The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 922: Weird family reunion atmosphere

A night of hustle and bustle, and the end of the song, the guests from the continent of the gods ended their day trip to the Elf Island, bringing simple gifts and returning home with precious gifts.

The Knights of the Wall Temple grabbed a crystallization of inheritance for his wife, but he didn’t know that it was Nicole’s preparation for the catwoman. After giving birth to a son, this woman hurt her foundation potential and her strength improved a lot. Nian Dabu was only on the same level as Ten Qianqiang when she had no children. With this inheritance crystallization and the bloodline gems given to her by Lilith, there is no big problem in entering the ranks.

City Lord Corleone and Frina are not married, and the two do not plan to have children. The children will only make Frina stop making progress prematurely, so Frina finds a lover for Corleone and helps him give birth to a child. Although she was only a daughter, Corleone was still grateful for Dade and treated Frina even better.

City Lord Corleone’s face is absolutely superior to everyone, and Frina, as a fox person, doesn’t know what politeness is. Everyone wants inheritance crystals and blood jewels. She even plans to prepare a copy for the little girl who is only two or three years old. Was beaten back by Little Will, is that stuff that a child can bear?

Annie accepted the blessing of Xiao Weiya, her appearance can remain the same until she died, making her very happy. This is definitely the most suitable gift for her. Luke got a bloodline gem. The strength of his senior knight lies in the bottom nobles. The **** is okay, but as the Declan family talker, to be honest, it is indeed a bit low.

The members of the Declan family, led by the Baron Declan, left together with the church members. They didn't want to get close to Ville, but when their strength was extended to a certain extent, the status of each other's identities also opened up.

Hamm Declan did not have any psychological burden to put on airs in front of Little Ville and City Lord Corleone back then, and now he bows his head when talking to them. If the Lord Corleone is not promoted to the second-tier, I might not be embarrassed to face the current Little Well , He also began to feel a little powerless, the first level is the limit, and the gap is greater than the first level, and he can no longer talk about friendship, so the Corleone City Lord has been working hard to prevent the little brother Vail from throwing himself away.

He brazenly asked for these things in order to improve his strength, and he followed the little brother’s **** closely, and would not be thrown away until he couldn’t even see his back, the Knights of Wall, Alpha, Frina has the same mindset, they are willing to follow Ville, but if one day they really can't keep up with him, they will take the initiative to leave.

The gifts from the Continent of the Gods are not precious, but they contain a lot of affection. Weir and Weiya love them very much. Weir’s gifts are all treasures that can enhance their strength, and Weiya directly bestows them on the demigods. Blessing is definitely a great gift for those who have not entered the stage.

The old man becomes younger, and the woman keeps her face, cures the disease and does not exercise. This is the power of Xiao Weiya.

Many guests were sent away, but there were also some people who could not leave, such as ice cubes.

After seeing Vivienne, this big beauty of the ice fairy clan decided to stay. Her ice fairy inheritance was exchanged for Vivienne's ice and snow shaping witchcraft inheritance. The two almost became sisters. Anyway, the taciturn ice cube and Vivienne gets along well, which makes Susan taste a little bit.

The four-eyed rabid dog comforts my sister, don't you still have me? Then Susan was mad and told him seriously, what I want is my sister, if you have the ability, you can change me to see, let the four-eyed rabid dog think carefully with the frame of the frame, and I always get beaten when I get along with my sister. , Is it due to gender?

Little Will wanted to tell him that it was a character problem, but he didn't want to break the special warmth of their brothers and sisters.

However, I have no right to say that he, the mode of getting along with my sister seems a bit wrong, and I always feel that my feelings for my sister are a bit like petting my daughter.

My brother hasn't been with me for three days, so in order to compensate, he must be with himself for three consecutive days. This is the request made by Xiao Weiya at the dinner table.

Lilith naturally threw a stack of work schedules in front of Ville, "This is your work schedule for the most recent month. It is based entirely on your abilities, and you can play it after you finish."

Xiao Weiya snatched it over, casually looked at her disdainfully and curled her lips: "With me, my brother can finish it in three or five days, and spend the rest of the time with me!"

"This is just a normal territory construction task arrangement. He also has his own training tasks every day. After all, a little man once said that he would become a shelter umbrella for his younger sister to cover the wind and rain, not a soft rice man. But now it seems that he The improvement in strength is far less than that of my sister." Lilith's irony is not like irony, and if motivation is not like motivation, Xiao Weiya likes it very much.

"My brother is really the best, I will supervise my brother's cultivation!"

Well, you do often supervise his cultivation, holding your cheeks on one side and watching him sweat like rain, while you are motionless and just laugh silly.

The Sunshine Neck Happiness Castle is very huge. This is the only building in the whole Sunshine Neck. Lilith has planted various magic plants in other places. The Kendall family members were rushed to the rose garden by her, which made the Jasmine Knight very unhappy. Who made Mojiesi not want to settle in the rose garden, but to live here for a long time. TXT Bookstore

Therefore, Knight Jasmine generously handed over the leadership of the entire rose garden to the elderly in the family. He only kept a huge garden. He also ran over to live with Mojiesi, but there was one of her here. People who don't like very much: Rival Floret.

The Elf Island repels outsiders, but there are no outsiders in the Sunshine Collar and the Dead End, so you don’t want to be discovered. Florett often comes here to "private" with his wife, and secondly uses the magic power to exercise his strength. Compared with his son and daughter, his own strength seems a little bit unable to keep up.

No, it would be better to say that since ten years ago, he has been dragged down. If he hadn't been better than his wife, he would really be autistic.

But being stronger than his wife can't make him feel at ease, because there is a hateful rival who always wants to suppress him, that is Knight Jasmine, and he must be stronger than her to be at ease.

Elena loves this huge garden castle very much, and the old relationship between Rhine Star Mountain, who secretly ran here, has rekindled, and mixed up in one place. There is no reason why the two of them can be combined. Elena did use it at the beginning. The suspicion of the wizard of Star Mountain, her ambition and desire for power are indeed very strong, but the love for the wizard of Star Mountain is also real.

She is a proud pure-blood elven noble, and she will never wrong her for a moment, especially in love.

In this way, their family was reunited like this, but the atmosphere was very weird.

Florett wanted to kiss me and me with his wife, but there was a **** knight who made trouble everywhere, and Mojiesi was thinking of alchemy potions.

Elena grabbed Rhine Star Mountain and whispered, but the content of their discussion made Ville a bit speechless. Elena told the Star Mountain wizard that he was chosen after careful consideration, and the Star Elves and the Star Mountain family blood. The fit was a large part of the reason she made this choice, but the appearance of Mojiesi disappointed Elena.

But she did not expect her daughter to be abandoned, but her grandson and granddaughter were in a tyrannical mess. Elena had other ideas. Her guess was correct. The potential for the fusion of the blood of the type spirit and the Starshan family is unlimited, but the blood is too strong and the daughter can bear it. Unstoppable, the intergenerational genetic phenomenon has occurred. If they prepare early and vigorously guide them, it might be possible to create a stronger child.

Therefore, they are considering having another child and guiding them from a young age. This time their two holy masters are going all out to create a super genius that surpasses them.

However, there are some disputes between the two about the child’s belongings. Rhine Star Mountain naturally hopes that it still belongs to the Star Mountain family, while Elena points out that the surname of Little Will is Star Mountain, and this child is already your family. Yes, it's my turn next.

In the end after "friendly" negotiation, the two agreed to have more children, and they were assigned in turn. The girls gave priority to Elena, and the boys gave priority to the Starshan family. In addition, it depends on their bloodline preference. Up.

Ville, Lilith, and Léa listened to a black thread next to them. It felt like they were not discussing the succession of the lineage, but rather like a partnership in business and then dividing the spoils.

"Brother Ver, I'm not a regular wife, and the love I got is not complete, and I can't count on all your love, so the child should at least belong to me." In the hands, it doesn't matter whether Little Will grant her a child or not.

Lilith squeezed her small chin and thought for a while and whispered, "I allow you to have a few concubines and lovers. It’s not a big problem for our first child to inherit Kendall’s surname? After all, we’ve had this problem a long time ago. It was discussed that Declan’s last name is too small."

Lilith, don’t change the concept. Declan is indeed an inconspicuous surname, but Star Mountain is not comparable to your Kendall family. You are using the son of the coffee shop owner to be with you in Drake City. The eldest daughter of the second family makes a comparison, instead of the current comparison between Wil Star Mountain and Lilith Kendall.

"Lilith, Uncle Wright and Aunt Connie are already considering adding a younger brother to you. You don't need to worry about the inheritance of the Kendall family. You should concentrate on being the daughter-in-law of the Starshan family." Liya found herself After giving up fighting for the position of the first wife, she could actually suppress Lilith, which made her very excited.

The concubine has little power and responsibilities, and she can act like a baby, so it's better to be a little girl.

"Huh, the little concubine of the Star Mountain family is not so easy to do. It is not a true member of the Star Mountain family without the strength of the Holy Grade. You are now one step behind Nicole!" Lilith counterattacked Liya almost to herself. Shut, this **** wife is really generous, how much love should I be divided into?

"Brother Ver, you are a big carrot!"

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