The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 937: This kid actually knows the abyss

It's best for men not to interfere with women's affairs. Just when Ivant and Weiya "closely communicate", Brand and Weir have already started cleaning the battlefield.

The battlefield was chosen by five half-dragon youths. It seems to the outsiders that everything was caused by them, but the decoy was thrown down by Little Vil. The Beast was driven and lured by Brand. Apart from killing each other, the Beast was left. Most of them were killed by Yami. This huge forest of monsters was where the dragons raised the monsters, and belonged to public property. Such destruction and waste were not allowed.

   In line with the principle of saving and rejecting waste, Ville put away the corpses of Warcraft, praising the rational use of resources, while Brand only chose what he looked delicious.

"Dragons are a natural and powerful race with a wide variety of different personalities. Among them, the silver dragon is lawful and kind, and is very willing to help the kind dragon in need. Solemnity and elegance are the silver dragon’s greatest appearance, while the foodie is the silver dragon hiding. The attribute of the silver dragon is not resistant to the gourmet silver dragon. This is the case for Ivante, and the same is true for Xiao Yamei." Brand said quietly: "I have a high status at home, especially when deciding what to eat."

Ville quickly cleaned up the corpses of the monsters, and at the same time gave simple treatments to the undead monsters. Those who could run were chased away directly, and those who could not run could only be temporarily collected into a different space, and then handed over to Lilith for processing. Up and down more or less still has some value.

He just listened to Brand's words and made his movements a little stiff, and said quietly: "Once in our family, the best cook was the father, but the mother who was in charge was always the mother who could get rid of the alchemy medicine. Be a mother. I accompanied Xiao Weiya to the Elf Forest. When my father had just become the lord and knight and had no time to do so, I was the head chef for a few days. Even before I came to the Wizard Islands, the chef at home was me. After the Wizard Islands, everything changed."

"Lilith, a beautiful girl who was only thinking about improving her strength before, with her extraordinary talent, took away the control of the kitchen in just a few months. Even if I practice secretly, I can't catch up, especially after passing by the **** of food, Hamm. After Lin’s training, the gap between us has not been narrowed, but has become even bigger.” Weir really didn’t know how to do Lilith’s culinary talent. I have worked very hard, and the apostle, the elf, Wei, helped. But Lilith is really talented.

It’s like alchemy. Ville’s talent in alchemy casting is a street away from Lilith. Even without the help of the apostle elves, he can crush Lilith with the apostle elves. But Lilith’s talent in alchemy potions can always be suppressed. On your own side, you must know that Xiao Weier's talent in this area is very strong, a proper master-level master.

After inquiring in every possible way, I got the answer from Lilith. Her devil teacher’s instructions to her in cooking were actually used by her in alchemy medicine, this kind of unbelievable idea, and various cooking skills. Actually, Lilith's ingenious skills really promoted the improvement of Lilith's alchemy medicine, and this is precisely what Little Ville could not understand.

   In Lilith's words: Dao, can only be understood by words, mysterious and mysterious, with one heart, it is an intuition formed after a long period of training, even the apostle elves cannot analyze, simulate and cannot replicate.

"Now the chef at home is Lilith, and the second chef is my father. I can only be ranked third, and this place is only at home. Many professional chefs on the Elf Island are better than me. Once I wanted to conquer Lily with my culinary skills. Si’s stomach, as a result, it turns out that I was the one who was conquered.” When Ville sighed, he thought of the little guy Li Luo. She didn’t feel like her own sister, but like Yamei’s sister. The two people's attitudes towards food are too similar.

   But compared to Yamei, who is more careful and thoughtful, Guai Liluo hardly has too many thoughts of her own. Being obedient and obedient is her label. She is a little obsessed with herself. This is a fight against Xiao Weiya.

"Actually, Yami's taste is not so picky. Even your mother's craftsmanship can satisfy her. Presumably, whether it is you or your father, especially your little fiancee, you can make her obediently." Brand said. Ville suddenly became vigilant. When Ivante mentioned that he wanted to be their son-in-law, Brand was only a little surprised, but he was not disgusted. This made Ville vigilant. The girls around him were already troublesome enough. Yes, it can't be added anymore.

   "I live on an Elf Island, and people with non-elf bloodlines cannot enter, so I can only say sorry." Ville said that he was not dissatisfied with Yami, but family conditions did not allow it.

"The relationship between the elves and the dragons is really not very good, but there are ways to let Xiao Yamei enter the elven islands. My father once said that the relationship between him and the high priest of the elves temple is OK, if it is limited to the sun. , I think the problem shouldn’t be a big deal.” When Brand spoke, Ville was taken aback. This guy was able to call the name Sunshine Land, which showed that he was not unprepared.

As for the relationship between the High Priest of the Elf Temple and Professor Witzel, hehe, Ville said that everyone is a high-level apostle. This kind of trivial matter is just a greeting thing, and it can be solved without spending double digits. After all, Yami's strength poses no threat to the elves, coupled with Professor Witzel's guarantee and his own supervision, it is not a problem at all.

What's more, in addition to the half-elf house, the Sunshine Land is open to the public, and the rose garden is selectively developed. The Sunshine Neck and the Dead End are basically reserved for your own family. Outsiders are forbidden to enter. Although the place is a little smaller, it is still beautiful enough to toss. That's right, as for her breath, it's not a problem. Isn't it normal for Dragon Qi and Longwei to release this batch of Yalong Beasts in his own hands?

   "What's wrong with you?" Ville is not a fool. Ivante dared to negotiate terms with Ville in order to push Yami to her side, and Brand's meaning was also very obvious, which is absolutely abnormal.

  Will Princess Silver Dragon’s daughter not hang around on Silver Dragon Island? This is the place that suits her best, and next is Professor Wetzel, there is no reason to send Yami to her.

Brand sighed for a long time, with a big smile on his face: "It's not accidental that you little guy can have today's achievements. This vigilance is very good. I and Ivante are going to leave Silver Dragon Island this time. The time to go out may be a bit long, the patriarch fell asleep again, and my father is preparing for the final breakthrough. In a short time, there is no time to take care of Xiao Yamei, who we can trust."

  Speaking of this, Brand shrugged slightly: "Can you imagine that the black dragon will have someone who can absolutely trust the offspring?"

   "Also include me?" Little Ville asked back, attacking the shield with the spear of the son is nothing more than that.

   Brand shook his head and said, "You are not my friend of the black dragon and half dragon, but Yami, the friend of the silver dragon and half dragon."

   "Since you are not at ease, just bring Yami with you. With the strength of you and Princess Silver Dragon, protecting her shouldn't be a problem. Yami's strength is already very good, and it is definitely the top existence in the second tier."

   "Do you know where we are going?" Brand gave him a deep look.

"There are not many places where you two Tier 3 pinnacle masters can be treated and there are not many places where the return date is undetermined." Xiaoweil patted the dust that did not exist on his hands, and carefully checked whether there was any leaks around him. Yu continued to say: "It is impossible to fall asleep and prepare to advance, because this kind of thing does not need to leave Silver Dragon Island, but it is safer to be with the Silver Dragon patriarch. It is also impossible in the core area of ​​the Wizard Islands. There is no relationship between the wizard and the dragon clan. So close, you can't enter that place privately for no reason. If there is a real need, Mr. Witzel is more suitable."

   "So, where are you going, the abyss?" After the last two words exited, Brand's eyelids twitched slightly and the corners of his mouth twitched. This kid actually knows the abyss?

   "It seems that I guessed it right, is the only hope for promotion to the demigod?" Little Ville muttered to himself, but his voice was clearly received by Brand.

   "Yes, the only hope of the demigod, the abyss, we have to go." Brand suddenly changed the subject: "but I'm curious, you know the abyss."

"Teacher Wetzel told me that the only way to be promoted to a demigod is the Abyss. I am also a holy level now, and I am not far from the peak." Ville's words made Brand unable to complain, and as a half-dragon, It took hundreds of years to achieve the third-order peak is already a rare genius, but facing this kid, he can only bow down to the wind.

However, this kid’s age is an advantage, but too much advantage turns into a disadvantage. "You may not know that Periscope Abyss has very strict restrictions. Entry is the minimum requirement. In addition, there are also restrictions on age. Humans must not be younger. At thirty, the elves must not be less than two hundred, and the minimum age for the dragons is five hundred years old. You have to wait a few years."

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