The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 865: Wei Ya is angry, the consequences are serious

"My brother came to the Elf Forest and it was not the first time to find me. Wei Ya was angry, and the consequences were serious!"


Seeing the girl who threw herself in her arms, Ville was stunned for three seconds, and gestured with her hands to this beautiful girl who was as tall as her chin, gently pushed her away, and said solemnly, "This fairy Clan friends, please don’t make such jokes casually. My sister is only this tall and looks very sweet and cute. Although your appearance is somewhat similar to Xiao Weiya, you are also very sad and cute, but you can't be my sister."


   "Brother lo*ic*n, Wei Ya has grown up." The slender and beautiful blonde girl pouted angrily and kicked Weier's calf "violently", giving him a very familiar feeling.


   "This kicking action, this pouting expression, are you really Xiao Weiya?" Xiao Weier stretched out his hand and tugged the girl's cheek, squeezed and rounded it, the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became.


   "Brother stupid, I've grown up, don't just squeeze my face!" The blond girl kicked him away, and stared at Ville "viciously" with her hands on her hips.


Little Ville suddenly fell to the ground and howled to the sky, "No! This is not true. The little sister in my mind is petite and cute, and will always be the cutie who likes to sit in my arms and listen to me telling stories. You can't be me. Sister!"


The blonde girl stepped on his back and kicked it several times, still feeling unsatisfied: "Stupid stupid stupid, I will grow up, okay, and when I was young, what I liked the most was sitting in the mother’s. In the arms, not in the arms of your stupid brother. Speaking of growing up..."


   The blonde girl turned her gaze from Xiaoweier to Lilith and Guai Liluo, "Sister Lilith is more mature and beautiful, but Sister Xiaoluo, what is your current appearance?"


   blame Li Luo looking at Xiao Weiya who is a bit taller than herself, tilted her head for a moment, and finally gave the answer: "Brother, I like it."


There was a thick black air behind the blond girl, a strange smile came out of her mouth, her sullen face stared at Little Will, gritted her teeth and said: "Fool brother, do you have anything to tell me? This is your last Explain the opportunity."


Little Ville took a deep look at the blond girl in front of him, and felt a deep affection from him, and gradually became with the little sister Lori who was next to him and called "brother", who liked to blackmail herself and jumped up and beat her knees. The images overlap.


   Then Little Will yelled, "No, Almighty God, please return the sweet, sweet and invincible sister before. Is the younger sister who can't behave like a coquettish and cute girl, or is it a younger sister?"


   "Death to me ten thousand times! You big villain, Brother lo*ic*n!" The blonde girl kicked Ville wildly.


   Xiao Weier flexibly twisted his body and quickly avoided Xiao Wei Ya's devil's feet, and suddenly asked: "By the way, where is a kitten next to you? Has it grown up too?"


"Are you talking about Xiao Xiaohei? Humph, of course it has grown up under my training. It now has Tier 2 strength, how about it, isn't it very powerful?" Xiao Weiya looked triumphant, just Almost cocked his tail.


"No, who would really care about a cat? I asked that little cat named Mi, Nicole's younger sister. Will she become an adult too?" Little Weir looked nervously. Looking at Xiao Weiya, she seemed to want a denial answer from her.


"Oh, it turned out that my brother was related to my sister. She was very young, and her bloodline problem grew up very slowly. Now she is indeed a cute little loli. No wonder her brother cares about her so much. However, Xiao Xiaohei It seems a little unhappy to hear what you said before." Xiao Weiya waved her hand and a black kitten appeared in front of her, "Xiao Xiaohei, scratch him!"


The two-foot-long little black cat has second-order strength. He immediately threw Xiao Weier to the ground and scratched his clothes. Although he had disappeared from Nian, he was the creature he saw at first glance. , It still has a deep impression. Animals have special feelings for the creatures they see for the first time when they open their eyes, and the little black night civet is no exception.


In an instant, Weier’s clothes turned into a beggar costume, but the little civet didn’t hurt his skin at all. Weier was also very cooperative with it. Isn’t this little guy his original psychological comfort? You must know when he was a teenager. Little civet contributed a lot to the weak little Weir who was able to persist in the different space to the end.


   Of course, the other civet named Xiaohei has done more, and has a deeper relationship with Xiaoweier, although it has now become his mother's pet.


For this kind of little thing, Little Weier is still very easy to deal with, three times and five times to subdue it, obediently in his arms scratched his chin and rubbed his head, and made a comfortable hum, angry Xiao Weiya gritted her teeth .


   "My dear baby sister, according to the agreement, my brother has come to see you." Xiaoweiya's words made Xiaoweiya almost cry out in an instant, plunged her head into his arms, and threw the little civet aside by the way.


   Hum, my brother’s arms are mine, even if you are my pet, you can’t grab this position.


   "Brother, I miss you so much, you big idiot, why didn't you come to me early, you must have arrived at the Wizard Islands very early." The voice of Little Weiya, who was stuck in Little Weier's arms, was a little dull.


Little Weier messed up Xiao Weiya’s hairstyle and said softly, “As a brother, you must have enough strength to protect your sister. The Elf Forest is not an ordinary place. Although the strength is too weak to see you, you don’t have enough right to speak. , Can't bring you any help, now my brother has the initial ability to speak."


"Hmph, excuses, excuses, they are all excuses. Obviously, through the Dianna wizard, I gave my mother a pet. Why don't you have my gift? You don't have my sister in your mind." Xiao Weiya began to act like a baby, as for the gift. The classes are incidental.


"How could I forget our cute little Weiya. Dangdangdang, your favorite princess dress, this is the highest masterpiece created by my brother and Lilith after he was promoted to the third-level paladin and the third-level wizard, although it is not up to At the level of demigod, it is definitely the best in master-level works." Weier stuffed a princess dress into Xiao Weiya's hands.


   Xiao Weiya happily unfolded the present, her face changed instantly, and she kicked Xiao Weier away, "Brother fool, brother is a big fool!"


The style of that princess dress is very beautiful, but the size is made according to the size of Xiao Weiya when she left the land of the Xiao Weiya plunged her head into Lilith’s arms and complained about Weier’s sins, Lilith I couldn't help but give Xiaowei a big eye, although I don't know why he didn't tell Xiao Weiya that this piece of equipment can be adjusted in size according to the user, but it is better not to dismantle the tricks of other brothers and sisters.


   "Xiao Weiya, call out Xiao Mi. Nicole hasn't seen her sister for many years. We are reunited. They have no sister yet."


   "Hmm, if you want to contact the cute little mistress in the name of that little silly girl, Nicole, don't even think about it!" Xiao Weiya said that she had seen through her brother's evil intentions and was determined not to be fooled.


   "If you want a cute little loli, why bother to find Xiao Mi, Xiao Luo is always by my side."


   "Woo~, Sister Xiao Luo is too much to seduce her brother with this figure. Fortunately, I gave you the responsibility of keeping my brother in check, but you kept stealing and snatched my brother from me."


   "Brother, no one is grabbing, I, watching, always."


   Hearing what Xiao Luo said, Xiao Weiya really wanted to cry this time. It turned out that Xiao Luo's way to avoid others stealing her brother was to grab it by herself. She would have known that she would not get rid of this stupid idiot sister.


   But who else can I trust besides herself? In the whole world, apart from my brother, only my sister is the most trustworthy person.


   "I don't care, it's your fault anyway, Wei Ya is angry, and the consequences are serious, unless you do nothing to play with me for three days, no, seven days!"

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