The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 863: Baptism harvest

"Wow~" Xiaoweile jumped out of the water, and his whole body jumped up to ten meters high in an instant, and then fell into the water with a "bang", causing the sky to spray.


"Is it over?" Xiaoweier stood in the water, clenched his fists, his body was full of strength, but the fountain of life did not feel the tingling before, and the spring water did not penetrate into him at all, proving that My baptism has ended, and my body is saturated and can no longer absorb more life water.


On the shore, the Jasmine Knight yawned listlessly. Lilith looked at herself with Wei Liluo in one hand and a towel in the other. Not far away, Conroy cast her eyes with a trace of weirdness, as if looking at a monster. .


   Little Will shook his whole body, but found that the vindictive power on his body was still unable to be used. He couldn't steam the water stains on his body at all, so he could only climb ashore so wet, and took the towel in Lilith's hand and wiped his hands and face.


Conroy waved his hand, and a slight whirlwind blew by. In an instant, Ville's clothes became neat and fresh as new. "The water of life is water, and the demigod powers me. My clothes are definitely in the world. The most luxurious clothes."


Conroy couldn’t help laughing when he heard the words, “I don’t want to wash your clothes. In addition to baptism, it’s not allowed to bring a trace of life’s water out of here, and it’s not allowed to lose clothes and water stains on your body. . You must know that the water of life is very precious, and it’s a shame not to open your mouth for inspection."


   This is totally a joke. Conroy watched him wake up and walk out before, but the supervision of Conroy, the other baptists before, was very strict.


   "Since you have come in, that is to say, one day has passed?" Xiaowei moved his muscles and bones, and experienced the changes in his body, but he only had a general feeling, becoming more healthy and transparent.


   blame Liluo dropping Lilith directly into his arms, spitting out two words dullly: "Three days."


Seeing his puzzled gaze, Lilith explained: "You have entered a very mysterious state. After one day and one night, you still have not awakened. We did not make our own decisions. Senior Nelson was invited. Senior Nelson suggested that you wake up naturally. Come don’t bother, the high priest was finally alarmed, and she finally decided to give you more time. Tsk tsk, three days and three nights, this is definitely the longest baptism time in the Elf Forest."


   "How are your gains?" Little Ville didn't entangle himself too much, but instead turned his attention to Wei Li Luo, Lilith, and Jasmine Knight.


   "Not bad." A faint arc appeared at the corner of Lilith's mouth, apparently quite satisfied with her own harvest.


Conroy couldn't help but exclaimed at this moment: "I really don't know how yours did it. Obviously this is a blood awakened from the continent of the gods, but has a stronger blood elven than the pure blood elves. Jasmine Knight It lasted for six hours, Lilith Knight and Rose St. Druid persisted for more than ten hours, but your kid used it for three days and three nights."


"Lilith persisted for 18 hours, Xiao Luo persisted for 19 hours, and finally wanted to continue to accompany you, but was forcibly brought up by Lilith." Jasmine explained that the concept of ten hours fluctuates greatly. Yes, eleven hours is more than ten hours, eighteen or nine hours is also ten hours, but the gap is very large, and Lilith and Guai Liluo belong to the best group.


Conroy quickly turned on the fountain of life, and then took them away: "Your bloodline has been fully activated and opened. The next step is to accept the inheritance. I am very curious about how much inheritance you can get. Your bloodline is definitely not. A simple wizard wizard is so simple."


If Jasmine’s situation can be understood as a normal situation, Lilith and Guai Liluo’s situation is absolutely problematic because of their powerful forces. Although the high priest gave the goddess favor and the blood is strong, it is not enough to let him relax. .


We must know that Ville’s blood came from his mother, and his mother was baptized for only seven or eight hours. It was basically a genius but was not up to the level of enchanting, and this kid was completely a freak. Can't use common sense to guess.


Conroy is very curious about his bloodline, not just the bloodline of Little Will, even the bloodline of Lilith and Guai Liluo, he is also very curious about his bloodline, more than ten hours is more than the time when he was promoted to the demigod for the third baptism. It's going to be longer, although he suspected that this was brought about by Saint-level strength, but Knight Jasmine was also a Saint-level master, and her condition was normal.


With this comparison, Conroy's demigod has more confidence in his secret speculation. Bloodline, only bloodline can explain everything. He believes that they will definitely be exposed in the inheritance hall, and no elves can be in the inheritance hall. Fake.


   Philomena has left and returned to Baihuayin two days ago. As Baihuayin's personal assistant, she has always been in charge of Baihuayin's life.


   The gray-haired Nelson demigod seemed to be getting older. He seemed to be awakened by Ville and the others. He raised his head and glanced at it casually. Ville, Lilith, Guai Li Luo, and Jasmine Knight stopped giving their salutes.


The elven elves of the elven clan turned a slightly sluggish gaze and finally fell on Guai Liluo, only then became clear, "It turns out that it is you, oh, that kid, what's the name, has the baptism ended? Hmm, yes, as expected of the brother under the crown. He has a bright future. It would be great if he could grow up before the time comes."


"Little girl, it's you. After accepting the inheritance, you can often come to my grandpa to stroll around when you have time. Grandpa is a druid, and you have some experience even if you don't have the inheritance palace. Grandpa can teach you. When he was young, he rode a war bear and smashed the **** demons. Have you seen the **** demons? Grandpa killed the demigod-level **** demons before he became a demigod. At that time..." The old man of the elven clan seemed to be caught in the memory, and he couldn't help but talk more.


"When Xiao Luo was just in her early ten years, she had just been promoted to the senior warrior, and she once defeated the sub-skeleton knights of the entry class and fought against the second-order night elves. Tens. After achieving the second-order sky warrior, he once fought against the invasion of **** demons in the Kingdom of the Blood God. The number of first-order second-order **** demons has not been counted, and even the third-order **** demons have fought head-on." Beginning to count the great achievements of Li Luo, Nelson Druid is a little autistic.


"I entered the weird river by chance and encountered a lot of beasts, not a few of Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3, and finally encountered a demigod-level beast, which took three months to kill." Little Weir said. The two demigods were but they were silent when they heard the weird Longhe. This reaction caught the attention of Ville and Lilith. They seemed to know something?


"Get out, get out now, old man, I don't want to talk to you **** kid." The Elf tribe old man's face was embarrassed, and he waved his hand to make them get out. Is it so difficult?


With a flick of a token in the hands of Guai Liluo, Nelson Demigod said directly: "Little girl, after accepting the inheritance, I am free to come to the old man to see me, a widow and lonely old man, you like to irritate people. Don't follow your **** brother."


   Xiao Weier scratched his head awkwardly. It seemed that he had just briefly introduced Xiao Luo's experience. Is it necessary to target himself this way? However, from the attitude of the old man, he liked Xiao Luo very much, and was even very optimistic. It was just a little bit earlier that he couldn't save face and couldn't get off the stage, so he drove him away under the guise of anger.


   Old naughty boy, old naughty boy, as old as naughty boy. On the contrary, the character of the old man is closer to the child and needs to be coaxed. Even if the old man is a demigod, he needs coaxing in old age.


The demigod powerhouse should have a lot of family background, Xiaowei looked at Guai Liluo and couldn't help but shook his head slightly. Her mouthless sister really couldn't count on it. Fighting first-class, but deception and abduction are definitely not popular, do you want to personally Shot?


   This old man has a bad attitude towards him. I think he is more likely to be driven away in the past. Maybe I can start with Philomena, um, you can give it a try.

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