The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 857: How is the teacher?

The gods are not rebellious, even if they are the clones of the gods, they are not able to contend. Lilith took the hand of Wei Liluo, and followed Nicole, Jasmine, and Florett out of the reception room with the Eagle Warriors.

Lilith and others walked away, and Uncle Beast God served Little Weier a cup of tea.

"Isn't it said that one cup per person is too late?" Little Ville asked outright.

Uncle Beast God said innocently: "Other people are indeed like this, but you are different, you can carry more things, this little thing is only good for you, there is no harm. By the way, how is the teacher okay lately? "

Little Will froze for a moment, a little unclear. So, who is the teacher referring to? Professor Witzel?

Impossible. Judging from his name for those holy-level masters, even the clone of the beast **** is very arrogant, just superficially easygoing. This so-called teacher is definitely not just a demigod, and the name teacher is not Then you can use it at will.

Susan and Vivian both call themselves and Lilith as teachers. That's because they and Lilith have the grace to pass on art to them. Is the teacher called by Uncle Beast God...

"What's your kid pretending to be stupid? Don't say that your weird bloodline is born. If you don't have the teacher's unique technique, you can fuse these bloodlines and allow multiple god-level bloodlines to coexist?" Uncle Beast God turned a big picture. "I’m leaving all the other people away, just want to have a good chat with the younger brother. This is my site. There will be no other people eavesdropping and peeping. The little girls in the seventh-floor holy tower are also temporarily watching. I can't hear us."

You say that Susan and Vivian are little girls. I can accept it. But Madame Night, a dignified old maiden for more than two hundred years, you also call her a little girl. Isn't that a bit?

But thinking that the beast **** has been a **** for thousands of years, to him, it seems that Mrs. Night is really just a little girl, and Weier's thoughts are unconsciously strayed, wait, what did he just say? Fusion of bloodlines, coexistence of multiple god-level bloodlines? !

""Human Bloodline Evolution tactic"?" Little Weir asked tentatively.

Uncle Beast God slapped his forehead speechlessly, "You don't need to be so nervous, "Human Bloodline Evolution Secret" is indeed the teacher's biggest trump card, but it has not been passed out. I can become a Beast God, with so many beast blood. Relying on the teacher’s "Human Bloodline Evolution Secret Art", but the "Human Bloodline Evolution Secret Art" I practiced is slightly different from yours. It can only merge the blood of the beasts and merge the two into one, forming a new bloodline: Beast God Bloodline."

"If I'm not mistaken, the "Human Bloodline Evolution Secret Art" you practiced is a version after the teacher's improvement. It can integrate more bloodlines and a wider range, but it loses the effect of integrating all bloodlines into one body. Compared with the original version It’s really hard to say which one is higher, just look at personal suitability." Uncle Beast God looked at Xiaoweier up and down, exclaimed: "Elven blood, dragon blood, giant blood, three god-level blood lines in one, and he His body has been remodeled more closely to the Thunder Giant, and the techniques you practiced seem to be a bit strange."

In the eyes of a real master-god master, his own body really has no secrets, but it seems that Snowwood World and Apostle Space are not among them.

"I got the "Human Bloodline Evolution Secret" on the last floor of the seven-story holy tower. Can you tell me something about the teacher?" Weier is very interested in the affairs of the human emperor. The reason why he has the current strength , "Human bloodline evolution tactics" is indispensable.

Hearing Xiaoweier’s question, Uncle Beast God immediately became interested and refreshed: "I'm telling you, teacher, um, the teacher seems to have explained that he can't talk nonsense." The beast **** suddenly thought of it. I couldn't help but patted his forehead, his face was full of chagrin.

"Teacher's deeds can't be said nonsense. Then tell us what you think of the teacher and show our admiration for the teacher, right?" Little Will never mention the word "Human Sovereign" or disclose anything in advance. Information, but wanted to get further information from the Beast God.

"Teacher, he is a very complicated and simple person." The beast **** seemed to be caught in the memory, and his voice was slightly erratic.

"When I was young, the teacher was the sky. He is powerful and free to come and go. You will never see his height. There are only things you can't think of, nothing he can't do." Yunnan

"When I grew up, the teacher was a lofty mountain. I looked up as if I could see the top, but I was still surrounded by clouds and mist. You would feel fearless by leaning against him."

"After I become a god, the teacher is a vast ocean, rich in meaning and unfathomable. There are countless secrets and wealth hidden under the simple deep blue. If the teacher is the richest person in the world, not many people will refute it, even if it is Neither can the gods."

"When I became a Tier 6 Lord God, and after the teacher talked for a long time, I realized that the teacher was a coward!" There was a complex expression on the face of the beast god. Create gods to protect sentient beings."

"The teacher's great achievements are amazing, but the teacher's original intention is not admirable." The beast **** waved his fist fiercely: "The reason for the teacher to fight back the invasion of **** and demons is actually that the **** is powerful and the demons are cruel and tyrannical. For those who are not inferior to our world, it is not so-called righteousness for the teacher to beat them back, just for self-protection."

"The teacher worked tirelessly to build a god, and even cultivated me to become a strong god. The original intention was that a single tree could not become a forest. In order to hide myself better, let more trees appear around me, which is also convenient for myself to be lazy."

"The great achievements of the teacher will never be recorded. Originally I thought it was the teacher’s high morale, but later I realized that the teacher was just too troublesome and didn’t want to attract the attention of the **** powerhouse. He was just a timid fool who was afraid of death. !"

"How strong is hell?! If you dare to come, you must come back and forth!" The uncle of the beast **** was excited, but the expression on Xiaoweier's face was a little weird. The image described by the beast **** reminded him of a person, a Unexpected person.

The strongest, the richest, afraid of death, guarding the world, and creating gods. Isn't this what the first apostle did?

Could it be that the first apostle was the emperor?

If the image of the human emperor is stalwart and bright without flaws, Ville will never believe that the first apostle is the human emperor, but after the beast **** exposes the other side of the human emperor, Vil thinks that such a human emperor is the real human emperor. , And the image gradually overlapped with the first apostle.

"The teacher should only be angry. He has been fighting on the front line to resist the **** demon." After Ville thought of releasing the mission, the first apostle to take over the mission was the first apostle, subconsciously justifying him. .

Uncle Beast God seems to be able to get drunk even after drinking tea. He squinted at Little Weir and said of course: "That is of course, but that is my teacher, a powerful and free-spirited teacher. There is so much **** in hell. If you dare to invade, you must bear the teacher. Fatal blow."

Little Weier almost didn't mention it, Uncle Beast God, no, according to your own statement, you are a disciple of Human Emperor, and I am also a disciple of Human Emperor. Everyone is equal. At most, I will call you Brother Human Emperor, you Has this attitude changed a bit too much? Your feelings for Teacher Renhuang are really rich enough.

Ville has confirmed The beast **** has a sincere and deep affection for the human emperor, only a little bit of hatred for iron and steel, and a pessimistic attitude towards hell, but Xiaowei, who has absorbed the memory of the black dragon, can understand the human emperor. The hardship, the power of **** is really not something this world can resist.

"I'm telling you, the teacher used to, um, this seems to have been warned by the teacher not to say it." Uncle Orc got stuck again at a critical moment, making Willie want to grab his neck and induce vomiting, vomiting everything he knew. He came out, but the gods should not be offended, he really didn't dare, the main thing was that he couldn't beat it.

"The teacher has done so many great achievements, but it can't be passed on to the world. It's really high-spirited." Xiaowei suddenly changed his way of thinking. The beast-god uncle was immediately recruited: "Gao-fengliang? Hell is marked. The reason why the teacher does not let his deeds spread is because he is afraid of being marked by the super masters of hell."

Uncle Beast God, don't stare at Little Weir intently: "Being eulogized may not necessarily be a good thing. It is a driving force and a binding force. It is not easy to be detached."

"Okay boy, this is the end of the old story. Let's get back to business, promise me one condition, and I will help you promote Baihua Yin to become a god."

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