The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 923: My sister is too good

Xiao Weiya forcibly demanded Weier for three days, but Lilith gave her one month. As long as we can ensure Weier's normal cultivation and work tasks will not fall, it doesn't matter if we leave the rest of the time to you.

The main palace of Happy Castle has spoken, Xiao Weiya will naturally not be rebellious, and she will not refuse this kind of good thing. If she is not satisfied with her arrangement, the main palace is not meaningful at all, and it can't restrain Xiao Weiya at all, because of me. It's my sister, my sister!

Little Weier is a Tier 3 master, and very senior, close to perfection. His alchemy potions and alchemy casting are all at the master level. Of course, this has the factor of appraisal, and it is also inseparable from his talent. Lilith uses The Eye of Appraisal barely reached the master, but it was far from Little Vir.

Little Weiya’s birthday gift was created by Weir in Snowwood World. Grandmaster-level strength plus the bonus of the Lord of the World makes his professional level touch the demigod level, and his strong spiritual power can also control this temporary The strength, otherwise it would be impossible for so many good things to come out.

But once he leaves the world of Snowwood, Ville is still only a third-tier paladin and a third-level wizard. Many of the four territories on the Elf Island are still third-tier. Well, except for the magic circle, Ville’s dragon language magic circle is already at the level of Touching the level of the demigod, even Xiao Weiya couldn't help but admire again and again, calling out a pervert, a big pervert.

Little Weiya has little need to change the layout of the Sunshine Leader Happiness Castle. Her Happiness Hut is actually a sacred artifact made from the trunk of a whole tree of life. It is very suitable for Xiao Weiya to live in. What is more convenient is this sacred artifact. It can become bigger and smaller and move freely, a bit like Jasmine's moonlight cabin.

Little Weiya’s situation Little Weier and Lilith basically understand that her priesthood is biased towards life, death, and soul. Before she is a child, she needs the power of life and the power of death, and she needs more sunshine before she becomes a **** after adulthood. Warm and happy Emotions counteract negative forces. The more happy emotions, the stronger the power that Xiao Weiya can use and the faster she grows.

Just a birthday party, a few birthday gifts made by her brother made Xiao Weiya's happy mood highly inflated, and she became familiar with her demigod level in one night, stabilizing at the beginning of demigod. At the pinnacle, the rest needs a little bit of slow recovery, but Xiao Weiya is not in a hurry, she is now the strongest in the family, and it doesn't matter if she waits for her brother.

The most important thing now is to follow my brother happily and be a happy sister!

"This place is close to the dead end. It is a little barren because of the power of **** and the power of death. This barrenness is just an illusion. The vitality of Dorothy sister violently collides with the power of hell, so that suddenly there is also a wealth of energy. It’s only because of the power of death that it can’t be better utilized. As long as the power of death here is extracted, it will make the most fertile land in the entire Elf Island.” Xiaoweiya is very satisfied with the Sunshine Land, but she is very satisfied with them. The development methods are not eye-catching.

Little hand slightly, the gray chains appeared out of nowhere in the air, and there were as many as 36, twisted and twisted into the ground, turning into giant dragons flying and tossing on the ground, wherever they passed, there were wisps of gray. The breath flew out of the soil, and then was absorbed by the chain. The breath of Xiao Weiya changed tens of miles around. The originally hidden breath of death gradually dissipated, and the breath of life took the upper hand.

Covering dozens of miles with the power of law, such a method is not something that ordinary demi-god early masters can do. Xiao Weiya purifies so much power of death at one time, which is also a lot of pressure on her, her little face Sweat was soaked in it that made Little Weier very distressed, so he hurriedly helped her wipe gently.

This warm action by Xiao Weiya directly caused Xiao Weiya's brother to explode, and he almost used too much force to destroy the life guarding barrier outside the dead end, so that Xiao Wei did not dare to move.

Seeing her elder brother being frightened, Xiao Wei Ya was immediately overwhelmed, "Fool brother, if you want to have faith in Wei Ya, I am very powerful."

Is Wei Ya great?

The answer is very powerful, too powerful.

Under the impetus of her, the magic tower of the blind spot expanded the guardian enchantment abruptly and pushed it outward for two kilometers. It abruptly compressed the land of **** magic power in a circle, and the magic power backlash was not in her hands. thing.

Afterwards, Xiao Weiya took a stroll in this restored territory, swallowing the death force on the surface, and then told her brother that the stone and soil underground are all good things. Alchemy casting is very good, even if it can't be half of it. Artifacts, artifacts, and legendary equipment can also be used, especially in terms of lethality, but they are not suitable for use by the elves.

Little Ville had to sigh that this blind spot is really a treasure trove. Needless to say, the rich magic stone mines underground, even the soil stones are precious, and they make a lot of money.

However, not everyone can develop this precious land, and the tree of inanimate seedlings can only sigh with joy. The prerequisite for developing this precious land is to conquer the magic of **** here.

As soon as those ugly monsters appeared in the trial field of the magic power yuanling, they were slapped to death by Xiao Weiya and turned into inheritance crystallization, "The inheritance crystallization of the magic pig, waste!"

Weir reluctantly rubbed Xiao Weiya's little head to persuade her: "The types of magical souls are very accidental, and it is very good to be able to harvest. There is no need to be so demanding, and there are some things that can't be demanded."

Xiao Weiya snorted and said, "That's just the cognition of ordinary people. Everything has its own rules. As long as you grasp the rules, you can harvest the fruits you want. The Magic Yuanling is no exception. Brother, have you been there? Weird Long River, it is said that he helped Thunder Naga harvest a lot of snake beads?"

Little Ville took her through the magic of hell, carefully checked the changes after the expansion of the territory, and nodded gently and said: "The weird river is the place where the **** of the ancient river is incarnate. The **** demons that are suppressed and purified by him are combined with his magic , Produced something similar to the magic power soul. However, the weird Changhe magic power soul produces not inherited crystals, but treasures with enhanced bloodlines."

"My brother knows very clearly. I think you have only found a strategy to fight for, and got real benefits instead of picking up the leftovers. Then the devil bone beads, my brother should have gained a lot." Although Xiao Weiya hasn't I have experienced it myself, but I seem to know everything.

"All kinds of bone beads, from Tier 3 to Tier 6, harvested thousands of large and small." Until now, Xiaoweier has not found that this thing has much effect, except for the small seedlings as a snack. , But he always felt that this thing was not simple, so occasionally to relieve Xiao Miao's greed, most of them stayed.

"Try to find a bone bead of the inheritance type you want, and throw it on the ground." Xiao Weiya gave a suggestion.

Then a Naga snake appeared, Xiao Weiya did not give her brother a chance at all, she slapped her to death, and a dim bone bead and a heritage crystal appeared on the ground, Naga The inheritance of the strange snake.

"Is there still such a usage?!" Little Weier was taken aback, wouldn't he be able to harvest the inheritance crystallization he wanted in an unlimited amount.

"How can there be such a good thing, this bone bead is third-order, it can look like three times, and it will be scrapped after three times. The fourth-order bone beads can be used nine times, the fifth-order bone beads 27 times, and the sixth-order bone beads. If the beads are better, they will be scrapped in less than a hundred times. And my brother would not think that the magic power in this place is really endless, right?"

"No amount of resources can be replenished blindly, it will eventually be exhausted." Xiaoweiya's words made Xiaoweier hear a little different meaning, can the magic soul of this place be supplemented?

Sure enough, my sister is amazing, too amazing, she slapped a little monster, these little monsters are all at the same level as my brother, so how can I be a brother!

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