The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 924: The shock brought by the magic crystal card

The lifelessness purification work in the four places of Sunshine Collar, Dead End, Rose Collar, and Half-elf House has been completed very smoothly. Xiao Weiya has no problems in her career. She is definitely an expert in lifelessness. No one in the entire Elf Island is better than her. Be better at it.

Weir’s work in a month is not too much. With the help of Weiya, she completed it in three or five days. The rest of the time is not only practice, but she was dragged by her sister to run around. This long-lost relaxed and happy atmosphere , On the contrary, it made Little Weier's spirit loose, and his realm was improved a bit.

The way of cultivation, one by one, Xiaoweier was too nervous before, until his sister Xiaoweiya was promoted to a demigod, and his family had the initial strength to protect themselves, and then he could relax a little, and the result was naturally very good.

In a good mood, Xiao Weiya is more and more proficient in controlling her demigod level strength, and occasionally can play two tricks with her brother, so that she will not kill her brother in seconds without news. If her brother turns into a black dragon early, Xiao Wei Ya can still fight his brother for thirty or fifty rounds, although he will still accidentally beat his brother to the ground in the end.

Xiao Weiya never used the domain in the battle with Xiao Wei. Her domain seemed to be a little bit powerful, so powerful that she never used it even in training, lest she accidentally hurt her brother.

This is not what Xiao Weiya would like to see. Her brother's injuries were removed by herself, but he must never be injured in her own hands. The injuries she left behind were not difficult to deal with in the general sense, especially after using the domain.

Xiao Weiya can manipulate the dead energy on the non-biological area, but it will have some impact on the biological area. If the dead energy enters the body, it will affect the lifespan, and this life span is generally passed. The means are difficult to make up for.

Xiao Weiya’s lifelessness is not a normal lifelessness. As for the difference, Weier herself can’t see the difference. The grateful appraisal eye rated it as a god-level lifelessness, and Xiaoweiya also briefly introduced her to herself. There are actually grades in the field. From low to high, it can be divided into: control of death, natural disasters of death, and extinction of all things. As for whether there is a higher level, Xiao Weiya did not say.

None of these three levels can be resisted by the current Xiao Weier. Is there any point in asking again? But there is one thing that makes Little Ville very concerned, what is the priesthood of his sister?

Although he had a little speculation, he was still a little uneasy. Lamod had already left for hell. In theory, his sister should be very safe. Unless there is a new **** of death, this priesthood is not so easy to achieve.

There is another thing he is very puzzled about how his sister has such a good relationship with the Elf Goddess, she can actually live in the core area of ​​the Tree of Life. This place is not simple. If it is not someone who can be absolutely trusted, it is impossible to settle in, the Tree of Life. The bloodline guardian barrier on the Elf Island is very strong, but no matter how strong it is, it cannot be broken from the inside, and the most critical part of this interior is undoubtedly the core area where Xiao Weiya lived before.

These worries will be discussed in the future. The most important thing at the moment is to let Xiao Weiya happily take full control of her demigod level power. Isn't Lilith given herself a month off for this reason?

Accompany Xiao Weiya to abuse food in the dead end (Magic Yuan Ling: I really don’t cook, but your sister is too strong), accompany Xiao Weiya to fly the kite in the sun, and accompany Xiao Weiya to the rose collar Catch butterflies, go fishing with Xiao Weiya, and finally go shopping with Xiao Weiya and visit the commercial street of the half-elf house.

The two put on ordinary elves' clothes. Because there was no disguise, all the members of the half-elf house recognized them, but they pretended not to know them in a tacit understanding. They should do the work and collect the money. He can even bargain with Little Will and Little Will.

Xiao Weier has the eyes of advanced appraisal, Xiao Weiya is a reincarnated god, and past life memory experience is not a display. It is easy to refute these businessmen in speechlessness, and even make a small profit.

Xiao Weiya enthusiastically took her brother to the test, to see that she could buy the best products at the lowest price. It doesn't matter who wins, mainly because Xiao Weiya can be happy.

One store after another, Weier did not use the Eye of Appraisal to cheat. On the contrary, he lost more and lost less. It made Xiao Weiya very happy. The things he bought were thrown into the space and equipment. Many estimated that they would be covered in dust for the rest of their lives, but At least it won't be discarded by Xiao Weiya, after all, it was something bought with her brother.

"This is the treasure pavilion that attracted more than 20 holy masters to looting?" Xiao Weiya looked at the largest three-story building on the street, but her eyes were full of disdain, and she looked nothing special. But there are people queuing, although the line is not long.

The Jumbo Pavilion is the facade of the half-elf home commercial street, but not everyone can enter. There are two basic conditions for entering. One is the strength to enter the ranks, and the other is the financial strength at least over ten thousand. The so-called over ten thousand refers to Thousands of lower-grade magic stones will not be allowed to enter if you don't meet any of these two conditions, no matter what your status is.

There is also a rule that each person can only carry one servant at most, and the strength of the servant must also be advanced. If the servant cannot prove that he has more than 10,000 financial resources, he cannot touch anything inside. This rule does not cause objections, but is too high. Because of the worth of many people, it has become popular.

There is a small lounge in front of the treasure pavilion. There is a first-tier middle-aged half-elf guarded in the lounge. His task is to identify the financial resources and strength of the entrants, screen the qualifications of the entrants, and assign numbers.

Little Weir walked in with Little Weiya. There were five or six people waiting in the lounge. The middle-aged half-elf was sitting lazily with the witchcraft in his hand, and when she saw Little Weir, he jumped as if his buttocks were on fire. When I got up, my face was immediately filled with smiles.

Before he could speak, Ville waved his hand and said, "Don't be so nervous, just treat me as an ordinary guest."

Strictly speaking, Jumbo Pavilion is the property of Xiaoweier, but it has always been linked to Lilith’s name and operated by Liya. What Xiaoweier only provides is the goods (in fact, the relationship), the purchase channel (the seven-story holy Tado channel export function), and in the profit distribution earned, Ville accounted for 50%, Lilith accounted for 30%, but Léa, who worked the most, accounted for only 20%.

Even so, Léa was very excited and started doing something.

This kind of monopoly business, the business that others cannot do, the profit is quite large, especially it saves a lot of freight and setbacks, the goods obtained are of very high quality, and the price is naturally not too low, and the profit can be imagined. Knowing that 20% has made Léya full.

If the profit share were higher, Léa would doubt whether Lilith had any conspiracy, and this 20% was taken by Léa actively stalking Lilith. Originally, Lilith was planning to hire half-elves to work. , Not divided into.

The middle-aged half-elf hurriedly restrained his emotions, respectfully performed a etiquette to meet the strong, and then said one at a time: "Our shop maintains due respect to the noble and strong, and the adults are the highest level of the shop. VIP, please show your VIP card and enter the store through the VIP channel."

What is a VIP card?

This is a mechanism developed by Julian to implement the wizard tower in the six-ring construction. To put it bluntly, it is a pre-stored membership card, which is divided into five levels: bronze, silver, gold, purple gold, and magic crystal. At the time, Leya made a special trip to ask Julian for a lot of business experience, and many shops adopted this mechanism.

Little Ville couldn't help but shook his head slightly. It was a strange thing that he had to show his ID when going to his shop, but this time it was mainly to accompany his sister to play, and it wouldn't be bad to be a pure guest once.

As soon as the black magic crystal card came out, the eyes of the few customers in the line were straight. The middle-aged half-elf was holding a witchcraft, letting Little Ville swipe the card on it, and then reverently opened the other closed one. The passage asked them to go through, and did not ask a word for Xiao Weiya, who was watching the joke next to her.

As a successful goalkeeper, he still has this vision. Don't ask about things that shouldn't be asked. You are at the bottom of the hierarchy and you just need to be obedient.

Xiaoweier and Xiaoweiya left through the VIP passage. The faces of the elves in the queue were different. Some suddenly realized, some evasive, and some were curious. The membership card of Jumbo Pavilion was not cheap, and the elves who had spent the magic stone. There is a bronze card. Over one hundred thousand magic stones are silver cards, and one million magic stones are gold cards. So what is the concept of magic crystal cards?

The middle-aged half-elf regained a lazy state after Xiaoweier and Weiya I sat on the recliner, didn't even look at the people who came up, said indifferently, "I don’t know. You need to ask, and don’t ask casually if you don’t know. One day the conditions for the issuance of the Purple Gold Card will be a Tier 3 master, who consumes or stores more than 10 million in value."

"And the magic crystal card is still above the purple gold card." The middle-aged half-elf silenced everyone, but he did succeed in misleading these people. Is there any magic stone Ville? To be honest, he still Really, there are a pile of the best magic stones mined in the dead end, which is more than ten million, but he didn't buy this card, but Liya forced it to him.

The so-called VIPs are not available to all members. The lowest level is the gold member. As a frequent visitor here, a few first-order elves have not even seen a gold member a few times. I did not expect to encounter a magic crystal member. It feels a little weird.

News came out one after another, with only one content, and the treasure pavilion was surprised to find members of the magic crystal card, with at least Tier 3 strength.

Many people dare not think about what the magic crystal card of the treasure pavilion represents. For a time, many people who are concerned about the house of half-elves and the treasure pavilion are moved by the wind.

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