The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 925: Different half-elves

"Welcome to the Treasure Pavilion, the home of the half-elves. This is the store with the most treasures of the Elf Island. It is our purpose to serve you wholeheartedly. I am your shopping guide. You can call me Xiao Ke." One is slightly immature. The little girl, who was only half a head taller than Guai Li Luo, appeared at the end of the VIP passage.

This is a half-elf girl, and she is still an elf mage who enters the hierarchy. She is about thirty years old. For half-elves, this age is still considered a minor. It is already very good to be able to have such strength. The feeling in this person ...

Xiao Weiya looked at the half-elf girl who was generous and respectful in front of her, and in her, Xiao Weiya saw the shadow of Liya, which was the blood of the moon elf.

"Sisters of Léa?" Ville didn't look squint, just nodded. This half-elf's appearance is inferior to Léa's, but it is also quite rare. I have to say that Isaiah has a very good vision. Even if the race is different, he still chooses many outstanding people to leave him with many outstanding children.

"I don't dare to be commensurate with Lord Léa's sisters. Xiao Ke is just an ordinary half-elf without any specialties. It is a lifetime honor for Xiao Ke to be able to follow Lord Léa." The half-elf girl is very humble and humble. It makes people feel distressed, and Ville until Léa is not someone who looks down on half-elves, because she is a half-elf herself.

Although Léa keeps claiming that she is a moon elf, shouting bloodlines and bloodlines everywhere, and is very eager for Ville's bloodline seeds, but she does not mean to despise half-elves in the slightest. She attaches great importance to half-elves, and she believes in bloodlines. But it is definitely not entirely dependent on blood.

Lilith, Ville, and Guai Liluo are all acquired bloodline awakeners, but they are able to achieve Saint-Rank under the age of 30, and they are also invincible powerful Saint-Rank masters at the same level. This is definitely not a miracle that pure blood can bring, Lei Ya herself can have such an achievement. She thinks that the help brought by the moon elf blood is secondary, and Xiao Weiya and the branch of life are the most critical.

With her own hard work and firm belief, Léa thinks so, and at the same time, in order to get herself out of her father’s shadow, she resolutely decided to follow Vill and Lilith to create a new world, jumped out of Isaiah’s woven cage, not to mention, took away. A group of brothers and sisters.

These brothers and sisters share the same father with Leia, similar bloodlines, and the situation of Leia is more similar. Although the good side is not as good as her, the bad side is not much different, and the attitude towards the pure blood moon elves is even more surprising. Consistent.

I have to say that Isaiah, the hero, sometimes really fails, especially in terms of life.

Xiao Weiya doesn’t care about the humble attitude of this half-elf girl. She is a superb reincarnation god. If Lya is not dependent on her elder brother, she would not even look at her again. Xiao Weiya valued Lya is not her. The strength of the second sister elven mage is not her courage to break away from the moon elven tribe, nor her ability to host the half-elf house, but her relationship with her brother, as her family status.

Xiao Ke took the two brothers and sisters of Wei Ya and Wei Ya forward, and introduced them as they walked. The people who can come in from the VIP channel are certainly not the general population, not to mention that she also knows Wei Wei and Wei Ya, just pretending Don't know him, Xiao Ke is still a little inferior in front of their brothers and sisters.

A saint-level master younger than her age, an invincible and powerful existence at the same level, a demigod younger than herself, a reincarnated god, no matter which one is not one that she can climb, she is very clear about her position, and she is not pure. The blood elves and blood awakeners recognize the survivors struggling in the cracks.

She was able to find her own position well every time, and grew up silently, without arousing disgust from others.

As the VIPs coming in from the VIP channel, Xiao Ke's ability to receive them speaks to a problem. She is very valued here, and all of these are obtained through her own efforts. You must know that the shopping guides have a commission.

Xiao Ke, as a senior shopping guide, does not blindly recommend high-end luxury goods to customers, but carefully asks their needs and recommends the most suitable treasures for them. She firmly believes that there is no waste in Jumbo Pavilion, and it only depends on how you use it. The commodities here are treasures.

From Xiaoweier and Xiaoweiya, they knew that they were actually a joke-like competition. Not only was Xiaoke not angry, she recommended them to shop on the first floor, because the first floor has the most goods, and it is the last place that may be missed.

Looking for something extraordinary in the ordinary. Compared with the treasures on the second and third floors that have been appraised several times, the overall grade of the treasures on the first floor is lower, but the possibility of negligence is also greater. Of course, this negligence is not shoddy. , But treat pearls as pebbles.

There is even a special place in the treasure pavilion, where there are things that are not fully identified, which are very gambled, but are often able to open up the unknown treasure area of ​​good things.

Suddenly a quarrel at the top of the second floor in front of them caught their attention.

It is normal to have disputes in shopping malls, but the words of the people who caused the disputes and quarrels make Will have to pay attention to.

"Do you dare to stop me? Do you know who I am? What kind of **** rules, this young master has magic stones, why can't he go to the second floor?!" A full-fledged dame, this is normal, when the reputation of the half-elf home Treasure Pavilion started After that, there were not a few pure-blood elves who came here to shop. Many dudes couldn't even enter the door because they didn't enter the stairs, not to mention the situation that the first floor wanted to go up to the second floor, and almost one or two of them could be seen every three to five.

There is no rule to make a radius. Treasure Pavilion wants to establish such a rule. If you want to break the rule, you must have the strength to break the rule. Obviously, there are only a handful of people with such strength on the Elf Island. This elven youngster is obviously not in this list. The half-elf guarding the gate stopped.

The elf boy has long beautiful silver hair, and his delicate features are almost comparable to half of the elf beauties, but his eyes are slightly lacking in spirit. The arrogant aura does not bring more pressure to people, but has a feeling of sluggishness.

The exquisite and gorgeous costumes are clearly visible last month, without any concealment. Knowing that the half-elves’ house doesn’t have so much favor with the moon elves, they swaggered to put the moon elves on the bright face. If this boy It's not full of confidence, it's that the full-fledged dude's vision is really bad.

Two Tier 1 half-elves stood in front of a moon elf nobleman and talked about the rules. Behind the moon elf nobleman stood a Tier 2 guard, but they could only watch their little master jump like thunder and did not dare to do anything.

where is this place?

Treasure Pavilion of Half-elf 20 or so saint-level masters tried to sneak into the last, and they all were hung up to show the public. Among them, there was more than one pure-blood elf nobleman. Those third-order pure-blood elves were all caught Hanging up and fighting, what else can a second-tier guard do?

The reason why these two Tier 1 half-elves can speak righteously is not that they really have a sense of justice, but that the backer behind them is strong enough, and they believe that they will support them when they maintain the majesty of the backer. .

They are not afraid of being beaten, because they know that if someone dared to do something, the adult's one would definitely be miserable. The protection of shortcomings in the light place is never spoken out, but made.

Ville looked at Xiao Ke with a night shift smile on his face, then looked at the two door guards with a proud face, and shook his head. These half-elves are really different.

But one thing can be confirmed. In the house of half-elves, these half-elves have indeed lived a completely different life from the past, a better life, their mental state has also become better, more confident and calm, and daring to be pure blood. The elven aristocrat can't tell.

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