The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 931: Visit the Trojan demigod

Little Weiya’s holiday was extended from one month to half a year. After the four territories of the Sunshine Land could not accommodate her, Little Ville took her around the entire elf island. Although most of the pure blood elf territories can only be seen at night, they still Let Xiao Wei Ya very satisfied.

Later, Ville took her to the Sixth Ring Construction Wizard Tower and visited Troy, the shadow dragon. Viya unexpectedly co-produced with this lazy dragon, mixing a lot of good things with him, and Troy called out for being fooled. Although Lilith is good, it is still a little bit worse than Xiao Weiya. If I chose Xiao Weiya, I can now vacate the place again, and those who lie down will be gone.

For Lilith, Troy is still very satisfied. Although his initial task has always been managed by Ville, it is still Troy under Lilith's guidance. Lilith is very clear about the development task of the Sunshine Land. The progress is amazing, and Troy can't give bad reviews against his will.

But now, Lilith has no intention of submitting the task. Obviously, she is not satisfied with the current Sunshine Land. Troy is more satisfied with her. Troy knows that she is not a hardworking person, and her disciples are strict in self-discipline. Don’t you save your time?

What can I do with the time saved

Troy's answer is to sleep.

Little Ville brought his sister to find Troy not to play, but to ask him about hunting Tier 3 monsters. The master Troy he knew was the one who hunted the most monsters, and the level of the monsters was also very high. The reason why Hamlin got so many benefits.

"Hunting for monsters." Troy's expression on his face was slightly subtle, "I do know a few of these places, what kind of monsters do you want?"

"Is there a difference?" Little Weier was stunned. It seemed that the monsters did not have very weak, no waste monsters, only the flying master. This is Xiaoweier's long-term philosophy. Even a magic pig can create a lot of money. Value, but professional matters are better left to professionals.

Seeing Troy as if looking at a fool's gaze, Ville resolutely admitted, "The devil, Lilith wants to be higher in mission evaluation. It is important to increase the strength of the territory. In order not to touch the delicate and sensitive nerves of the pure blood elves, the number of people cannot be increased too much. If there are more and the number remains the same, strength is very important. It is not so easy to upgrade the level. Familiars and equipment are the first choice."

"Magic familiar? There are quite a few of them. What are the requirements for combat type, ground travel, flight, and level requirements."

"Earth travel and flying are okay, the strength is required to be Tier 3, um, the demon familiar for the elves is required." Little Weier admired Troy more and more, the tone that can be found in everything is really handsome.

"Is the strength requirement level three? This requirement is not low. With your current strength, the level is too low, but it is not suitable. What is the requirement for combat effectiveness?" Troy thoughtfully. "Combat strength is priority or cuteness priority. There are many elves. Those with pitfalls in their minds may not pay attention to combat effectiveness, but prefer to look at appearance.

Subei is also very helpless with this question. Isn't the four-legged flying dragon powerful? But his mother and sister are very cold, and there is only one ugly rejection.

Guai Li Luo is a non-furry pet. Even the Flame Hellhound is also fluffy. Otherwise, it is estimated that it will not work well if it is Xiao Wei. During this period, he has attacked the magic spirit almost every day, and accidentally got the crystallization of the inheritance of the magic dog. The flame hellhound, who had no sense of existence on his head, successfully advanced to Tier 3, and had an extra ability to transform, but he was able to completely disguise himself as an ordinary demon dog, which was then thrown out by Guai Liluo.

But compared to dogs, Guai Liluo prefers flaming bears and cats. The cub of the Shadow Demon Leopard was fed by her fat and was completely unable to run and threw it to Léa. Compared with the cubs of Warcraft, which can not be tossed, She prefers adult beasts that resist beating.

Most of the newly added elven masters in the Sunshine Lands need to be equipped with magic familiars. Their requirements are not high, and Tier 3 will do, but Little Ville does not intend to deal with things like this, after all, it is related to the completion of Lilith's mission.

Lilith's strength is very strong, but to what extent it is specific, there is something in Xiaowei's heart. Anyway, her 80% strength is really uncontrollable, and it is unrealistic to go all out and her own wife feels distressed.

"I know that there are many places to own Tier 3 monsters, and there are also a few that are relatively easy to get. There are probably two or three who meet the conditions." Troy's words made Ville excited, and he couldn't help but give a thumbs up; "Troy The teacher is worthy of being an expert in Warcraft, and we two juniors listen to the teacher."

Two top-grade magic stones were quietly stuffed in, and Troy’s smile on his face increased. The magic stones were originally a favorite of the dragon clan. Among them, the top-grade magic stones were a good thing that could not be met, and the little guy went on the road.

We had a small gathering with Floret and Mrs. Night, and spent two days with Julian in the secret realm of the Wizard Tower. Three days later, Ville and Weiya quietly left with Troy, not disturbing anyone, although everything that should be known Got it.

Those who shouldn't know are still ignorant, and those who are always staring at the six-ring construction wizard tower and preparing to wait and see are doomed to nothing. Troy's stealth ability is not as strong in the ordinary sense, not to mention Little Ville. , Even Xiao Wei Ya is full of praise.

"On hiding and lurking, I only obey you in the demigod, and I almost hide it from me." Xiao Weiya felt very unbelievable seeing Troy triumphantly. Shadow Dragon is really a magical race, but her brother It's not bad, the vision is very accurate, stand up when it is time to stand, and be able to stay stubbornly when it is time to stand.

And the most important thing is that my brother is improving all the time. Many of Troy’s abilities are very suitable for his brother. Compared with the lecherous black dragon, this shadow dragon is actually more suitable for his brother’s teacher. , Even the demigod himself feels overwhelmed.

"This Hundred Shadows Dazzling is very good, but the number of real clones is still too small. It doesn't matter if the strength is not strong, as long as there is speed, it is used for escape anyway." Troy pointed to Weier to improve witchcraft.

"How about Baiying Dazzling with Shadow Escape and Transformation"

"Your strength level is still a bit low. It would be more practical if Shadow Escape turns into Shadow Shuttle. Cooperating with Shadow Traps is simply a big killer for sneak attacks and assassinations."

"Shadow Shuttle is a demigod-level trick. It's a little bit difficult for me for the time being. Shadow Dunk and Shadow Trap is enough, and it's almost possible to achieve a spike in the same level."

"In fact, many of your methods have involved the law. Although it is only the basic application of the law, it has laid a solid foundation for you. It will be much easier to achieve a demigod in the future. Especially with the real projection, it can almost be faked. It is very powerful when combined with illusion. If you can turn everything in the illusion into a shadow kingdom, and then incorporate other shadow abilities, then it will be the embryonic form of the shadow realm."

"The chain of laws is a symbol of a demigod, and the domain is the exclusive ability of a demigod. In fact, the reverse is also possible. It is easier to condense the chain of laws when you understand the rudiment of the law. Your kid is now at the holy level."

"It's still a little bit short, and it will be about the same in another year or a half." Ville's tone is very plain, but he is definitely not humble, and he also knows that there is still a big gap between the holy level of perfection and the demigod. Xiao Weiya also told herself that a process is called half-step demigod, which is an intermediate state between demigod and holy level perfection, and the difficulty is no less than that of the initial stage of upgrade to holy level perfection.

Why is it so difficult for a demigod to achieve it, because the holy level to the demigod has a qualitative improvement, which is a great integration of all their powers below the third level. If there are omissions in the practice, it will be difficult to integrate, and the holy level that cannot be perfectly integrated will complete , It is difficult to condense the chain of laws, even if you understand the laws, you will not be able to condense because your strength is not satisfactory. That is even more sad.

However, this problem does not exist for Xiao Weier. The exercises he cultivates are all god-level exercises, and there is no problem in compatibility. What's more, there is Snowwood World as a backer and support, so that he has practiced many ideas here. , The accumulation of experience is not bad, if it were not for the three attributes to go hand in hand, now the single attribute must have been completed, just like Lilith.

That's right, Lilith's light attribute has been completed, and the nine third-order witchcraft slots of a supernatural power talent have all been filled, and she is now looking for a way to merge.

With three attributes, three talents, and twenty-four third-order witchcraft, Weier was able to beat Lilith incomparably, and they knew each other's gains and losses.

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