The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 864: Primal Elf Bloodline, Dragon Druid

The Elf Clan Inheritance Hall is not a large hall, but a group of buildings, occupying an entire branch of the tree of life. There are more than one hundred and fifty large and small buildings, and the deepest hall is the core place.


   "This inheritance hall does not have any exercises. It inherits the history of the elves and the various recorded doctrines of the goddess. In addition, there are various astronomical geography, historical biographies, which belong to the miscellaneous category."


"This heritage hall is specially set up for the temple knights. It records the training methods from the junior knights to the intermediate knights, advanced knights, grand knights, sky knights, and paladins, as well as some necessary skills for the temple knights. There are also some predecessors left According to the following experience records, some of my practice notes before the demigod are also fortunate to stay here." Conroy is very proud of his practice notes being able to stay here, this is not something that everyone can be qualified to do.


   "This heritage hall is set up for pastors and missionaries..."


   "This heritage hall is aimed at the wizard mage, but only the second and lower tiers..."


   "This heritage hall is aimed at elf hunters, and there are some records of hunting goddesses..."


   "This heritage hall is aimed at the Elf Druid..."


   "This heritage hall is aimed at elven rangers..."


   "This heritage hall is aimed at wizard wizards..."


   "This heritage hall is aimed at the Knight of Thorns..."


   "This heritage hall is aimed at the spirit whisperers..."




"The previous inheritance halls were all called the basic inheritance halls. They faced people of Tier 2 and below. The latter are advanced inheritances at this time. This portal cannot be passed without permission." Conroy will hold it in his hands. The token was printed on a portal, and the portal streamer flashed and opened.


The passage in the back is wider, but the number of inheritance halls has been reduced a lot. The area of ​​each inheritance hall has grown a lot, and the above is still divided by occupation. Conroy explained: "These inheritances involve Tier 3 and Tier 3 In the above part, by the fourth-order demigods, each has its own way, and the commonality decreases and the individuality increases. There are many personal inheritance rooms in these inheritance halls, all left by the late demigods."


   Little Ville and Lilith looked at each other, the inheritance room left by the demi-god powerhouse, they were very interested in the things inside.


As if seeing their thoughts, Conroy smiled and said: "With your strength, after accepting the complete inheritance, you will have the opportunity to enter the inheritance hall suitable for your profession. Those inheritance rooms will independently determine whether you are eligible to enter the inheritance. ."


Each demigod has its own way. Once they have determined their own way, they will conflict with other ways and eliminate them. If the two little guys want to brainstorm and gather more inheritance and innovation, they will be disappointed, as long as they accept one. The demigod inheritance, other inheritance rooms will be closed by them, but Conroy will not say it at this time, so as not to discourage their enthusiasm.


Moreover, the demigod inheritance room is not so easy to enter. It’s hard to say whether they can find a suitable demigod inheritance, but this little loli druid doesn’t need to think about it anymore, she has already been favored by Nelson demigod. , Otherwise she won’t give her that identity token.


Conroy once again took out a token to open a door in front of him. The surrounding environment suddenly changed. A huge and grand hall came into view. Conroy's face was full of serious expressions: "This is the most important thing for the elves. The inheritance hall is also the most primitive and ancient inheritance hall."


   The gate of this heritage hall is open, and two stone statues stand on both sides, a unicorn and a forest green dragon, and the aura on it is a demigod.


   "A demigod-level puppet?" Ville's eyes narrowed slightly, and Conroy couldn't help casting a surprised look at him. How did he find out? You must know that you had just been promoted to the demigod when you came here and found no abnormalities. In the end, the high priest raised something to see that there was a problem.


"Yes, they are the puppets of the demigod level. They are also the two holy spirits under the crown of the goddess. They voluntarily guard the elves' basic inheritance here." Conroy saluted the two sculptures, which led them to step forward. Into the heritage hall.


This hall seems to be prepared for giants. The door is more than three feet wide and ten feet high. It is tall and majestic, but with the fine style of the elves, stepping into the inheritance hall, inside is a huge empty hall with a six feet directly opposite. The surplus fairy goddess statue, with a trace of misery, stretched out his left hand to support a small tree sapling, and his right hand held the skirt corner and wore a wreath of flowers, beautifully and vividly.


   Two rows of statues ranging from two to three feet below the fairy goddess statue are neatly arranged. The statues have different shapes, and they are the images of various professions.


Conroy saluted the goddess statue respectfully, then saluted the statue below, and finally took out a few high-grade magic stones and put them into the grooves on the ground one by one. Only then did Ville and Lilith discover that there was a huge giant on the ground. The lines of the magic circle are blood red.


Although Conroy's demigod is strong, he is not an array mage after all. He can only complete the operations step by step and in order, but Ville immediately opened the eyes of advanced appraisal to have a panoramic view of the entire magic array, and he had a general guess in his heart. , The blood line is big, as expected.


Install the magic stone, input the magic power of fighting energy, and finally activate it with a drop of your own blood. In an instant, the whole hall seems to be alive. The ceiling of the hall is shining with multicolored light. The elf goddess statue is shining with brilliance, and the light falls on a stone statue. The godless eyes of the stone statue became more agile, and then suddenly turned around and cast their gazes at Little Ville, Lilith, Guai Li Luo, and Jasmine Knight.


   The gaze of the stone statue seemed to contain the power to see through the real and the illusion, which made people feel uncomfortable. Suddenly, the stone statue representing the Knight of Thorns shot a ray of light straight to the Knight Jasmine.


   Xiao Weier narrowed his eyes, and stopped his movements with a slight movement of his feet. The light fell on Jasmine's forehead, causing the thorn knight to quiet down.


  Conroy nodded slightly, the bloodline of the Thorns Knight was not wrong, and the Jasmine Knight behaved normally.


   Jasmine Knight accepted the light of Thorns Knight, and then the green light on the ceiling of the hall continued to fall on Jasmine Knight, causing her to fall into deep-level cultivation, and her aura began to fluctuate.


After    Jasmine, the statue representing the elf druid found Wei Li Luo, but she accepted the light from the ceiling and seemed more shining.


  Weird Liluo’s condition was basically normal, but Lilith received more than one light. The light of the elf mage and elf druid flickered at the same time, causing Conroy to nod slightly, and **** awakening? This is normal. If there is only one bloodline, there can be no previous performance. Well, Conroy subconsciously selectively forgot to blame Li Luo's situation.


   "Library!" "Library!" "Library!"


   Suddenly, a stone statue aimed its gaze at Little Will, UU reading www. swept across the sky and flew towards Little Ville, the goddess of the elves seemed to have opened his eyes, and a colorful light flew on him, as if to open a consecration, the whole inheritance hall suddenly shined on the ceiling. A large beam of light poured out to surround him.


"Ding~, the bloodline of Brother Stupid Apostle has attracted the attention of the Elf Inheritance Temple. The inheritance of the elves is coming in, and the inheritance is being accepted! Brother Apostle Stupid is accepting complicated inheritance, and is automatically receiving and summarizing, "The Tree of Life" is running automatically, fool. Brother Apostle."


   "Ding~, the stupid apostle brother’s "Tree of Life" breakthrough, element affinity increased, natural compatibility increased, plant affinity increased, and the blessing of the forest increased."


"Primitive Elf Bloodline! How is this possible?!" Conroy's complexion changed greatly and the whole person jumped up instantly. Suddenly a dragon roar caught his attention, and Lilith's body grew a little bit bigger and she turned into a head in a blink of an eye. Silver dragon.


"Druid Druid?! No wonder, no wonder." Conroy's complexion was slightly complicated. How could the original elven bloodline appear? Compared with the bloodline of Ville, Lilith Dragon Druid has practiced this for hundreds of times. The thousand-year-old man-made blood is easier for him to accept.


"Is this the gift of the goddess?" Conroy thought for a long time, and finally found an excuse for himself, but even he himself didn't believe this interface. After becoming a god, the fairy goddess has been separated from the tree of life. It’s impossible to recreate the original elven bloodline. What is going on?

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