The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 935: Half Dragon 9

On the small hill, the five figures are cautiously hiding next to a boulder, holding knives and guns on guard at all times, heads of beasts rushing past, although they have never stopped attacking them, they still let the five small one-and-a-half The dragon was terrified.

   Tier 1 Warcraft, Tier 1 Warcraft, Tier 1 Warcraft.

   Tier 2 Warcraft, Tier 2 Warcraft, Tier 2 Warcraft.

There are only three to fifty first-order beasts passing by them, and five or six second-order beasts. If it is normal, the five of them would have become beasts, but now they are rushing over with blood red eyes. , I didn't even look at them at all.

   The five half-dragon youths looked at each other, blood was already flowing below them, the dead and wounded were more than one hundred beasts, the centrally located second-order beasts, and a petite figure holding a big sword galloping horizontally and horizontally.

   A fist with his left hand overturned a giant python, a big sword with his right hand flapped a demon wolf, and a devilish leopard with a kick upside down. No matter what enemy was in front of him, the fist and the big sword danced horizontally, and the invincible hand.

"This is the half-dragon who is competing for the candidate of our tribe's patriarch? When has the half-dragon been so powerful?" The green-jacketed boy almost fell off his chin. The most important thing is that this man is their five biggest rivals. And it is also a direct competitor.

   "This girl is amazing, not a half-dragon." An inexplicable look flashed in the eyes of the red-haired girl. Everyone is a half-dragon. Why are you so good?

"Is this the strength of the second-order half-dragons? Except for the patriarch, there is no second-order half-dragon in the entire tribe, and the patriarch has not shot for decades. Our tribe..." The expression on her face is slightly ugly, how can this girl fight? Can people like yourself be able to play together?

   "By the way, Green, how many yinlongxiang do you have, so many monsters are attracted, this method, tsk tsk, powerful!" The white armored boy's face was full of admiration.

The green armor boy rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think it is possible? Yinlongxiang is only useful for monsters with dragon blood. Although this is the Forest of Dragon Island, there are not a few monsters with dragon blood, but this number Obviously unreasonable. Everyone knows how large the scope of Yinlongxiang is. What really matters is not Yinlongxiang, but the small tree sapling, or the fruit that is about to mature on the small tree sapling.

Everyone’s eyes fell on the Blue Armored boy at the same time. The latter was full of agitation, with a very innocent look on his face and said timidly: "If I said, that little sapling was originally here, I just added one. Defensive enchantment, a simple illusion magic circle is set up, do you believe it?"

"Do you look like a fool?" The black army small plate smiled, his fingers were "啪", the sound of "咔嚓 嚓" sound: "I am old and old, I'm all the people Explain clearly after a while, you can choose one."

"Even I feel that the blood is bursting with the fruit that is just about to move. Do you think I will believe that this is an ordinary thing?" The green-clad boy grabbed the blue-clad boy's neck with a slight force: "The place is pointed out by the elder sister at any time. None of us have been here before. It was purely accidental to be here. You were the first to be here."

"After I got your signal, I used Yinlongxiang to lure Beasts. Except for us and the little girl below, no other people were seen along the way, and that little girl has been under the surveillance of Ice Face. She has no time to do anything. ."

"So?" The blue-clad boy pushed away the blue-clad boy, grunted uncomfortably, and turned his eyes to the red-haired girl: "Big sister, our half-dragon people are in a very embarrassing situation, a group of children without fathers and mothers. Grandma doesn’t care for uncles or loves, only we can rely on ourselves, but we can’t stand up. Several of us are the best among our peers, but those of us in our 40s and 50s face a three-year-old The ten-year-old half-dragon actually doesn't even have the courage to compete head-on."

   "Bruce, shut up!" The green-clad boy whispered, "The tribe is our home, do you want to find an old lady who is a dozen or twenty years younger than us to take care of it?"

The blue armored boy glared at him coldly: "I just want to ask, Princess Silver Dragon’s daughter, why don’t you wait for Silver Dragon Island to run to our remote and backward half-dragon tribe? It’s because of her Silver Dragon bloodline. Impure? But this is the silver dragon girl with impure blood. She was already a second-tier master before the age of thirty, and one person carrying more than a dozen second-tier monsters can't be defeated. What about us?"

   "We have no second-tier masters in our tribe except the patriarch, and how much strength can the elderly patriarch show now?"

   The little fat man in black armor asked impatiently: "Bruce, what the **** do you want to say?"

   "What I said first is that there are more and more monsters, and the strength is getting stronger and stronger. Can we go later if we don't run now?"

   The red-haired girl, the black-clad fat boy, the white-clad boy, and the green-clad boy all have a black line. You have spared a big circle, is this what you want to say? And is running away related to what you said before?

   "Why there is no connection, but you didn't let me finish talking."

"Just now I mentioned that this little girl is the daughter of Princess Silver Dragon, with Tier 2 strength, and she has gone from being able to do nothing at the beginning to being dwarfed by more and more beasts. The fruit is really not me. What I did was just sprinkled two pots of dragon blood wine there, and ordered a few dragons to induce dragon fragrance.

   "If that girl can successfully grab the fruit and suppress the beasts, it's okay to say, but as the beasts increase, she must be..."

The blue-armed teenager babbled and didn’t make his words clear. The babble was annoying, but the red-haired girl’s brain turned quickly, and interrupted him directly: "You mean there is only one fruit, and more and more monsters are coming. The more, once the winner is determined, the monsters that have not received the fruit will go crazy, and we..."

   "And we will be the pond fishes that have been hit?" The white-clad boy also reacted.

   Suddenly there was a roar from far away, and the five people raised their heads together, only to see a black spot flying from a distance. They knew what it was without getting close, "Dragons?"

"Run!" The red-haired girl uttered a loud yell. She couldn't control that much anymore. They could be deterred by dragons from such a distance. This shows that the new dragon clan is very strong, at least Tier 3, and they won't run anymore now. , May really not run.

   As for Yami, she is the daughter of Princess Yinlong. There is no one or two life-saving good things in hand to have a ghost.

The five people all transformed, dragon claws, dragon legs, and dragon tail, but they are not real dragons. Their height suddenly doubled, and their strength increased from the first-tier junior to the first-tier peak, but they were still the first-tier strength. For the half-dragons, this state is almost at the limit, speed, power, explosive power, and magic power have reached their peaks at the same time.

Heads of beasts were hit and crushed by The five half-dragons ran clean in a blink of an eye, leaving only a long blood path. When the Tier 3 dragons came, they had no time to choose. Hidden circuitous and other things, rampage is the best choice, or the only escape option.

"Roar~" The earth-shattering roar is getting closer and closer. The monsters in this direction collapsed to the ground without entering the step, and the stepped ones were also shivering and fleeing. The battle on the hill battlefield became more fierce, and Yamei faced the madness. Many second-order beasts have also suffered several losses. If the silver dragon armor is not strong enough, I am afraid that they have been injured.

Although half-dragon tribes are not seen by dragons, they are, after all, a highly intelligent group with dragon bloodlines. There are nine master-level armors, including the flame red dragon, the frost white dragon, the desert blue dragon, the forest green dragon, the swamp black dragon, Golden dragons, silver dragons, bronze dragons, and crystal dragons are built by demigods and can only be inherited by the half-dragons of their respective races, and Yami inherits the silver dragon armor.

   Silver Dragon Armor, in addition to its superior defense power like other armors, is also engraved with two powerful magic arrays, cloud fog technique and anti-gravity technique.

Yamei roared, the white light flashing on her body, all the monsters around 100 meters away from the body instantly lost weight and flew up. Yamei didn't wait for the antigravity technique to take effect completely, and the whole person rushed into the air, and forcibly knocked the monster that was in front of her into the instant In front of the young sapling, grabbed the fruit, turned and ran.

"Cloud and fog technique!" Escape is also exquisite. The fruit is in the space ring. The fog covers everything. No one sees a small dragon-shaped creature running to the top of the mountain, disappearing in a smoke following the trail of five half-dragon boys. There was no trace, except for a few figures who had been staring at her in mid-air.

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