The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 872: Let me hit one

After having fun with his sister, Weiya, Xiao Weier ended her night of meditation. As she came to the training ground, Lilith and Guai Liluo were already waiting there.

Guai Liluo was still expressionless, but Lilith's gaze towards Xiao Weier was a little strange, shining with a familiar light.

Lilith, although the appraisal eye is powerful, you can only apprentice the apostle. Using the primary appraisal eye to see me as a four-star apostle really has no effect. This is the protection of the apostle in the apostle space.

Your skill is not yet at home, and you have such obvious changes in expression. Look at Xiao Luo, her face is calm and calm, as if nothing happened, you should exercise, and act like a baby to me.

"Student Weir, Teacher Troy's task reward has been given to me." After dancing the Overlord's spear, Lilith's long spear in her hand "swiped" into the ground with a three-pointer, her eyes narrowed slightly, and her piercing gaze was directed towards Weil.

The author's basic movement practice with the great sword in the hands of Xiaoweier is not hurried and slow. This kind of movement will never be out of date, but the charm of the movement is also undergoing slight changes at different strength levels.

"Really? Are you satisfied with the rewards of Teacher Troy?" Ville naturally knows what the so-called rewards are. It is difficult to impress Lilith with ordinary things, and Ville hesitates to make Lilith take this step. It took a long time until I became a four-star apostle and learned more information before I really made up my mind.

"Satisfied!" Lilith nodded fiercely, "How can such a big surprise be dissatisfied? The free Shattering God Eye does not need to consume a bit of magical power. My current appraisal ability can throw away the ordinary Saint-level wizard San Tiaojie and pretend to be a scholar. Isn’t there any problem with, is it? The scholar boss in the House of All Things in Drake City, Karst Kingdom?"

"Would you like to find a black market to verify it?" Lilith finally understood why Willie likes going to the black market so much. With this kind of cheating device in hand, it would be a waste not to go to the black market.

"Well, I've been in the Fairy Forest on the Fairy Island for so long. I really haven't strolled through it. It's necessary to take some time to take a trip." Xiaowei didn't even think about it. His wife wanted to show off his newness. Toys, even if you play with the rest, you still need to cooperate well.

Lilith nodded with satisfaction: "When I woke up, I suddenly found that I had greatly improved in alchemy casting and alchemy potions. The grandmaster is hard to say. The master level should not be a big problem, especially in terms of identification and fault selection. You back then. The miracle of appraising more than one hundred materials in 15 minutes, and suddenly I want to challenge it. What should I do?"

Hearing Lilith spit out her cheating items one by one, Ville was not angry but laughed out loud. There was an appraisal saying that he and the apostle elf would help, whether it was alchemy casting, alchemy potion, formation mage, or armor making. Teachers and other professions all have too big bonuses, the alchemist master is not a problem at all, Elilith's wise master is appropriate.

The two of them played dumb riddles and played very high, and Xiao Weiya, who was watching her brother exercise with her cheeks on her side, was unhappy. Are you flirting and cursing in front of me, a young and beautiful girl, too much?

Believe it or not, I find seven or eight lovers for my brother every minute? Come on, Lilith, hurt each other, it is very dangerous to challenge the tolerance limit of brother control.

It's decided, we will help Léa launch a fierce attack on her brother today!

It's not that Vail didn't see her younger sister's increasingly ugly face, but the most important thing now is to deal with Lilith. In the future, she will help herself more than her younger sister, and her sister's safety needs her protection.

"Is there anything I can do for you, Lord Queen? I can still prepare 500 pieces of alchemy casting materials." Following Baihuayin to so many places, not to mention 500 pieces of alchemy materials, even 5,000 pieces. , Um, this quantity really can't be achieved by itself, not because of insufficient quantity, but insufficient variety.

Lilith nodded in satisfaction, and suddenly asked: "If we have a daughter in the future, what's the appropriate name? Well, I'm talking about a nickname." Yue Shu Zhai

Ville was stunned for a moment, and suddenly a cold sweat broke out. Lilith said with a weird smile: "I thought about it for a long time last night, and finally I thought of a good nickname. Do you know what it is?"

Oops, the apostle elf has uniqueness. This uniqueness is reflected in many aspects. The most obvious is the name. The uniqueness of the name. Lilith got the apostle status yesterday, so you don’t have to think about it and know that she will set the elf’s gender as female. , And it must be a little blonde girl, if the name is called, Lily is the first choice, and the second choice is Xiaowei.

Obviously Lilith was thinking a lot about herself at this time, so she chose the second one, but magically found that the name already existed and was unavailable.

Lilith, who was clever, reacted immediately, it must be a certain sister who was right.

Seeing Weier’s panic and fear, Lilith was finally satisfied. Although knowing that when you got the apostle elves, we were only ordinary classmates, and you are not the kind of person who likes to be inflamed, but you did not consider me , Setting my sister’s nickname directly to the elf’s name still made me very angry.

However, this also reflects from the side that at the time, Ville was still very upright, um, the very upright and dedicated sister-in-law did not seem to care about herself on the surface, and secretly treated herself like this or that in her mind.

But why am I a little angry?

"Xiaowei, the only one." Lilith said with a smile without selling off her, "Her father is Weier, aunt is Weiya, and she is my only one."

Ville reacted instantly, with a touch of touch on his face, his position in Lilith's mind was still very high, are you expressing some kind of feeling to me?

Wait, aren't you indirectly saying that I'm bothered?

Conscience of heaven and earth, wrong, my fiancee is the only one you are, Xiaowei immediately dropped the sword and ran over, patted his chest to make sure that he has no two two feet There is absolutely no boat or something.

"Oh, although Nicole is not here, I will definitely be sad to hear this news. I am obviously ready to accept her, but someone must express that he is dedicated, alas~" Lilith said Little Will has a black line. Is it good or bad to remain silent at this time?

Suddenly the corners of the clothes were pulled, and he lowered his head to meet Guai Liluo's pure gaze. What the **** is it because of a sense of guilt inexplicably?

"Luo." Wei Liluo only said one word, and Ville and Lilith immediately reacted. Her apostle elf's name is Luo, which really fits her style.

"It's a cute name." Lilith rubbed Wei Liluo's long hair before Xiao Weier. After the little guy accepted the complete inheritance of the Elf Druid, his body actually began to slowly develop. This can't be suppressed. The rhythm.

"Fight, if I don't vent it, I will be upset for a long time." Finally, Lilith stopped pretending and directly proposed a solution.

Let me have a fight, and then I assume that nothing happened!

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