The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 936: If you meet a good one, just grab it

The huge black dragon "boomed" to the ground, and all the monsters lying around hundreds of meters were on the ground. Except for the second-order monsters who had seen something wrong and had no fruit temptation, they escaped in time. Most of the first-tier and non-tiered monsters were lying down. The beast that was blocking the way was also hit hard by the second-order beast that fleeed.

The black dragon landed on the ground, a claw dug the little sapling away, and the little sapling disappeared with a flash of light. The huge black dragon figure quickly turned into a handsome man, and it was Yami's father, the black dragon Brand Rui. En. Witzel, three figures quietly landed in the sky.

A tree of life tentacles appeared quietly in Ville’s hand, and the blood on the ground was quickly absorbed by it. Under Ville’s control, the injured monster was actually healed by Ville. After all, these blood made a lot of contributions. In particular, the number of Dragon Blood Monsters is the largest.

"Tsk tsk, this hand of witchcraft is really not easy. It combines the wood magic of the elves and the bloodthirsty of the blood. It is worthy of the elven dragon descendants inherited from the blood god." Silver-haired beauty Ivant Seville's face Full of joking, most of the power of the elves comes from the tree of life, but this blood-sucking ability is not necessarily a skill of the blood family, but Ivante's words mean something else.

Xiaoweier quickly completed the work, and a dozen small crystals were formed on the branches of the tree of life seedlings, but most of them were not mature. With the improvement of Xiaoweier's strength, time went by, the three spatial essences of darkness, earth and ocean The Law of Harmony was absorbed by the Snowwood World, and the growth of Xiao Miao never stopped, but faster and faster.

   As Lilith said, Ville was dragging his feet.

"That sapling is just an ordinary small sapling, the lowest level magic plant. This fruit is not a serious fruit, but a small thing I made with alchemy." Little Weir shook his head gently and said, "Yami's. You know your temper, there is no smell of meat like fruit, it is a fruit-like barbecue with a gem inside."

Brand lightly shook his head and smiled and said: "You have a heart, you still don't know enough about Yami. The little girl will eat the fruit, turn the gem into a pendant and wear it on her neck, and then come back to dig the tree. Her temperament That is, if you give her a sweet date, she turns around and thinks about digging the tree."

   "The reason is simple, she likes this fruit."

Little Will couldn’t help but get a black line when he heard that. He could imagine that if this tree was really taken by Yami, the most likely possibility would be that she dug it back and planted it at home, and slept on it every day, waiting for the sapling to take shape. Out of meat and gems.

"You guys, it's really hard work." Xiaoweiya was already laughing into a ball, and Xiaowei could not help but shook her head with a wry smile, "This really fits Yami's character. But she is not stupid, at least we have to wait for us to leave. By the way, Yami The current state seems a bit wrong, isn't her blood awakening complete?"

Princess Silver Dragon has the purest silver dragon bloodline. As her daughter, Yami's bloodline is definitely not weak, and Brand is not an ordinary human race, but a half-dragon, a half-dragon with the black dragon's blood, and a half-sage. Dragon people, the daughters of their two holy masters, are unlikely to fail in their blood awakening.

The silver dragon princess Yvant cast an irritating look at her husband, who scratched her head and smiled: "If Xiao Yamei is only awakened by the silver dragon bloodline, it will not be a big problem, but after all, my black dragon bloodline is flowing in her body. I hope she can At the same time, awaken the blood of the silver dragon and the black dragon, so..."

So when Yami's bloodline awakened, Brand made a little trick and forcibly injected the blood of his grandfather Professor Wezel. The blood of the demigod black dragon almost caused the bloodline imbalance and exploded to death. In the end, the silver dragon patriarch used himself The blood was suppressed forcibly, but it also caused Yami's blood awakening to be incomplete, and even her life state became smaller.

However, there must be gains. Yami has suffered, but she has improved her bloodline a lot. While the silver dragon bloodline is half awakened, the black dragon bloodline has also completed half awakening, but her black dragon bloodline is always inferior to the silver dragon. The bloodline is incomplete, and the level is not enough.

Yami’s original bloodline originated from her mother, Silver Dragon Princess Ivant, Tier 3 Silver Dragon, and father Brand, Tier 3 Black Dragon and Half Dragon. The level is about the same, but the bloodline density is overwhelming. Sexual superiority, Brand knew that it would be very difficult for him to have another child. In order to bring his daughter closer to himself, he boldly incorporated a drop of Tier 4 demigod black dragon essence and blood from his father, Professor Witzel, into her. in vivo.

The blood pulse burst suddenly occurred during the bloodline awakening ceremony. A battle between the silver dragon bloodline and the black dragon bloodline caused Yami to be seriously injured, and at the same time, the bloodline was developed more deeply. Just when she was about to be unable to bear it, the silver dragon patriarch took action. As the only god-level master of the Yinlong clan, he saved Yami with a drop of his own writing, but he also made Yami's blood awakening ceremony a complete failure.

  The blood awakening ceremony of the dragon clan is sacred. Generally speaking, there is only one chance to incarnate a dragon under the witness of the dragon god. If you succeed, you will get the blessing of the dragon god, but Yami gets the blessing of the dragon **** after failure.

This is a bit uncomfortable. Yami's bloodline is not fully awakened, but the ceremony is over. You said it was successful. Her dragon bloodline has not been fully awakened. She can only transform into a half-dragon and cannot become a real dragon. , You said you failed, the Dragon God even gave you blessings, what else do you want?

   Said Dragon God is lame?

   If there is another blood awakening, is it deceiving the Dragon God and wanting to have the Dragon God’s blessing again?

  What if the descendants of other giant dragons will follow suit in the future?

In the end, when everyone put it together, Yamei became a half-dragon under the joint suppression of the five five-color dragon patriarchs, completely eliminating the possibility of inheriting the high-level position of the silver dragon, and was given the silver dragon armor because of the blessing of the dragon god. Qualified to compete for the position of half-dragon patriarch, and can freely enter and exit Yinlong Island.

Even though she is a half-dragon, she is still the daughter of Princess Silver Dragon. Her grandfather is the patriarch of the silver dragon of the god-level dragon, and her grandfather is the pinnacle demi-god Professor Wezel, and her father and mother are both Saint-level masters and senior Saint-level. Master.

Yamei’s injury is not light. It only took ten years to recover from the injury. As soon as she recovered from her injury, she had Tier 2 peak strength. In these ten years, she slept next to her grandfather, contaminated with a lot of the breath of a god-level silver dragon. And Professor Witzel also sent some good things over every other day.

   Such as the blood jewels and inheritance crystals of the Black Dragon, even though these things were all obtained from Little Ville.

After listening to Brand’s account, Weier and Weiya couldn’t help but stare at each other. Ivant looked at Weier with an incredible expression: "When I saw you ten years ago, you were just an unqualified young man. Hey boy, you can stand at the same height as us now. It's really impermanent."

"Fortunately, you also know that the human race has a limited lifespan, but the potential is still very good. The rate of increase in the same period of time is much faster than that of the dragons, which take longer to accumulate." After all, the dragons just sleep for a long time. Yes, even hundreds of thousands of years ago is possible, especially the high-level and powerful dragons.

   Xiaoweier even wondered whether the dragon god’s blessing left a trace of thoughts that did not have much thinking ability after he fell asleep, otherwise how could Yami’s situation be considered a successful awakening.

   In other words, the Dragon God fell asleep and lost his mind, and finally limped and trembles, giving Yami a blessing.

"You said, can I also come to a blood awakening, deceive, no, pray for the blessing of a dragon god." Xiao Weier is not thinking of but Lilith, her own blood is very mixed, The bloodline of the fifth-order elf, the fifth-order black dragon, and the sixth-order Thunder Giant bloodline, if they are really paid attention to by the Dragon God, the possibility of being killed is greater than the possibility of being blessed, and he has the integrity of the black dragon. Bloodlines, including Dragon Crystal, and Dragon God’s blessings are basically ineffective to him.

   "Are you also a dragon?" Brand curled his lips, but his father had said that this kid was all weird and his future achievements would be higher than his father's, and his father is now a half-step god.

Yvette’s eyes lit up, and he looked at Xiaoweier carefully and nodded and said: “You have a very good black dragon bloodline. If you combine it with Yami, you should be able to give birth to a perfect silver dragon and black dragon double bloodline, and in your interaction. , It is very possible for Yami to complete the balance of senior bloodlines. Boy, I am very optimistic about you, starting from today, you will be my son-in-law!"

   Brand and Ville couldn't help but get a black line, and Viya almost hit someone. You must know that she is the strongest here.

"We dragons are straightforward and unpretentious in doing things. Xiao Yamei is impressed and doesn't hate you. In addition, your wealth is not weak, and your blood is very suitable. When you encounter such a good object, you can just grab it." Yifan Very plausible, and then, was strongly suppressed by Xiao Weiya.

   "My brother is mine, no one can **** me!" It was obviously I came first, and my brother was mine since I was born. Why do you **** me?

   First Lilith, then Nicole, Leya, and now even the foodie Yamei has begun to covet his brother's body. As a younger sister, I must look more closely at my brother!

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