The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 866: Call of the Elf High Priest

Because of the call of the Great Sacrifice, Ville’s family reunion plan can only be postponed. After all, this is the place of others, and the other party thinks that they are powerful elders, and the necessary respect still needs to be maintained, even if Sister Wei Ya repeatedly expressed that old woman. Don't need to be too pampered.


The high priest summoned Ville and Lilith, but how little Weiya, who hadn't seen her brother for many years, was willing to leave. Wearing a princess dress made by her brother, she bounced ahead and took Conroy's job directly. He was cheerful like a lark, chatting about his own interesting things.


   The fairy goddess is hidden away from Sancha Wushen, and doesn't care about her at all, much more than her brother.


Your mother’s alchemy pharmacy has made great progress. As a second-level wizard, he can refine a qualified third-level wizard apprentice-level potion. As long as he spends more materials, he is very likely to become an official alchemist pharmacist. Most of those materials were not her own, and many people behind them were waiting for her to deliver the alchemy potions. If it weren't for her, the trapped elves would have blocked the door early in the morning.


The grandmother has been found. It is not a marriage candidate for the so-called Wizard Islands wizard family. A full-blooded elf nobleman, a dignified second-level elf mage would actually choose to escape the marriage, and in the end he was promoted to a third-level wizard without knowing what happened. He swaggered to choose to return to the Elf Forest and regained the initiative in the family.


The poor grandfather didn’t know that her every move over the years was actually under the supervision of her grandmother. Grandma has a ledger that records what she thinks she has done wrong over the years, especially her daughter. To marry an ordinary knight is to ruin your blood.


However, my grandmother is very satisfied with her two grandchildren, and there is no way to be dissatisfied. One is the multiple goddess who received the seven-story holy pagoda, and the other is simply a reincarnated god, and is still a **** who is closely related to the fairy goddess. The relationship with Xiao Weiya brought her a step closer to power in the family, only to become the patriarch of the family.


Sister Lilith’s mother was also found. Although she was only a first-level wizard, her life was not very satisfactory. She was almost snatched to be a little wife. Fortunately, Mojiesi appeared in time, and she was surrounded by the guards of the Elves Temple and the Templar Knights. This rescued her.


Xiao Weiya said that she would not call someone else's sister-in-law casually. She has grown up now. It's not the ignorant little Lori who was pleased to give her elder brother a bribe when she was a child. Now, my elder brother But it is very valuable.


The four-legged dragon sent by my brother was very ugly. Little Weiya didn’t like it. There were cats who liked big dogs, so Mojiesi changed hands and gave it to the moon elf Liya. This was once under pressure. The little guy oppressed by the elders (only her father, the moon elf who kept children everywhere), got a four-legged flying dragon and went into seclusion for a month, and then directly beat his father in the competition field. Now he has achieved relative freedom.


The old lady of the high priest is actually several thousand years old. Don’t look at her with a beautiful face. If she hadn’t had a god-level cultivation base, she would definitely be covered with goosebumps and ugly, she couldn’t see anyone. This old lady is very bad, and my brother must do it. Lifting her carefully, I didn't worry about her at all, so I followed.


Listening to the "Goddess Lord" constantly talking bad things about the big sacrifice, the Conroy demigod can only pretend to be deaf and dumb. Neither of them can offend him, one is the current god-level master, and the other is the future god's crown. Next, what do you make him a little elven demigod?


The residence of the high priest is still some distance from the top of the tree of life. The courtyard is very delicate and simple. There are many precious flowers, plants and fruit trees inside. A few birds are frolicking on the branches. As the high priest of the elves, she is easy. There are no servants like maids and servants, just living here alone.


  The rich magical power is full of activity, and every bite of the faint breath of life is refreshing. Conroy stopped outside the gate. The residence of the high priest did not allow outsiders to dare to enter casually, except for Xiao Weiya.


"Old lady, we have come to see you. Are you dead? If you are not dead, let's scream." Xiao Weiya leaped and ran in. Conroy outside the door suddenly realized that she seemed unsuitable to stay here now, so she hurriedly turned around. Run, lest you hear more things you shouldn't hear.


   Deep in the courtyard thought of a soft voice: "You little girl, this mouth is really not forgiving you, I really don't know how your brother endures you."


"Hmph, I'm just telling the truth. My brother only likes me and won't hate me." Xiao Weiya never has to push the door, she just kicks it open, inside the exquisite bamboo house, the high priest is ready. Tea and various fruit and vegetable snacks, Xiao Weiya couldn't help but her eyes lit up, and she took it up and ate it unceremoniously.


She didn’t count eating it by herself, she actually took it while eating, "This snack is good, and Xiao Mi likes it. I will bring her a little bit. This fruit is good, and my mother must like it, um, this tea is good, and my brother must like it. Go back and prepare a hundred and eighty catties for me."


Seeing Xiao Weiya's unceremonious appearance, Xiao Weier could only shake her head slightly, and the high priest was not angry, but let her eat slowly, and there was a lot of it. It was obvious that they got along very well, which is already the norm. .


Ville and Lilith gave the salute with a stern look. After the salute, the high priest pointed to Xiao Weiya and said: "You don't have to be polite, just relax like this little girl. This girl is destined to become a **** in the future, and your future is also limitless~www. is not under me, so don’t be too restrictive."


Little Weir hadn’t spoken yet, Xiao Weiya had already nodded and said: “The old woman is ordinary and so-so, but she knows how to look at people. She said that your future is limitless and you may have a great future. As my brother, If the strength of the future is lower than this old woman, it is indeed somewhat unreasonable."


   Xiao Weiya is very confident of her brother, but cast a suspicious look at Lilith, but is it really okay for you to be so obvious?


For Lilith, Xiao Weiya is still very concerned. After all, she is her brother's real fiancée. After her father and mother have approved the existence, she has been following her brother for these years. Instead of being thrown away, her strength has not been thrown away. Instead, she has followed her by leaps and bounds. The situation can no longer be explained simply by borrowing light.


Xiao Weiya knows her brother’s situation, but following him can bring a lot of benefits, but this benefit is limited. Nicole has almost become a vassal of her brother, and Mrs. Night is also labeled as her brother. Jasmine is one Relying on the strength of his own tenacity, his father has achieved today's achievements entirely because of his blood relationship.


   The identity of Xiao Luo's sister determines her future achievements. Xiao Wei Ya is not surprised at what strength she has, but Lilith's situation is really strange.


Others have more or less improved their strength under Weier’s guidance, but Lilith seems to be very independent, but has an improvement speed no less than that of Weier. The actual combat power is not lower than that of him, and it is not at all. He is attached to him for the Lord.

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