The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 932: Warcraft hunting

Quietly left the Sixth Ring Construction Wizard Tower. After going out to sea for a few hundred miles, Troy directly tore the space and took Weier and Weiya away for a few thousand miles to an island, and then took the teleportation array to another island, and then tore it. Split the space, then take the teleportation array, and after repeated three times, it was changed to the full tearing space.

This method started to contact the third-order, but did not dare to use it in idle time. It can only be used to protect and escape from life. Moreover, the preparation time is too long, the consumption is too large, and the practicability is too poor, but it is completely different for the demigods. It can be used as a conventional method, especially for demigods.

"And, you want to follow me, you are still far away." Do you have to pass after tearing the space? Troy's concealment method was indeed very strong, but he couldn't stand it with two small oil bottles today, and was finally embellished by someone, so Troy had to use a small trick to draw away the demigod powerhouse who followed.

Therefore, the Suspicion Array made a big pass, and then directly let Xiaowei pass through the seven-story holy tower to the far sea, without disturbing anyone to detour to Thunder Naga's territory, once again tore the space into a lush forest, where the magic is full of green trees It is shaded, and the mountains are rolling up and down and you can't see the head at a glance.

"This place is very big, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles is the habitat of monsters. The closer you are to the center, the stronger the monsters are. The strongest monsters have almost demi-god power. If possible, try not to be within a thousand miles of the core area. This place is not suitable. Stay in this place and gather on time in seven days. This place is difficult for outsiders to come in, but it is not really a land of no one. If you encounter humanoid or intelligent creatures, you must never be discovered, otherwise the consequences will be serious. "

After Troy had finished speaking, he turned and disappeared. Ville looked at the place he had originally carried, but he didn't react. He was still too far away from the realm of Teacher Troy.

Xiao Weiya curled her mouth and said disdainfully: "It's just a change of shape and shadow. He just landed and separated a shadow clone. When the words caught our attention, the shadow clone quietly cast shadow escape and left, and waited until the words were finished. The shadow avatar was canceled while shifting shape and shadow. With his demigod level strength, there was almost no magic fluctuation. It is okay for your current strength, brother, to reach this level."

Little Ville nodded slightly. The method seems to be easy to say, but it is definitely not something that can be practiced overnight, especially if he is proficient in shadow witchcraft and has not noticed the fluctuation of magic power, which shows that the Trojan demigod has the ability to control magic power. Has reached the realm of superb experience.

However, considering the character of the Trojan demigod, Ville estimated that this method was more practiced when he was lazy, and the dragon that was so lazy that could enhance the strength was also considered strange.

Xiao Weiya is still very satisfied with Troy’s departure. The shadow dragon who does not disturb her and her brother alone is a good shadow dragon. Otherwise, she won’t mind regaining her strength and teach him a lesson. To be a dragon, she must find her own position. , You're a lead, and you won't be wink if you don't leave your destination.

He happily took Little Will’s hand and walked inside. Little Will left a shadow mark here casually. The advanced application of Shift Shadow can achieve short-distance shadow transmission, but you need to leave the mark in advance. The retention time of this kind of mark is also very short, it happens to be seven days, and the time that Troy chooses is not unattractive.

I put a cloak on Xiao Weiya casually, and I also put on the same cloak. The breath of the two people was immediately blocked, but it did not affect their actions and strength. This cloak is a master-level equipment, Xiao Wei and Lily. A good thing created by Silk.

In the absence of outsiders, Ville did not have the slightest need to conceal his strength. The third-level earth wizard is the most powerful when his feet are on the ground. The earth movement technique mobilizes the whole person to move forward quietly and quickly, and Xiao Weiya is not taken by him. Laboriously, chuckles in his mouth, full of joy.

This is the world of Warcraft. I met Warcraft just a few miles out, but the strength was quite weak, and it was not even advanced, and was ignored by Weier and Weiya.

A demon eagle whizzed by in the sky, and a four-horned antelope was grasped in its paws, and it quickly disappeared between a cliff. "It's only a Tier 1 monster. It has no advantage except that it can fly. It is too small and weak, and it looks bad. , Heibuyaqiu is so ugly."

"Small size, flexible movements, and cute appearance, but the strength is a bit too weak, and the smell on the body is not good."

"The head is big enough, but the whole body is dirty, the movements are slow and the skin is thick. If you don't reach enough numbers, it will not be combat power at all. The most important thing is too stupid. But the meat quality is good, you can consider grabbing a few. Go back and taste it."

"It is actually a monster of Yalong, but the bloodline is too shallow, and it is not even activated, the possibility of being activated is too small, the input-output ratio is too low, and it is meaningless. Moreover, the strength is too low, the look is too ugly, and it does not look very good. The way it’s eating."

"Hey, this monster is a little weird. It is actually a fantasy monster. Although it is only Tier 1, it looks very beautiful. Looking at the potential of its bloodline, it will not be a problem to advance to Tier 2 in the future. Brother, help me put this little thing away." After picking and choosing hundreds of beasts, the mink-shaped magical beast that Xiao Weiya can admire within a hundred miles is actually the size of a palm.

Little Ville threw it into the seven-story Santa Yi, and then notified Lilith to pick up the goods, and helped Xiao Weiya take it first. The benefits of the seven-story Santa were reflected at this time, and the delivery efficiency was not generally high.

"Xiao Weiya, are we too dependent on the outer layer? The strength of the monsters here is too weak." Xiaowei finally understood why Troy left in such a hurry. He really looked down on the monsters in this place, it should be. Go to the inner layer.

Xiao Weiya rolled her eyes and said angeredly: "Isn't my brother just discovering it now? Just let it go and feel it."

Little Ville rubbed his sister’s little head: "Do you think that your brother’s mental power is as powerful and controllable as you? It’s not a good habit to put mental probing in unfamiliar places. If you disturb a big person who can’t be offended, it’s troublesome. Now. My brother’s controllable range is only three or five miles, which is far worse than Xiao Weiya. Who makes my baby sister so powerful."

Hearing her elder brother praise herself, Xiao Weiya raised her head high, waving her fist and saying, "I am very powerful. As long as I am here, no one can hurt my elder brother."

"It looks like it's not big first, so let's be bold and speed up. After all, we don't have much time." Little Ville grabbed his sister's hand, and the speed suddenly increased, leaving her sister's cheerful laughter along the way, as well as one by one. Ji Fei Gou jumped into a frightened weak beast.

Three hundred miles ahead, Tier 2 monsters appeared one after another. After a thousand miles, they encountered the first Tier 3 monster, a crocodile lurking in the swamp, but they were disliked by Xiao Weiya, mainly because it was too much. Ugly too smelly.

Two thousand miles later, the number of monsters in the Three Realms increased, and Tier 2 monsters also began to appear in Xiaoweier suddenly discovered a pattern, the general power of monsters is not too powerful, but powerful. Most of the monsters are Yalong, or dragonborn monsters.

It took two days to explore the land. On the third day, I harvested the first Tier 3 monster that looked pleasing to the eye: the Irontooth Dragon Eagle, the Yalong monster with part of the forest green dragon bloodline, and two unhatched beasts by the way. Eggs, a pile of animal skins, animal bones, feathers.

On the fourth day, Weier and Weiya let go of the hunt and caught three Tier 3 monsters, a crystal dragon and tiger beast with the blood of a blue dragon, a fangs dragon wolf with a black dragon blood, and an ice and snow with a white dragon blood. The earth travels to the dragon.

On the fifth day, Xiaoweier and Xiaoweiya were divided into two groups, and they caught seven Tier 3 monsters, all Yalong monsters, which made them feel that something was a little bit wrong.

Here, it is very likely that it is the secret base of the dragon clan to raise the beasts, and he and Xiao Weiya were dragged into the water by the thief shadow dragon of Troy and became accomplices.

"Brother, what do you do now?" Xiao Weiya said that these monsters were caught by herself and her brother with great pains, and they must not be put back. As for the follow-up troubles, the brother will solve them, at least hiding in the Elf Island. Big problem.

Little Ville gritted his teeth fiercely: "If you put it back, you will definitely not be able to put it back. After you go back, you will be tamed, and you will let it out every three to five months, saying that you purchased it at a high price from Mr. Troy."

You don't want to blame me for being unrighteous. If you want to drag me into the water, it depends on whether others believe it or not. The big deal is when you look back and sway and send a few generous gifts to the Troy teacher.

It doesn't matter if Mr. Troy is present or not, if the main appearance is in place, the problem will naturally be thrown out.

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