The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 933: The dilemma of the half-dragon

In the dense and dense jungle, a few silhouettes moved forward quickly, almost rushing straight all the way, jumping up and down wherever they passed, and the Warcraft retreated one after another regardless of whether it entered the stage or not.

"Green, do you confirm that the little girl is in this direction? Isn't it a bit too far from the map we sold her?" A tall and tall girl covered in light blue armor was covered in layers. The ray of light shrouded the unrealistic tall man yelling at the green-clad boy who led the way in front of him.

"Absolutely can't be wrong, that girl has the mark that I left on her body, it is absolutely impossible to lose it, unless she is willing to throw away the silver dragon armor set on her body." The young man named Green is tall and slender, with the same face. Long, the facial features are slightly uncoordinated, giving people a strange feeling of developmental deformity. There is a thumb-sized green scale on the center of the eyebrow, and the mouth shows two rows of canine teeth.

"That girl is also really stupid. She really believes that Dracaena exists. Ice cube face, that girl is the daughter of Princess Silver Dragon. Are you sure how many of us can beat her?" A man in black armor. The little fat man is a little bit unconfident.

The man in the white armor next to him kicked out and was flexibly avoided by the little fat man, and said triumphantly: "Hey, Bingcuyface, the sign of your hands is too obvious. It's too early to attack me. century."

"Stop making trouble, this time we can't leave any loopholes in the calculation of the little girl from the clan. Princess Silver Dragon’s anger is not so easy to calm down. We are both half-dragon people. Our identity is really different from that little girl. Fabi. But the half-dragon tribe patriarch candidate must not let that little girl go, otherwise there will be really no place to put our faces." The face of a woman with long red hair is full of complex expressions, resolute. There was a trace of guilt in it.

"Sister, don’t worry, even if we save our lives, we have to push you to the position of the leader of the half-dragon. Only you can lead us out of the sky. The little girl who only knows to eat can’t make a big deal at all. Getting the patriarch candidate's place, the consequences would be disastrous." The little fat man put away the joking expression on his face: "Although he is the daughter of the cousin, he is also my cousin, but since I was a child, I really didn't learn from her. Seeing a trace of leadership ability. The Half-Dragon is already miserable enough that she can no longer let her ruin our hopeless future."

"Bang!" The black-clad fat man was punched fiercely in the head, and the blue-clad boy gave him a fierce look: "The dog can't spit out ivory. There is a big sister's head. We are half dragons. The future is certainly brilliant."

The little fat man shrank his head and said cautiously: "It's not that I don't believe in the elder sister, but I am afraid of being bullied by those pure dragons. I believe that under the leadership of the elder sister, our half-dragon tribe will be stronger!"

The red-haired long-haired girl is tall and majestic with a fiery red armor, her chest is raised high, and she is holding a fiery red spear. She has an extraordinary momentum, but the expression on her face is slightly unhappy, and her eyes are patrolling around. It seems that some are not very relieved.

"The half-dragon race selection contest half a year later cannot be missed. That little girl is half smaller than us, but her strength is no longer under us. Her blood is more pure than ours, and even more pure than the general acquired dragons. She is fully capable of becoming a real dragon, why must she compete with our group of half-dragons for the few resources."

What is an acquired dragon?

If Yalong, especially Yalong with a high bloodline concentration, gets some adventures and breaks through the bloodline boundary by chance, it is possible to become an acquired pure-blood dragon, but this opportunity is very rare, and it is very rare for Yalong’s own aptitude and bloodline. The demands are high, and the little girl in their mouth is more hopeful than all of them combined.

That little girl has never been comparable to them. She has a lot of resources since she was born, and she never worried about cultivation and growth. She went out more than ten years ago and awakened the dragon to transform after she came back. A bloodline is very close to a pure blood dragon.

Why does such a backup dragon have to **** the few resources from these half-dragons who are surviving in the cracks? Even take away their leadership. Do you know that the half-dragon tribe was originally suppressed and led by the dragon, but now they don’t even have the autonomy for the last trace of face?

To be honest, it takes a lot of courage to calculate the daughter of the Silver Dragon Princess. No matter whether they can succeed or not, once the news is exposed, they will face cruel punishments, and even their relatives will be implicated. The situation will also become more sinister.

"Stop!" The leading green-armored boy called the crowd to stop, his nose moved slightly, "This smell, she is still in the mood to barbecue?! And, it's burnt."

"Bang!" The green-clad boy was knocked over with a punch, "Are you focusing on the point?"

The four men punched and kicked, making the green armored girls group into a ball and groaning. Anyway, everyone's fists and feet were not filled with vindictiveness, and it didn't cause any harm to him. Everyone was just relieving the pressure, just like a joke just now.

Stress is a wonderful thing. Sometimes it can make a person, and sometimes it can ruin a person.

Five people entered the invisible state and moved forward quietly. The five advanced steppers could not walk as fast as ordinary people. They bypassed a big bend, and one was wearing silver by a small stone wall not far in front. The petite figure with scaly armor stood by the bonfire, flipping the barbecue weighing at least a hundred kilograms in his hand, the fat fell on the fire and made a "cracking" sound, and the faint smell of meat spread far away, accompanied by a faint dragon.

"I really envy you, you can control Longwei so easily at a young age, and it's still such a level of Longwei." The green-clad boy was full of envy and jealousy, and the little fat boy and black-clad boy heard his voice as soon as he uttered his voice. Fist and beat, the revenge that beat me before is now reported.

"Don't talk, the other party is not weaker than us, what should I do if we are discovered." The little fat man also found a perfect reason for his action.

The petite figure has long silver hair and waist. With the gentle wind drifting in the mountains, he reacts to the barbecue in one hand, and murmurs to himself with a map of animal skins in the other: "East, east, south, north, this direction is south, according to the instructions of this map, I climbed a mountain and crossed a river to reach that But it's not right. The river seems to be in the opposite direction. Is this person who drew the picture a road silly?"

The sound followed the mountain breeze to the place of the five people, and the four of them turned their eyes to the green-clad boy. The latter's face became stiff and ferocious and said, "Damn you, it's you who turned around, okay, even if it's cloudy." You don't know the distinction between east and west, north and south, that direction is west! I am not the one who is crazy about the road, but you, a fool, half-silver dragon, OK."

"What to do? That idiot can read the map wrong, completely off the track." The blue armored boy muttered dissatisfiedly: "I was afraid that she would see the flaws, and deliberately painted the map very complicated, making this dragon's nest grass look even more complicated. Precious and true, I didn't expect..."

They really didn't expect that this little girl who was going to compete for the heir of the half-dragon tribe patriarch had no field knowledge at all, and turned very miraculously. Is this their biggest enemy?

I always feel that their five most outstanding half-dragons have worked together to calculate such a silly girl, and his grade has been lowered countless times.

"Regardless of the map, choose a place that meets the requirements and start layout." The red-haired girl gritted her teeth fiercely and immediately began to assign work. "Bruce, you go to set up the scene and prepare for illusion support. Green then releases. To draw the dragon incense, the timing must be well grasped, and the weight should not be too light or too heavy. Ace is responsible for monitoring this little girl and keeping in touch with us at all times. Brand is ready to drive away the beasts to cause disturbances and create the illusion that the herbs are mature."

"Everyone listened to my orders and executed them in order. Now, the battle plan begins!" The red-haired girl gave an order. The other four teenagers responded in unison, but the voice was slightly louder, causing a bonfire not far away. The girl's attention, tilted her head and looked over, suddenly there was silence around her.

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