The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 944: The free gift is the most expensive

"Escape, hehe, it's impossible to escape. That kid is just retreating strategically, in order to better advance." Brand saw that Ville disappeared while holding his sister, and his face was not depressed, but even more excited. .

Have you also noticed that those two tokens are not something that can be used at any time, but a special anti-dragon order with a strict time limit. If it is not applied within one year, it will be invalid. This is something that your father specially prepared for you. , I hope you won't let my father down.

Your talent is really shockingly strong, but there are examples of adventurous adventures in history. It is rare to drive people around you to advance by leaps and bounds. This is also the important thing I hope to entrust Yami to you. one of the reasons.

What do you say about the commands and guidance of Professor Daddy Witzel

This is not important anymore. Although the old man never missed it, the decision he made was always the best, but it was related to his baby daughter. How could it be so vainly cheap to other people’s pigs, at least if it’s the pigs he likes. Just work.

You said that I forcibly put myself and a girl into the arms of others. People have regular wives, regular wives, concubines, and lovers.

Are these important to the dragons?

Seeing what you like is grabbing, I wait for the dragon to be so straightforward and domineering

"No, dad, he hasn't paid my salary for five years." Yami almost fell to the ground with a word. This girl was not saved. If she and her father were not behind the guidance, she would definitely do it. But Lilith, even that half-elf couldn't compare to it, and it had a radius of eight to two with that silly cat girl.

But the cat girl has been following Xiao Weier for so long, and her feelings have gradually been cultivated. Not to mention, her IQ seems to have increased by ten points. It is no longer the silly girl who can be tricked into sleeping on the floor with a little bit of food. Five Burger Knights. As for her own daughter, she didn't seem to have changed at all, except for her strength.

But it was her most dominant strength fifteen years ago, and now facing a group of their little guys, it is actually the bottom of the existence, which makes Brand feel a little embarrassed.

The cat tribe warrior Nicole, the Elf Druid Bloodline Awakened Guililuo, and the Dragon Druid Lilith, three people followed the boy, and they all advanced to Tier 3 in more than ten years, and three of them are already senior. Saint-level master, known as invincible at the same level in the Elf Forest, the other one is also highly respected by the orcs, but her daughter

Could it be that I delayed her

Brand is not a self-defeating person. He can even be said to be a very confident person who can complete the awakening as a half-dragon and finally conquer the Silver Dragon Princess, leaving the princess with a lovely daughter, Brand. It’s not unsuccessful, but why can’t I be so successful as a little guy?

"Son of luck, fate is really unpredictable." Brand sighed secretly, then looked at his baby daughter and said softly, "Xiao Yamei, you have been absent from work for fifteen years without reason. Your expulsion is already an extra-legal favor. You still want a salary. You need to know that your 15 years are absenteeism from work, not paid leave at all. The house in the Drake City House of All Things has saved you a lot of face, if If it’s me, just remove the name and copy the house."

"Even so, he should show a little bit when he meets again after a long absence." Yami rubbed her fingers. This movement was taught to her by her father, and it was also one of Yami's fastest and most favorite movements to learn.

"The long-awaited reunion ceremony was given to you from the beginning. The barbecue-flavored fruit and the blood jewels in it are all his." Brand stretched out, "Sure enough, 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day without rest. It fits my habit. I really don't know how my father did it. I haven't slept for hundreds of years."

For his father, Professor Witzel, Brand is very admired, and can even be described as worship. In his mind, no one is more wise and wise than his father, but he really can’t learn some of his father’s habits, such as not go to bed.

Even if my father was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, his mind never rested, and he was even more focused on deducing things. He didn't know when his father's abnormality started, but one thing can be confirmed. It's definitely not born.

"I grabbed these all by myself" Yamei expressed great opinions on this matter, "Hmph, the boss is too much. He never came to me these years, let alone tell me, he gave me this set as soon as I met. , Too annoying"

The corners of Brand’s mouth twitched slightly, but in the end he didn’t tell her about the few half-dragon youths. The strength of that group of first-order half-dragons really did not cause any harm to Yami, my own baby. Although the girl is a little stupid, she is really strong. She has inherited too many advantages from herself and Yvant, and her father has also spent a lot of effort on her. With the blood perfusion of the old father-in-law, her Become a little genius who has never seen Longdao in a thousand years.

Why do you say it is a little genius instead of a peerless genius?

Because this method can make Yamei's strength increase by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, but it has very serious sequelae. After she is promoted to the Holy Rank, her strength is slowly improved, and she is very dependent on resources. This is also an important reason for sending her to Xiaowei. one.

The bloodline gems and inheritance crystallization in this little guy's hands are definitely the biggest boost for Xiao Yamei to improve her strength after she is promoted to the Holy Rank.

Using other people’s resources to cultivate his own daughter is what Brand decided. As for the treasures of himself and his wife, there may not be any suitable ones for her, and the old man’s help to Yami is destined not to be too great, she She couldn't become the patriarch of the Silver Dragon clan, and she was not a pure Silver Dragon. The black dragon bloodline inherited from her was already destined to have a bumpy future after being activated.

But Brand didn't regret it. Her daughter hurt herself. It might be better for her to become a half-dragon, at least safer.

"Here, this is the real meeting gift he secretly gave to me before and asked me to pass it on to you." Brand handed over the two animal skin rolls to his This is very valuable, more valuable than you are now. Ten years, twenty years, even fifty years of salary is worth more. "

The bright smile on Yamei's face immediately made it even more lovely, she grabbed it and opened it up, the smile on her little face suddenly turned cloudy and became very strange.

This thing is indeed very valuable, but it has a completely different meaning to me.

These are actually two IOUs. The person who issued the IOUs is his grandfather, Professor Witzel. The two IOUs are each one hundred thousand magic stone, one is used to buy bloodline gems, and the other is used to buy inheritance crystals. And these two IOUs contain The person who wrote the repayment is surprisingly himself.

Thinking of Grandpa giving him a birthday gift, he looked happily, and he stunned him to please him. It turned out that the two birthday gifts were simply obtained on credit, and they had to be repaid by themselves.

It is the first time Yami has seen it when giving someone else’s birthday present.

Brand shook his head slightly next to him. Such a good selling deed, the chance to send the baby girl over in a fair manner, is gone.

Alas, my father is indeed very wise and wise, but he can't hold back that kid is not greedy, he would rather lose money than be fooled.

Since conspiracy and trickery can't work, let's go straight to the hard ones, boy, don't eat the soft ones and don't eat the hard ones, then don't blame us for closing the black.

Brand still feels a little bit upset, is our baby girl really bad? No one wants to give it away for free

If these words fall into Little Will’s ears, he will definitely tell you that it’s not wrong that your daughter is very precious, but she definitely can’t get it for free, don’t you know that the things given for free are the most expensive?

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