be used until the entry level. "Magic Bull Bone Training" corresponds to the second order, and "Majestic Bull Demon Boxing" corresponds to the third order. It is not just a simple exercise of boxing, but also a powerful killer move.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" This is the sound of Niu Ben's fist exploding into the air.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" This is the sound made by Guai Liluo's hammer head blasting Niu Ben. After being promoted to the third-level wizard, Ville's casting level has been further improved, and Guai Liluo's equipment has been upgraded again. , And even attached the earth's gravitational ability that he had comprehended on it.

Niu Ben managed to endure the pain of his fist, his legs trembled slightly, and a hundred thousand demon cows rushed past in his heart. After using "Strong Demon Cow Fist", he could not be more powerful than a little loli? ! He is the chief master of the young generation of Barbarian Bull tribe, a dignified orc holy warrior, and a demigod master in the future!

Greater strength does not mean that the overall strength has become much stronger. Niu Ben is more embarrassed than before. He doesn't know that head-to-head is what Guai Liluo is best at. Understand the strength of the bear. How can the calf in front of the giant bear be so good.

"Little guy, I'm angry, I'm really angry!" Niu Ben took the initiative to retreat three steps and took a little distance, raised his hands high, and then slammed it against the ground three times. When he stood up again, The eyes gradually covered a faint red: "The Secret of the Orc: Madness!"

"Prickly~" Niu Ben's clothes split open, the knotted muscles bulged high, and the whole person was abruptly pulled up by half a foot.

With a howling wind, his fist slammed towards Guai Liluo, Xiao Luo punched out the hammer without any rush, this time Guai Liluo fell into the wind, and her little body was shocked and took a half step back.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the wind swept through, and the ground was dusty. Niu Ben's fist had a trace of blood red, but it was more solid. The sledgehammer against the strange Liluo did not fall into the wind, but instead Accounted for a little bit cheaper.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Niu rushed harder, and forced Liluo to defeat Guai Liluo. How many steps he was beaten back by Liluo before, how many steps he snatched back this time, and then cleverly punched the strange force. Luo pushed a dozen meters away, and then stood there triumphantly with her arms folded.

"Little guy, your strength is very good, but I am still a little worse when I am serious. I gave up and it is not shameful to lose to me." Niu Ben arrogantly gave a thumbs up, opened his mouth and smiled, showing his mouth full. Big shiny teeth.

In the temple outside, countless orcs raised their middle fingers to Niu Ben. This **** is simply a shame to the orcs. Do you actually want to use madness to beat such a little loli?

Such a cute little loli, how can you handle it?

Baihuayin cast a contemptuous look at several orc sacrifices, "This is the future of your so-called orcs clan? Your shadow when you were young? It turns out that you are all such orc sacrifices."

"That's it, it's too embarrassing, alas, the Church of the Beast God is really down, and the heirs are all such things." Professor Wetzel couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, looking sad and disappointed.

"You have no right to say this, bastard, you are also a member of the Beast God Temple, recognize your identity!" The high priest of the Beast God Church gave Professor Wezel a vicious look. Although this **** Usually he rarely manages affairs, but he is a real high-ranking member of the Beast God Church. He has a lot of prestige among the orcs and a big harem.

Professor Witzel patted his head and couldn't help but feel annoyed and said: "I'll go, don't you say that I almost forgot, although Little Will is my student, these little guys are all people who have received my strict training, but My current identity seems to belong to the Beast God Church."

While talking, Professor Wetzel moved his seat directly, seeming to want to run from Baihuayin to the south side of the orc sacrifice, Baihuayin couldn't help covering his face and turning his head, saying that he did not know this mentally handicapped great sage.

The high priest of the beast **** held back his anger, took a deep breath and didn't kick the **** away.

"Niu Ben has lost." A tiger tribe's sacrificial ritual changed the subject. He didn't want to entangle with the **** Wezel on the identity issue. This **** has never regarded his identity as the same thing, if he really wants to talk about relatives. The difference, maybe the other party is closer than the Beast God Church, in the eyes of the **** Wezel.

Guai Liluo looked at the state of Niu Ben, and immediately gave himself a magical blessing. The speed and strength have been improved to a certain extent, and he rushed up with a sledgehammer, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" The loud noise was endless. This time, the two of them had part of the fight left, and the earth was trembling slightly.

However, Guai Liluo’s magic blessing has almost no side and it lasts for a long time. Niu Ben’s madness is not only expensive, but also has strict durations. If it is used for too long, it will be bad for him. There are no small side effects, at least a period of time is unavoidable.

Niu Ben quickly swung his hands out, making strange calls in his mouth, and then stepped back quickly with his feet.

After opening the distance between Guai Liluo, Niu Ben patted both hands, "Life and death together, my loyal partner, come out!"

Along with the roar of Niu Ben, the sound of "Rumble" came out of the woods not far away. A huge demon cow with a height of two feet tall and a length of seven or eight meters, golden hair and huge horns with cold gleam, a pair of closed mouths spouted thickly. Vain.

It seems that calling the assistant is a little bit kind, Niu Ben forcibly explained: "Single-handed combat is certainly very important, but life and death partners are even more valuable, little guy, you are very strong and worth my all-out. I will give you one. Opportunity, call your own partner."

Guai Liluo looked at Niu Ben, and then at the holy demon cow. The two looked very alike, especially the pair of horns almost exactly the same. Then Guai Liluo summoned his most trusted partner: "Brother. "

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