The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 926: I'm your uncle grandpa

"I am the lord's elder brother, and the lord's wife is my younger sister, my biological younger sister." The silver-haired elf boy repeatedly hinted that the guard was in the lead, but he ignored it.

The half-elf house has its own rules. One violation of the warning, two violations of punishment, three violations will be drawn to the blacklist, since then it has no relationship with the commercial street, once the people on the blacklist enter the commercial street, they will be expelled. Even without hesitating to use force, the guards can indeed enter the second floor, but they have no authority to bring people up.

He chose to abide by the rules between the little owner of his own house and the rules of the commercial street.

There is no rule without rules, and there is nothing wrong with abiding by the rules. I am committed to my duty and do not violate the rules. What's wrong?

And the master here is not a general, invincible at the same level is not a joke, and even able to fight a demi-god powerhouse who has no realm of use. The strength makes all the pure-blood elves and nobles look at it, and this is the default. The existence of the land, even the Sunshine Academy closed one eye.

It turns out that Sunshine Academy is at all a guise, a guise to actively lure the pure-blood elves to the bait. I swaggered to propose it when you didn’t allow it. When you acquiesced, they just died down and let the pure-blood nobles. Very depressed.

However, after careful consideration, I discovered that this Sunshine Academy could not become a climate at all. People did not recruit students from outside, and secondly, there were not enough leaders as teachers and students. It was completely a cover.

The most embarrassing thing is the Sun Elf. Sann always claims to represent the interests of pure blood elves. He severely offends the Sunshine Land. He is listed as unpopular by the Half Elf House, and is openly added to the ranks of purchase restrictions. The high-end shops on the street are not open to Japanese elves, which embarrassed Patriarch Sanen, but what can you do if they say they don’t do business with you?

Moreover, the reason is very good. The character is not good. It is the backer of the sinner Domingo, which makes San's reputation plummet. He runs around to wash himself off, but the half-elf house does not look at the so-called evidence at all. Believe what you see.

In order to "rescue" Domingo, the Japanese elves even hired the demi-god Conroy to sacrifice. This method of obviously disrupting the rules of the game has been used. What else can you quibble about? Among the pure blood elf nobles, Sann has not been able to get the majority of recognition, let alone the low-level people who are deeply persecuted by Domingo.

In the case of Domingo, Sanen can be said to be a big defeat. He is not a person inside and out. It was even reported not long ago that the Conroy sacrifice was affected and was distributed. Because it involved the internal affairs of the temple, many details were unclear. , But one thing was revealed: it was related to the goddess Weiya.

If Conroy and Goddess Weiya really had a conflict, it would not have erupted until now. Combined with rumors, it is not difficult to guess the reason for the gossip that Goddess Weiya relied heavily on her brother.

The reason why Conroy was exiled so quickly was actually that the goddess Weiya became an adult and restored the power of a demigod. In order to protect Conroy from being sacrificed by the goddess, the temple had to take the first move to exile him. This is actually a disguised form. To protect him.

The Sunshine Land is entirely a family industry. The family industry with Weier Star Mountain as the core. The dead end is the territory of Weier Star Mountain. There is no news from the outside world. Only the wizard of Weier Star is for this territory. , He did not hesitate to customize a flying wizard tower, and the rewards for helping the development of the wizard are all magic stones, middle-grade and top-grade magic stones.

It is not a secret that there is a magic stone mine in the blind spot, but no one thought that this magic stone mine would be so rich and could be developed.

Lord of the Sun, Lilith Kendall is the fiancée of the Wizard of Vail, and Happy Castle is a beautiful garden castle. The entire beautiful castle is made of flowers, plants and trees. All members of the nuclear family live here.

The lord of the rose garden is Jasmine Kendall, the aunt of Lord Lilith's wife, all members of the Kendall family who live here.

The lord of the half-elf house is Luo Star Mountain, a pair of sledgehammers hit the Elf Island invincible hand, the invincible holy druid of the same level, often carrying a sledgehammer in the commercial street patrol, faceless People's affection and love has aroused the worship of many female elves, especially the underage female elves.

The half-elf guarding the door on the second floor looked at the silver-haired elven nobleman in front of him, as if looking at a fool.

"Our lord is St. Druid, she won't have a wife." The half-elf held back for a long time and really didn't want to see the arrogant young silver-haired elf boy, and couldn't help but reminded him.

The silver-haired elf boy froze for a moment. The laughter around him made his face blood red, and he couldn't help yelling: "I'm talking about the Holy Wizard of Wil Star Mountain, the lord of the entire Sunshine Land!"

The Sunshine Land is the collective name of the Elf Island for the Dead End, the Sunshine Collar, the Rose Collar, and the Half-Elf House. Everyone also assumes that the leader of the Sunshine Land is Wil Star Mountain. After all, everyone is more or less looking for face, and the three lords Lilith, Jasmine, and Luo have never shown too much on their faces, they just acquiesced.

Strictly speaking, since the Sunshine Land is named after the sun, theoretically Lilith should be respected as the leader. It is just that everyone assumes that Lilith is the wife of Lord Vail, which allows Vail to take the position, and the reputation of Vail Star Mountain Even louder, the name of the head of the sister control regiment had already spread throughout the Wizard Islands.

"It turned out to be Lord Lilith's brother." The half-elf doorman suddenly realized, but he shook his head and said, "Even Lord Lilith can't break the rules at will. Please forgive me. This rule is Lord Vail, Lilith. Lord Lord, Lord Luo, Lord Jasmine jointly recognized. Unless someone above them guarantees to break the rules. The real strong will not be bound by the rules, and the real strong will specify the rules. people."

The silver-haired elf boy couldn't help being stunned. These words are so domineering!

However, I bet with the elves and aristocratic teenagers who were playing with him that he could freely enter and leave the treasure pavilion, and even watch and appreciate the treasures on the third floor of the treasure pavilion.

If you want to break the rules, you can only find someone who can suppress the four holy masters of Lord Vail, Lord Lilith, Lord Luo, and Lord Jasmine. Can such a person be able to please himself?

Just as the silver-haired elf boy was in a dilemma, a big hand fell on his shoulder, "Are you the brother of Saint Lilith? I'm your uncle grandfather."

The silver-haired elf boy was shocked. The elf blood awakened in front of the face is about the same age as him. Although he looks mature, he can't hide his glasses. How dare this **** take advantage of him?

"Untouchables, who gave you the courage to touch me with your dirty hands!" The silver-haired elf boy slapped the hand of the elf blood awakened man and gave him a vicious look: "I, Isailu Wood. . Mu En, the noble Moon Elf pure-blooded nobleman, it is not something a pariah like you can treat at will."

"Icelu, don't mess around, this is not the moon elves tribe, you can let you mess around, don't want to be caught and hang on the square, just be honest with me!" Liya walked in from the door, obviously got someone News of the disturbance came first.

"Someone is making trouble in the Jumbo Pavilion? Haha, it's great. I haven't found anyone practicing hands in the past few days. I can finally try to hang people up by myself. Cut, it turns out to be a first-order rookie, really disappointing "The Jasmine Paladin walked in without any need to line up. She was the law enforcement officer of the half-elf home commercial street. As long as the shop opened for business, she couldn't refuse her entry.

Jasmine's eyes swept away, and she immediately spotted the two brothers and sisters, Xiaoweier and Xiaoweiya, who were watching the excitement nearby. There were big smiles on their faces, but they didn't go up to say hello.

Jasmine was able to spot them, and Lya was naturally no exception. The two of them didn't hide the meaning of hiding, otherwise ordinary people would really not be able to find it. Seeing Xiaowei and Weiya watching the play, Liya didn't feel uncomfortable on her face. Instead, it is full of gratitude.

If the two of them make a move, the idiot Icelul will definitely suffer a serious crime. Léa is very upset with this brother, but it does not mean that she really hates him. The identity of the moon elf was given up by herself. I want to make the relationship with them stalemate.

Seeing Léa, Isailu leaned against the guard subconsciously, "I didn't make a fool of myself. This time I came here to buy things. The grades on the first floor are too low to be worthy of my identity. I asked Is there anything wrong with going to the second floor? I have a magic stone. Why don't you let me go up there? It's not that I can't afford to pay."

"People choose things, and things also choose the owner. If you have money, you can go to other places to buy things. The things we sell here are only sold to people with the corresponding strength, and these treasures will not be buried." Liya said openly. "Jumbo Pavilion is not a place where you can do whatever you want if you have money. We will consider customers and will not bury the goods ashamed. If you want to go to the second floor, go back to practice hard, and strive to be promoted to the second level as soon as possible."

When the silver-haired elf boy heard the words, he had a black line, "Do you think it's so easy to get promoted? Pure blood elves have a long The speed of promotion is not so fast."

Léa looked at him contemptuously: "Stop talking nonsense. Most of the blood elves are very good. After being baptized with the water of life, their aptitude is far superior to the average half-elves and awakened elves. Can bear it, the speed of cultivation is definitely not slow. The long life and comfortable environment make you lose the motivation to fight. With your qualifications and current body, is it difficult for a second-level wizard wizard? I was already ten years ago. The second-level elven mage is now."

Icelul couldn't help a black line when he heard the words. Is that what a normal person can have in your situation? Witness the divine awakening of the goddess Weiya, who was directly promoted to the first-level elf mage, and then appointed as the saint, and then inexplicably promoted to the second-level elf mage, how much time did you have in the past ten years to consolidate the foundation and consolidate your strength? Didn't you count?

Isailu was driven away by Léa's cynicism, and at the same time, he viciously warned him that next time I was provoked to do stupid things, I would never enter the half-elf house, so I was so scared that Isailu nodded in a hurry. You must know the half-elf house. It is still expanding, and it has gradually gained the name of the first commercial leader of the Elf Island. He is also a playful character. If he is prohibited from entering, he will be laughed at by his companions to death.

Even if you are not laughed to death, others can come to play in the future, and you will be envious of yourself.

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