The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 934: A wave of beasts triggered by a fruit

"Three laps left, three laps right, three laps fast, three laps slow."

   "Put the delicious spices three times, and the bad ones once, three times back and forth, inside and out, outside and inside."

   "Cut horizontally, vertically, cross and diagonally."

Yamizai carefully fiddled with the roasted meat in her hand, peeled off the whole skin and drained the blood, and then washed it three times, most of all, rubbed it back and forth twice with more than a dozen spices, and used it. A special technique penetrates into it, and then the barbecue begins.

"Sure enough, halflings are more researched about barbecues. This method is more powerful than that of the Roshan fool. Humph, I am also a barbecue expert now, no, it should be barbecue Dalong!" Yamei looked at the barbecue, inside her nose. It was full of strong meaty fragrance, and a trace of saliva flowed down from the corner of his mouth, and he was sucked back again with a "suck".

  As an excellent member of the big foodie family, Yami has been working hard to improve her cooking skills. As for the effect, how should I put it?

She is the most loyal and loyal. She was able to take her away from Silver Dragon Island with Princess Silver Dragon on her back. After several attempts, she decided that raw meat was more delicious. Yami's cooking skills can be seen. Hamlin, the demigod who regards cooking and food as his own way, gave up after teaching her for a few days.

She has a very strong combat effectiveness, and her control of power is not weak. She is quite well-organized in both bare-handed and swordsmanship, but I don’t know why it’s not the same thing when she comes to cooking, she only needs to be a little bit when she cooks. When the scent comes out, it will quickly get out of control.

Yami would not admit that she was seduced by the aroma of semi-finished food. Her mind was filled with the aroma of finished food, so that she soon lost her mental energy, and the food she made was the same as the medicine made by Mojiesi. Imagination, but it does not meet the conditions of use at all.

   For Yami, if the taste in the process of making something is average, then it can be eaten in the end, but if the process is perfect, the result will be disastrous.

Suddenly Yamei's nose fluttered slightly, she suddenly raised her head and cast her gaze forward not far away, "This smell, drunk dragon fruit? No, no, it means drunk dragon fruit, but it also smells like red dragon fruit, um, there is another one. A little bit of the smell of colorful fruit, huh~, how do you feel that there is still a meaty smell? Well, the smell of burnt meat."

Yamei didn’t notice, her barbecue stopped, the bonfire scorched the meat of the monster in front of her, and the burning smell was close to her eyes, while the "big detective" Yamei still tried to use her nose to analyze the information coming from a distance. With a slight movement of his ears, the whole person quickly lay down on the ground, and listened carefully.

"This step is very heavy, the weight is at least eight thousand jins, and the speed is not fast, but I decided to enter the stage. Judging by this weight and the forward rhythm, the iron-clad dragon?" A look of disappointment appeared on Yamei's face, and said Reason: "It's not tasty."

"Wait, this speed is actually a green jade snake. It is definitely the voice of an adult green jade snake. It is known as the top ten delicious and seventh green jade snake in the World of Warcraft Forest." Yamei jumped up from the campfire. Flying past, the strong wind brought up instantly crushed the bonfire and monster meat to the ground, and her figure had reached a hundred meters away.

"The green jade snake belongs to me, no one is allowed to grab it with me!" None of the top ten delicacies in the Warcraft Forest is easy to get. The green jade snake ranks seventh but still has not been eaten, thanks to its three abilities , Green camouflage, wooden escape and turtle breath lurking.

A black and green shadow shuttled between the trees, and the figure flickered. The thick tree seemed to be a phantom that could not block its footsteps, leaving only a dark shadow and an inaudible "hiss" sound. This is the green jade snake and Other snakes are very different and the best positioning method. When they move at high speed, their body will make a specific sound.

   A juvenile dragon wolf was kicked by Yami, "Go out of the way, dare to block my way, and eat it all!"

"Wow~" Not far away, an adult dragon wolf roared, and a fireball flew over. Yamei's figure moved more than ten meters across in an instant, and a big tree was cut off with a "boom", Yamei But he didn't mean to stay at all, he jumped up to another big tree, and disappeared in twos or twos.

   Dragon and wolf such beasts have strong jumping ability after entering the stage, but the big tree is definitely not their favorite road, the grass is their hunting place.

A cyan poisonous snake shot out like lightning, Yami casually waved a slap on the seven inches, letting it fall softly, and was bitten by an unleveled monster on the ground and killed it, before this little monster could enjoy a delicious meal. , The sharp claws of the dragon wolf who came after it tore it to pieces, and the footsteps kept chasing it up.

More than ten miles passed in a blink of an eye. On a small hill, more than 20 tiered beasts gathered. On the hillside, a three-foot-high sapling stood quietly in a pile of rocks. The whole body was blood-red, a fruit the size of a baby's fist swayed in the wind, but the outer layer of defensive cover made many monsters temporarily inactive.

   Warcraft already has good wisdom, at least they know that this fruit is very helpful to them, and it is not ripe now, and the benefits will be even greater when it is ripe.

   Thinking of getting richer and richer, the fruit has become more blood-red and attractive, and the beast roars from afar, obviously more beasts are coming.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The heavy footsteps sounded, and a three-foot-long iron-clad terrestrial dragon flicked its tail and ran over, but even if it was a Tier 2 monster, its speed couldn't get up at all, as Yalong Among the species with one of the few defensive powers, the iron-clad dragon has few natural enemies, and it is actually a vegetarian animal, and it is indeed an alien.

   The huge head flicked left and right, and the two first-order monsters were pushed away by it, and they rushed straight to the blood-red sapling. A demon leopard slashed out, but was thrown away by its tail, and died instantly.

   The gap between the second-tier monsters and the first-tier monsters is not small, especially between the high-level dragon monsters and the low-level ordinary monsters, the gap is particularly obvious.

"Boom!" After repelling seven or eight Tier 1 monsters in a row, the iron-clad ground dragon hit the defensive barrier of the young sapling. The defensive barrier trembled slightly, but it did not break immediately. Xinglong retreated three or five steps.

A huge dragon python of more than six feet leaped out like lightning, biting the root of the tail of the iron armored dragon, and then the body quickly entangled it whole, and the venom was injected quickly, but the iron armored dragon almost "trampled" it with one trick. Without any other magic, all the abilities are concentrated on a piece of iron armor. The dragon python of the same level can't bite its leather armor in the first time, but the venom has corroded its skin and flesh a little bit.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The big feet of the armored ground dragon trampled on the ground The earth was trembling violently with a radius of 100 meters, but it was not able to step on the dragon python once, on the contrary. It was being tightened tighter and tighter, and could only roll and hit the dragon python on the ground, trying to loosen it.

   The body of the iron-clad ground walking dragon is only a little more than three feet long, but the weight is twice as long as the dragon python. Both sub-dragon beasts are good at tumbling. For a while, no one can do anything about it, falling into a short stalemate.

   The direction of the iron armored dragon's tumbling seems to be a bit wrong. It was approaching the blood-red little tree and violently hit the defensive enchantment, causing the defensive enchantment to appear cracks.

The rich fruity fragrance erupted instantly, and heads of beasts rushed up crazy, and dragon pythons and iron armored earthwalking dragons were also unable to withstand the impact of so many advanced beasts, especially these beasts seemed to be in madness, with a little power and speed. Promote.

"Kacha~" The defensive enchantment made a clear cracking sound, and then suddenly exploded. The strong impact forcibly knocked the beasts around 100 meters upside down and flew out, injuring a large area. There were even two first-order beasts because of the impact. He worked too hard, was directly interrupted by the impact, and died.

The dragon python was forcibly peeled from the iron-clad dragon by the powerful impact. Its body weight could not withstand such a huge impact. It flew upside down, and the iron-clad dragon staggered back, but took the opportunity to slam on it. On the dragon python, I don't know how many bones I stepped on. If it weren't for the higher level of the dragon python, the defensive power was also very high. This foot could directly kill the ordinary beasts.

   Far away, there was a roaring sound, and a wave of beasts inevitably appeared.

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