The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 920: Wei Ya Declan Coming of Age Ceremony

Xiao Wei Ya is very upset recently.

Three days ago, due to the collision of a nasty ghost, my brother made a hasty decision to keep a distance from the elf temple, and then decided not to approach the temple anymore, so he could no longer stay with him, at least not now.

Two days ago, the things of elder brother, Lilith, sister Miss Luo, and Liya were cleaned up, and the room was completely emptied, indicating that they had left the elf temple, the top cultivation and residential realm in the elf forest.

One day ago, the Jasmine Knight who liked to pester her mother hooked her mother and went to the place called Sunshine Neck. After her mother came back, she also started to pack up and salute. This gave Xiao Weiya a feeling that the whole world had betrayed her.

The Sunshine Leader knows that it is the territory of her worst enemy Lilith, and it is also a private territory. Her goal is simple, to create a nest where her brother can be kept in captivity. The mother is just a bait, and now it seems that her mother has been fooled.

What does that Lilith have?

Except for a slightly better figure than yourself, everyone is not much different in appearance. You can even say that you have an advantage over her in appearance. Apart from being slightly younger, isn't this my brother's favorite?

Today is my birthday, my eighteenth birthday, the high priest came and offered precious gifts early in the morning. One after another, some people began to prepare birthday parties for themselves, and a lot of gifts were given. Mother offered tea and came. Those who refused to refuse, smiled and put away the gift, in the guise of helping oneself take care of it.

I am an adult, not the little guy who could buy a piece of cakes and candy back then, hum, back then Lilith and Léa treated themselves this way, and at the beginning, I thought they were good people.

You are all bad guys!

Conroy’s gift is heavier than the others, but neither Weiya nor Mojies gave him a good face, which made Conroy a little embarrassed. Although his gift was good, she couldn’t keep up with her. The value of the famous saint-level master is on the same level, and he can't get so much wealth. This is already a lot of sincerity.

As night fell, the banquet hosted by the high priest himself was full of guests. When the last ray of sunlight disappeared, Xiao Weiya was promoted to the demigod in full view. There was no sign and no reason. When the tree of life suddenly shone green light. , Everyone discovered that this little guy is already a demigod.

The reincarnated gods are so unreasonable.

The demigod Xiao Weiya carries a trace of inexplicable majesty on her body. If there is nothing but it is real, it gives people a feeling that is more depressing than facing the big sacrifice.

The banquet started in the elves singing and dancing, and ended in the elves singing and dancing. Brother Weier, Lilith, and sister Xiao Luo never appeared. Even Léa did not appear in the banquet hall, but instead appeared in his own residence.

Lya shook the beautiful bracelet in her hand and threw it to Lya, "All your things are in it. With the help of her mother, I finally collected all of your things. Now, the beautiful little princess, please Get on the carriage driven by the flying dragon and head to the happy castle."

"Have you taken away the contents of the secret compartment at the bedside?"

"The hidden compartments at the head and foot of the bed are all cleared, and none of the older brother's works in your collection have fallen."

"Where is the secret small warehouse behind the bookshelves?"

"The gift you prepare for your brother every year but has never been sent out is all stored in the treasury."

"What's in the gap in the space hidden under the floor behind the door?"

Léa couldn't help but let out a roar: "What else do you have to hide? Just tell them all. This place can still have space for such high-end methods. Don't talk about mother, even Weier. Brother, Lilith, they can't crack it either."

"This space bracelet is a sacred artifact created by Brother Weier for you. The materials used are of demigod level. The current quality is a master-level top treasure. In order to improve the quality, the method of creating sacred artifacts has the possibility of one step closer. The biggest feature is that it has two levels of space, one is a huge storage space, and the other is a small biological space." Liya also has some envy, but these materials are too precious, and Weier thinks that he is not strong enough to be able to succeed. It's luck already, but I dare not waste any more materials.

"I'll give you five minutes to pack things, and then leave as soon as possible. Everyone is waiting for you." Leya's words made Ville look forward to something.

The four-legged flying dragon pulls a luxurious speeding car. The materials used for the speeding car are all high-grade magic plants. The craftsmanship on the top is very high-quality. It is a complete master-level alchemy work. The space expansion technique is used inside, which has been expanded tenfold. , All the decorations inside are magnificent, all in fairy style.

As the master of Jasmine Paladin, his mother, Mojiesi, personally led herself in. Léa was very proud to introduce her to everything here, what was designed by herself, what was purchased from where, and what was it. Gifts from those nobles, and this work was created by Brother Weier himself.

"Is this also a birthday gift that my brother specially created for me?" This space bracelet among Léa's opponents likes it very much. It is simply a multi-functional and upgradeable treasure. I can use it from a demigod to a **** level without being outdated. Yes, beautiful and elegant, with an attacking witchcraft, a defensive witchcraft, and all Tier 3 witchcraft. The quality is not worse than the ordinary semi-artifacts. The most important thing is that the space inside is large enough to accommodate life. The space of the object is more than 3,000 square meters, and it is more than 20 meters high, enough to roll in.

Well, it's basically not a big problem to keep a dozen or twenty pets in the average pet.

Léa rolled her eyes and said with a sullen expression: "The carriage was built by Brother Weir. I purchased half of the contents. It is usually made by Lilith and Brother Weir. This flying wagon will become the facade of the Land of Light. It's not your toy, and the four-legged Wyvern on my mount or Jasmine Paladin is pulling the cart."

"Also, brother is really stingy." Wei Ya mumbled dissatisfiedly, and the carriage started and flew up to the sky very smoothly. Xiao Wei Ya cast her eyes on the place where she lived for more than ten years, with a little bit of dismay on her face.

If you leave this time, you probably won't come back again. Even if you come back once in a while, there is a high probability that you won't live there, old lady, don't miss me too much. No one will make you angry anymore. I hope you will not be too lonely.

The elven island has its own rules. The four-legged dragon flying over other territories requires a certain height. Through the window, Xiao Weiya can clearly see the brightly lit scene below. Many pure-blood elves are quite prosperous and sleepless. The scene can be seen everywhere, the closer the child is to the periphery, the darker the lights are. When the half-elf house, the rose garden, and the bright collar are reached, it is even more dark here, and no lights can be seen.

What will my brother do to pick him up in the middle of the night?

Precious and gorgeous gifts, luxurious flying horse-drawn carriages, but in the end I was taken to a place where there was no light, did my brother awaken some special hobby and want to...

But the mother is still around, and Wei Ya's smiling face shows a weird smile, making a silly smile.

The flying carriage landed lightly, just making a sound of landing, there was almost no vibration, the door opened, and a familiar face appeared in front of it, followed by a melodious song, and the surroundings suddenly lit up. There was actually a huge place here. The castle, a huge castle built with magic plants, and the flowers are now beautiful.

"Welcome home, this is Sunshine Leading Happiness House, your brother's home, and your home." Little Weier took her little hand and brought her down, and Xiao Weiya threw into his arms excitedly, letting her The elder brother hugged himself and walked like a real child.

Little Will nodded her little nose: "Hurry in, everyone is waiting for you."


Little Weiya can’t believe her eyes, grandfather Rhein Starshan, grandmother Elena, father Floret Declan, young lady Nicole, and Lilith’s father, mother, and a group of people from all over the world. An acquaintance of God's Continent.

Little Weiya seemed to have returned to ten years ago, jumping excitedly. The married Anne Jelson is now Anne Declan, and her husband is Baron Luke Declan, little Weir's cousin.

Annie had a very happy life. Now Ville and Lilith still need her to look up, but she does not envy her. She never dared to imagine this magnificent and magnificent castle. There are more guests here than His Majesty. Noble, the strong here can easily destroy the entire Karst kingdom, but Annie prefers her happy nest.

She generously bowed to Little Weir, gave Xiao Weiya a worthless but sincere birthday gift, and took her husband to socialize. By her side were Frina sacrifice and Dorothy bishop. , Bishop Edreith, Lord Corleone, Knights of the Temple of Wall, and his wife Catwoman, surprisingly, the ice cubes that had already left the House of All Things appeared.

Raels and the Seven Princesses blended into them very naturally, and even acted as the host. You must know that Rails had served as the chief guard of Floret for a period of time, and other members of the Declan family also came. Seven or eight of them, mainly Ham Declan and his direct descendants.

Yagoru Declan has been in his own line, and he has mixed up quite well in Drake City, especially the group of people in the House of All Things, who still maintain close contact until now, and the House of All Things is also escorting him.

The news of Ville’s in the Wizard Islands continued to flow into Drake City through the route of Mabster County, making Drake City’s seniors even more afraid to neglect the Declan family. UU Reading com especially knows that Vail has achieved a holy rank, and the senior leaders of Drake City want to erect a statue for him to praise him.

This is a big gathering that spans millions of miles. Maybe it is the only big gathering for many people in their lives. If it weren’t for Xiao Wei Ya’s coming-of-age ceremony, Wei Wei would not make it so big, Susan and Vivienne at this time. Only then did I know that my teacher also had many strong friends in the Continent of the Gods.

Xiao Weiya is like a beautiful princess who has received the most blessings and has become the focus of everyone. Each gift brings happiness, and the breath of Xiao Weiya is getting more and more comfortable.

The entire castle is built on mutated ironwoods cultivated by nearly a hundred seedlings of the tree of life. These ironwoods were obtained by Ville from a different space in the past. After many years of improvement of the seedlings of the tree of life, the effect is far beyond the previous ones. Yes, but the energy needed to give birth to such an ironwood is also extraordinary. Vil, Lilith, and Guai Liluo took turns to build such a castle, and decorated with many rose vines to make it more dreamy and beautiful.

The most important thing is to live in this castle. It has a slight healing and strengthening effect on the body. The magic power is also very abundant. Even if it is not as good as the top of the tree of life, the difference will not be particularly large. Little Ville has built a magic pool underneath. , With the dragon language magic circle condensing the magic power around here.

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