The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 921: Little cleverness is hard to make big things

"Let's leave after all. People really can't be too greedy." Standing on the wide balcony, watching the gorgeous flying carriage drifting away, the high priest couldn't help muttering to himself: "People are not as good as the sky. The balance between the gods is really not that easy to break."

The evening breeze came slowly, and the long hair of the high priest fluttered with the wind. The years did not leave any bad marks on her face, but made her more charming. The sound of footsteps sounded and Conroy walked in anxiously. .

The high priest cast his gaze into the distance. Except for the lights that have remained unchanged for thousands of years, tranquility has been gradually restored in other places in the temple. The pure-blood elves in the distance have been shining brightly throughout the night. Standing on the top of the tree of life, overlooking the entire elven island, everything is collected. fundus.

Although the Elf Island is big, it is only an island after all. It is free and peaceful, but it is not a cage. Looking up, the invisible life enchantment in the sky is not a secret in her eyes, as a god-level master of the elves. , The things that the high priest saw were not comparable to others.

"Tomorrow, you go to the battlefield of the abyss to hone." The chief high priest sighed, and finally broke the long silence.

"Take your orders!" Conroy patted his chest and made a knightly.

The high priest turned his back to Conroy, his face was not a bit strange, and he said softly: "Do you feel wronged?"

"Subordinates don't dare. They should be punished if they do something wrong. This is the rule." Conroy looked at the back of the sacrificial ritual, with no resistance in his eyes. This back would never be bored. After the goddess became a god, he stayed behind. The devastated homeland is supported by this back figure. Without her, there would be no current elven forest. Now the elves standing at the top of the ten thousand races are second only to the human races and the orcs races.

The high priest shook his head lightly and said: "Don't feel wronged. This is not a punishment, but an opportunity to make up for the merits. After all, the favored one will go there to complete the promotion. You just go ahead and stand in front of him. Get back together and make up for the mistakes you made before."

"I missed it after all. I didn't get his second favor. I really didn't know how to calculate it. I ignored your feelings. But this is not the method of the gods." After the high priest knew that he had made a move, The gods also made moves silently, preventing themselves from supervising all of this all the time, and ultimately fell short.

"Do you know that the three little guys can sit on an equal footing with me, and I need to take a lot of risk when calculating them, and I need to be careful about their liquidation in the future. Everything can only be done according to the situation and not forcibly intervened. I have calculated. Many people, using them as chess pieces, did a lot of cover-ups, and finally asked him to invite the statue of the goddess crown, and use the authority of the goddess crown to advance his plan."

"Lilith's territory, Xiao Luo's fame, Vale's wealth, this favor will not be acceptable to them. At that time, the goddess will have an advantage over the earth goddess, ocean goddess, night goddess, and beast gods. My elves will also Taking the upper hand, justifiably gaining the upper hand. It’s just your one shot that completely put my previous efforts into waste and gave him an excuse to take away the goddess Weiya, which also affected the goddess."

The words of the high priest made Conroy a little confused, but one thing can be confirmed. The identities of Xiaowei, Lilith, and Xiao Luo are very special. There are some secrets that they don't know. They can sit on the same level as the high priest. The existence of the future is limitless.

In the process of their rise, it seems that there are many main gods secretly competing, investing in them in advance, this process will not appear blunt, everything goes with the flow, under the crown of the high priest, quietly calculated something, trying to make them owe the elves. The goddess crowned more, but ultimately fell short because of his recklessness.

The high priest is now also lamenting, Conroy's actions did have some impact on them, but is it really that big?

Not necessarily.

Has the strength of Sunshine Land improved? Has the influence increased?

They were indeed defeated. They were defeated one by one by the Conroy demigods, but Li Luo's mission was also over because of this. The evaluation is not unbelievable. The senior holy druids defeated hundreds of holy masters of the elven race back and forth. , And defeated the demigod Conroy and the demigod Chimera, the two-headed Chimera, which was exhausted and defeated.

As a five-star apostle, the high priest naturally knew that now Guai Liluo is already an official apostle. After all, the leader of the people is Weier, who has some authority. Within the authority, it has given Guai Liluo great convenience, and her performance is indeed worthy of being improved. Minute.

Lilith’s task has not been settled. Although the settlement can be considered complete now, her pride does not allow her to score lower than Guai Liluo. The wanted list and the unpopular list are her single-handed, and the elf nobleman turned around and sent it. The gift adds to the background of the Bright Land and gives them enough face. How many holy masters on the wanted order can escape her palm in the end?

Not to mention, they now have a demigod master: Via Declan.

Regardless of whether she is a reincarnated **** or not, her identity in this life is the Elf Blood Awakened Demigod, and the Light Land has become the only territory on the Elf Island where a demigod sits. This alone is enough for Lilith to get a high score. He is only a holy level, this kind of leapfrog operation is easy to get a higher evaluation.

Will Declan has a high reputation among the apostles, not only because of his special identity, but also because of his experience, and his hidden rating makes people have to take a high look.

His initial mission was the highest in history. He was a mere ordinary person, dealing with the first, second, and third-order masters, and finally conquered a powerful devil. This span almost broke the sky, and the score was too high. . His mission to advance to the four-star apostle is also eye-catching. It is also a leapfrog mission. The third-tier strength receives the fifth-tier mission, and he didn't dare to play like that before.

What exactly is Apostle Space? The paradise of wisdom gods? The assistant training base of the gods? Or a derivative of the world's self-help?

There are really many strong people who come out from here, and it is not a big problem to directly push the whole world, but they are still unknown, hidden in the dark of the world, and they are always famous for their identity as human beings rather than apostles.

"This time it was the favored of Vil who won. The Bright Land lost the opportunity to climb to the sky one step at a time, but he could climb to the sky step by step, with a solid foundation and a smoother walk." The high priest couldn't help but sigh slightly, fearing the future.

Conroy's unexpected appearance, they seized the opportunity, and Little Ville took the opportunity to offset this time the feat of helping the goddess, and the favor was naturally gone. Lilith seized this opportunity to draw the demigod of Via over, and became the guardian treasure of the territory, laying a solid foundation for the territory, standing in an invincible position, even if Conroy commits a crime again and is exploited by others. Looking for faults in the past will be overwhelmed by this little guy.

Conroy's recklessness made the Sunshine Land better.

Those holy masters who invaded the half-elf home commercial street seem to have escaped, but actually left a tail. With Lilith’s ingenuity, they will never let them go easily. Ransom and everything are trivial things, theirs. Talent is what Lilith values. She will definitely be selective. She will capture them one by one and conquer them in a planned way, so as to increase the strength of the territory a little bit, instead of adding a lot of masters at one time like before, letting herself control the territory. The control has become weak.

"It's not without reason that the human race can stand on the top of all The high priest briefed Conroy on his inference, and finally sighed like this.

Only then did Conroy know that he had been completely used, and he couldn't help but complain slightly. Since you didn't have any losses, you deliberately broke with me, making me sad for several days, Brother Vale, you are too much!

"Our elves also have wise men such as the high priest, Sann, and Isaiah." Conroy is very proud of his identity as the elves.

"Little cleverness is hard to make a big thing." The high priest was not optimistic about Sann and Isaiah. In fact, the bad thing this time was on their cleverness. They were the ones who said that the success was not enough to fail. I don't want to create a new territory that is stronger and more stable.

If it were not for the low ambition of the owner of this territory, you would cry afterwards.

No, it should be said that their ambitions cannot be carried by the Elf Island, and their future is not in the Elf Island!

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