The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 858: Mingxiu plank road, dark Chen warehouse

The collection of gods must be exciting, but the collection of **** clones is not necessarily, especially the collection of beast **** clones. More than half are specimens and bones of various monsters, and the rest are mostly speed-breaking weapons and armors. Lilith and Jasmine came out of joy and returned.

It didn't matter to blame Liluo at first, as long as he could go back to see his brother as soon as possible, pick something, and follow the feeling to find something good.

With a pilgrimage, Nicole chose the imitation of the horn of the beast god, and Florett chose a specimen of the blood race from hell, thinking about bringing it back with a blister to see if he could squeeze out a thousand miles. After all, It is a Tier 4 blood clan, which is still very high in nature.

After Lilith chose the gift, Ville returned with the gift of the animal god. The six challengers were very politely "invited" besides the holy mountain of the temple, and went to the foot of the mountain to meet with Professor Wezel and the goddess of Baihuayin.

The five plus five conditions given by the Beast God is not too superior, but it is already very valuable. You must know that the beliefs of the orcs are very concentrated. It is absolutely an exception that the Beast God can open this opening, but whether you have the ability to preach is another code. It's up.

There are policies and countermeasures. Under the crown of the beast gods, there are indeed no strong requirements for beliefs, but the grateful orcs themselves strictly control their beliefs, or the high-pressure policies of the beast gods temple forcibly force the beliefs of the beast gods. Become unbreakable, the orc's divine power is greater than the king's power.

In fact, this divine power is not completely controlled in the hands of the beast gods. To a large extent, it is in the hands of the high-levels of the beast **** temple. They hold the weapon of **** belief in the name of the beast and indirectly affect the rule of the orcs.


The promise under the crown of the beast?

Do you know what it means that there are policies and countermeasures?

If you want to preach, it depends on whether we cooperate or not. The rulers of the Beast God Temple are ready to embarrass Baihua Yin. Everyone is a demigod. You are not stronger than us. We don’t understand the matter of becoming a god, so don’t even think about it. understand.

After a closed-door meeting, Ville and Lilith formulated a detailed missionary plan for Baihuayin. Five races and five tribes in each race. This requires careful selection. If you choose the wrong one, you will lose a lot. Baihuayin hadn't cared about this loss now, but Ville and Lilith couldn't help but care about it.

After getting a lot of inside stories about the orcs and the orc temples from the Beast God and Professor Wetzel, Ville and Lilith have stopped preaching on the Beast God Island. The greater the control of the Beast God Temple, the more difficult it is, on the contrary. There is still some possibility that it is a remote and backward place.

This is not to say that the Beast God Island must be completely abandoned. The Beast God Island has its unique meaning and is a place they must fight for, but the symbolic significance of this place is greater than the actual missionary significance.

In the early morning of the next morning, Baihuayin took Philomena, Willie, and Lilith to the Temple of the Beast God proudly. The demi-god worshipers greeted them with smiles and mentioned the **** of music. The preacher even patted his chest to show that he would follow the meaning of the beast god's crown. He spoke very nicely, but when it came time to do real things, he laughed and said nothing.

When choosing a race, the races where these sacrifices belonged directly withdrew, indicating that they were very pious in their beliefs under the crown of beasts and would never change their beliefs. They even referred to changing beliefs as being unfaithful to the crowns of beasts, making Hundred Flowers The tone is green.

"No one wants you to change your beliefs, it's just that there is one more **** to believe in. The beast **** is the main **** of music as a supplement, and not everyone is qualified to believe in the **** of music." Baihuayin said that he preached among the orcs. Ningquewuluan must at least understand the beauty of music. 120

"Can you count the promises under the crown of beast gods?" Little Will said, causing several beast gods sacrifices to look at each other. In the end, the fox priest nodded and said, "I will obey the will under the crown of beast gods."

"Then we will build the Temple of the God of Music on the Island of the Beast God, erect the statue of the God of Music, and choose the noble orcs who love music to preach, will you cooperate? After all, this is also the will of the Beast God." Xiaowei directly drew the banner of the fox and the tiger. .

Although several orc priests knew that Little Vil had changed their concept, it was not wrong to say so, but they also had their own ideas.

"Belief is free. I will not be embarrassed to build temples and erect statues. The premise is not to affect the majesty under the crown of beast gods. We will not stop propagating the belief in the goddess of music, but you cannot force us to believe in other gods. Orcs are bloody. The race, our faith is very firm!"

The more he emphasized that his faith is firm, such people are often the most fickle. Ville did not say these words, but began to discuss which races and which tribes are suitable to promote the faith of the goddess of music.

"The fox beauties can sing and dance, which is the ideal missionary goal." Lilith was deeply impressed by Frina. If the fox clan helps, the belief in the **** of music can definitely drive at least half of the orc race.

"I'm waiting for the Fox tribe to have a firm belief and unswervingly. As a temple sacrifice, my tribe cannot believe in it!" The fox tribe directly rejected this proposal, and she was very proud just by looking at her arrogant manner.

"In addition to preaching beauty, music helps to cultivate and restore physical strength, fighting spirit and magic, it can also be used on the battlefield. The tiger has a strong voice and the tiger roars the mountains and forests. It is also suitable for promoting the belief in the **** of music." Xiaoweier chose Tiger from another perspective. Family.

"As a warrior, I am waiting for the tiger race to go forward bravely and defend the crown of the beast with strength and courage. Music or something is not what I am waiting for. I believe in the **** of music. Please forgive me for rejecting it. That kind of sissy stuff , It’s not something I can appreciate.” The words of the Tiger Clan’s sacrifice made Baihuayin almost runaway.

Powerful races were rejected one by one, and several orcs were having fun at the sacrifices. After discussing for a whole morning, nothing was done except for demarcating a small area.

In the next few days, Baihuayin, Xiaoweier, and Lilith continued to engage in a verbal battle with several orcs, including Nicole, Jasmine, Guai Liluo, Florett, Mrs. Night, Susan, and Vivi. Professor Ann and Witzel quietly started the construction of the temple of the **** of music.

This is not the point. The point is that they have jointly created a statue of a beast **** with a height of more than 20 feet. It stood there directly and used the dragon magic circle to bless the image effect. The individual is a tall, majestic, strong and unyielding image, the closer it is The more you can feel the power of the beast, and not far behind the beast is a half-short statue of the goddess of music, which is equally beautiful and has music special effects.

This is a temple without any clergy maintenance, not even a temple, just a square with the name of the temple, a simple empty house, where you can get a response and inspire a prayer to the **** of music. The magic circle on the goddess of music uses the power of faith as fuel to perform various music with magical effects.

This is a bold attempt by Ville and The **** of music is weak, and there are not enough clergy to help her maintain the temple to collect beliefs. It is better to use this method to achieve the self-sufficiency of the temple first. Self-sufficient, but this method requires too much magic circle. If it weren't for the dragon magic circle of Professor Vil and Wezel, it would be really not easy to do.

After nearly half a month after Baihuayin, Xiaoweier, Lilith, and the Beast God Temple, the five races were finally determined, the music goddess temple on the Beast God Island suddenly started to listen to the music, forcibly the whole beast The island was alarmed, and then the twenty-foot-tall statue of the beast **** was exposed, attracting the eyes of countless orcs. Even if the orcs who came to the pilgrimage were interested in choosing a pair of music goddesses from a hundred miles, they were considered successful.

Several demigods were sacrificed in words to ensure that the temple of the goddess of music would not be damaged and modified. Baihuayin took Weier, Lilith and others and left directly. There were five tribes in each of the five races, one for her. None was wasted on the Beast God Island.

Mingxiu plank road, darkness Chen Cang, Baihuayin’s goal was not the orc tribe on the beast **** island from the very beginning, and it will suffer from the fate of the foreign monarch. For the orc tribe of the emperor, as long as there is a big name on it , And give them a little bit more benefit. It is not a big problem for them to increase their beliefs. This is definitely not a betrayal, but obedience to the oracle under the crown of the beast god.

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