The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 870: 4 star apostle, vacant quota

"Oh, congratulations on being promoted to the four-star apostle, little guy. You are now the true apostle of the wisdom gods, and you have officially integrated into this big family." In a spacious living room, Professor Wetzel lay lazily in Wei On a recliner, Weier's eyes on the opposite side were slightly blurred, trying to digest the information Xiao Wei had passed into his mind.

Apostles have strict levels, and different levels correspond to different treatments and permissions. Before the four stars, they belonged to informal apostles. Many permissions were not opened at all, and they were not qualified to learn more. They belong to the inspection stage of cultivating newcomers, and this stage also belongs to welfare. The best treatment stage.

Ville had always been very curious before. The so-called contribution point benefits during the apprenticeship stage were really good. They were simply given in vain. Later, as the level of strength increased, the level of the apostle also increased. Gradually, you need to pay more to get it. More.

However, compared with the harvest, the contribution is obviously serious. Leaving aside, the god-level exercises that he has cultivated are definitely not comparable to the merits of a mere mere self-cultivation. It turns out that all of this is the early investment of the wisdom gods.

Promoting the four-star apostle is the beginning of everything. Independent space, free communication, equal transactions, power comes with responsibility, and there are many rules that need to be followed. For example, there can be no more or no less than help and attitude to lower apostles. The degree of control is very important, and the secrecy of the apostle space and the wisdom of the gods is also very important.

It is one thing for outsiders to guess and understand, it is another thing for you to leak it out yourself. The gods of wisdom don't seem to like being known.

"As your guide, I am obligated to introduce you to the benefits of the four-star apostle, although you can find many things through the apostle elf." Professor Witzel pointed to the living room and said, "The first one is the most obvious. The space of the apostles changes. The four-star apostles will not be isolated. Instead, a small manor with a diameter of ten miles will be allocated. This manor has a simple wall and a four-story main house. Each floor covers an area of ​​4,000 square meters and can use merits. Expand."

"The rest of the manor is completely empty, you need to develop it yourself, you can build it yourself, or you can buy it directly using merit. I don't mean buying materials, but buying buildings directly. Wisdom is something I can’t do, blink You can build an inn, a blacksmith's shop, a library, and a wizard tower in a matter of time. As long as you have enough merit, these are not problems."

"Let’s talk about the things you don’t have. Let’s talk about what you already have. The first floor is the living room, kitchen, bathroom, storage room, and training room. They are all empty at the moment. The second floor is the library. All the collected information is in the report. There is also a trading platform where you can conduct any knowledge transactions with other apostles through the trading platform. The third floor is the occupation room, where the alchemy workshop and the like are there. , The fourth floor is your lounge."

"The main house is currently in its original state. You have an opportunity to plan it. The first plan is free. Later, if you want to renovate and expand, you will need to spend Gongde. The door of the living room is open and dark, and the open door is open. To the courtyard outside the house, a secret door leads to the residences of other apostles."

"By the way, each apostle has a space mark. This mark is the positioning of the apostle’s respective apostle space in the outside world. Each time they leave the apostle space, they will appear in a specific location. This space mark can be changed. For example, , You position your space mark in the elven forest, as long as this location remains the same, no matter where you enter the apostle space from where you leave from your own apostle space, the place you arrive will be the elven forest."

Little Ville's heart moved slightly: "Then Mr. Witzel leaves through my apostle space, can I only reach the place where my space mark is?"

Professor Witzel gave a thumbs up with a big smile: "Smart, it is true. After four stars, apostles can communicate with each other. It is very common to ask for foreign aid. It is very common to come to the helper through the apostle space. Then return to the place marked by yourself through the apostle space. This is the most common way. By the way, space markers can only be placed near where you are currently located, not randomly placed as you like. If you want to pass this It’s basically impossible to enter other people’s secret rooms or secret realms in this way."

"By the way, in addition to the studio, the third floor also has a physical trading platform, where you can sell weapons or potions you build, and you can also post purchase tasks there. The trade here is merit. , You can also exchange things for things. I won’t say more about the specific operation method, anyway, your little elf will tell you afterwards."

"Little Will, there is one thing I need to remind you. When trading, if possible, it is best to choose to trade with the apostles, so that the merits can circulate among the apostles." Professor Wiezel suddenly said a word, let Little Will Frozen for a moment.

Professor Witzel shrugged and said: "This is not a shameful thing, and the gods of wisdom will not forbid it. The reason for saying this is mainly because the gods of wisdom can only get in and out. We can exchange merit for anything. , But you can’t exchange items for merit. This stuff is hard currency."

"By the way, Samsung used to sell things to Apostle Space in exchange for benefits such as contribution points. After four stars, the wisdom gods do not need these things at all. The reason why they played this way before was mainly to train low-level apostles. Ability and rewards, nothing more."

Little Ville shook his head and said, "Although there was such a speculation before, I still feel a little disappointed when I heard the teacher say this. The Wisdom God Lord really does not care enough for the high-level apostles."

Professor Witzel couldn't help laughing, "After all, we have grown up and we don't need to be so spoiled anymore, don't we?" Love Chinese Network

"You have nothing to look at in this empty house, let me take a look outside." Professor Wetzel walked out directly, and Xiaowei smiled and followed behind him. He was pleasantly surprised to find that he could go directly to Snowwood World from here. , In the different space corresponding to the seven-story holy tower, he took out a piece of fruit and took a bite.

The empty courtyard is really nothing to look at. Professor Wezel took Little Will directly into the air, but he was restricted by a barrier at a height of one hundred meters. I saw that they were actually on a suspended island with a diameter of ten miles. , Thousands of feet below is a vast expanse of land, mountains, forests, grasslands, lakes, rivers, you can't see the edge at a glance, and there are floating islands in other parts of the sky.

As if seeing Little Weir’s doubts, Professor Wetzel pointed to the upper side of his finger: "The one that is suspended in the air two hundred miles away is my apostle space, but you should not underestimate this thin layer of enchantment, even if it is The main **** and the strong can't even break through. This is a world barrier. We seem to be in this big world, but in fact, we travel outside the world."

"As the strength becomes stronger and the level of the apostle increases, the personal apostle space is also getting bigger, but no matter how it gets bigger, it is not visible from the outside, and there will never be collisions and intersections. This is the apostle space, under the control of the wisdom gods. Apostolic space."

In the beginning, there is a suspended island with a diameter of ten miles, but will the personal space that will continue to grow with the increase in strength and level in the later period? Little Will hung in the air and looked at the floating islands in the distance, the mountains and rivers underneath, and the world that could not see the end at a glance, he couldn't help but feel a little silly.

This is the kingdom of wisdom gods? !

"How many apostles are there? Well, I mean more than four stars." Little Ville saw the floating islands of different distances and heights, and silently counted.

"The position of the apostles is fixed. There are only one hundred and eight, but it has never been occupied. At present, the four-star apostle counts you only 76, and the number of the three stars is nineteen. By the way, you are now four. The star apostle has a quota. Choose the apprentice apostle to be the guide. You'd better use it carefully. If you fail, you will lose it forever. If you succeed in training the apprentice apostle into a four-star apostle, the quota will be released."

Little Will froze for a moment, and then reacted, "In other words, teacher, do you have a place available now?"

Professor Witzel said angrily: "Don't tell me that your kid has a place in Troy, he also has a place, and now you want to grab me?"

"There is no way, there are too many geniuses around." Little Ville shrugged, and said with an awkward gesture: "Lilith, Xiao Luo, and Nicole all hope to be promoted to the four-star apostle, at least they will not lose their quota. Teacher, promotion Are all four stars so difficult? Gods are not so easy to build."

"Hmph, your situation is quite special. It is a leapfrog promotion. The four-star apostle corresponds to a semi-god strong in the strict sense. If it is a demi-god, it will be easy to promote to a four-star apostle, based on your performance in the blood **** trial field. , If the strength of the demigod is able to advance directly."

"There is still this saying, so I can rest assured."

"It always feels like your kid didn’t tell me the you have other ideas? Tell you, I won’t give you this place casually. People who are not really favored by me will never choose ."

"I know I can't hide it from the teacher, how about giving the teacher this place to my sister Wei Ya?"

Professor Witzel took a deep look at him: "Why does your kid have such thoughts? Knowing that there are no other gods under the seat of the Wisdom God, do you plan to make your sister the God of Wisdom God?"

"No, I don't intend to let Xiao Weiya follow the way of the gods, this road is not free." Xiaoweier's words made Professor Wetzel pat his forehead, this kid actually disliked the gods, how big is your heart? .

"Xiao Weiya is very strong. It is now close to the third-order Consummation. After her eighteenth birthday, she will be promoted to the demigod. It will be much easier for her to be promoted to the four-star apostle, and the time will be much shorter. This trade is not a loss, you can Do it." Professor Witzel held his chin and considered carefully. You must know that successfully leading a four-star apostle has a lot of rewards. This kid's method is a win-win.

"Who are you going to choose? Xiao Luo? Nicole? Or Mrs. Night? Your kid doesn't have enough harems, teacher, I..."

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