The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 945: Brand's Gift

A large number of holy beasts suddenly appeared in the Sunshinelands. Although they were carried out in secret, they still attracted the attention of some interested people, such as Elena, Isaiah, and the high priest of the Elf Goddess Temple.

Even if Little Ville had the help of his sister, the hunting of Tier 3 monsters was not too much. If it wasn't the last day, Brand gave him a few Tier 3 monsters, I'm afraid it was not enough for each person, and he sent it. Obviously, the Warcraft that I gave myself were carefully selected.

The bursting demon bear suitable for Wei Liluo, the holy light unicorn suitable for Lilith, the dark black eagle suitable for herself, the bright elk suitable for the Knight Wright, as for the Jasmine Knight already has a four-legged flying dragon, which Brand has ignored.

Five-headed holy beasts, there is not a dragon with dragon bloodline. It shows that Brand is very attentive. It is necessary to know that it is more difficult to conquer such a beast than to subdue the subdue. Big advantage.

The level of monsters reaches the third level. It doesn’t matter whether the land or the sky. The flying ability is not necessary. It just depends on which one is more accustomed to. Even the 10,000-jin bursting bear can fly all over the sky. It’s just It almost never does it like this, standing on the ground can better exert its strength.

Tier 3 monsters have their own pride. It is one thing to get a monster. It is another thing to sign a contract with a monster to make it its own combat partner. Weier and Weiya directly draw a diameter of 20 in the rose collar. The kilometer forest specializes in stocking these beasts, and each holy class has its own small territory. Although it is far inferior to the forest of beasts, it is somewhat respected.

Saint-level masters in the Sunshinelands can choose a Saint-level monster as a combat partner according to their merits, provided that they have enough merit and can conquer the selected Tier 3 monsters themselves. They only have the opportunity to "communication" with the monsters every three days. No one can succeed in a month.

It doesn’t matter that other people are unsuccessful. The most important thing is that even the Knight Wright did not succeed, which made him lose face. You must know that his sister, Jasmine Knight, is not as strong as having a Tier 3 beast four-legged dragon, and I obviously have a bright elk that suits me, but I can't get it for a long time, and I have to offer delicious food and drink every day.

Several guests were welcomed in the Sunshine Leader Happiness Castle. Elena took two holy masters, and Isaiah took a holy master. There were originally two, but one of them had let go of the half-elf without permission. The prisoners in the family were ordered to stay outside, even if they were led by Isaiah.

The saint-level master originally planned to be tough, but when he saw five or six saint-level masters gearing up to exchange merits with him, he was immediately withered. He is not Ville, Lilith, and Guai Liluo who can use one enemy and many others. Level invincible master, and the Saint Level master in the Sunshine Land does not need to show the face of other masters of the same level outside the temple.

They were no longer the wanderers who hadn't made any mistakes before, and what they were investigating now was meritorious deeds in exchange for their favorite holy beasts.

Ville and Lilith are not harsh and stingy people. They allow the saint-level masters to take credit, but you are absolutely not allowed to **** and slip. The fancy World of Warcraft can compete fairly, and subduing the World of Warcraft is the first requirement. After meeting this requirement Regardless of whether the merits are achieved, they can sign a contract, and then slowly repay it.

Although the rules are so, the value of merit is not unimportant. If the same beast is favored by multiple people, the meritorious one will take precedence.

Except for a few special beasts designated to high-level leaders, other beasts can compete freely, which undoubtedly aroused their interest and made this group of holy elves' loyalty to the Sunshine Land exploded.

On the square outside Happiness Castle, the Explosive Demon Bear with his claws holding his head and buttocks pouted and lying motionless, a little loli stood behind him and kicked, but he couldn't get the slightest response from it. Obviously, it was I'm scared.

"The familiar can still play like this, isn't it afraid that it will defect?" The magic familiar that signed the contract is not completely insured. If the monster wants to run, it can still break the contract and escape successfully at a certain price. Sometimes the contract does not escape. Not a panacea.

"Look at it with wide eyes, that demon bear has not signed a contract at all." Regarding Isaiah’s question, Elena directly went back, and at the same time could not help but shook her head slightly, recalling the first time this demon bear Being beaten down by the blame Li Luo, she took the initiative to show her okay appearance.

But Guai Liluo directly refused to change the familiar, because she already had a familiar, the flame hellhound that Ville gave her is also a Tier 3 monster. Now it is sent to the dead end to sit in town. Compared with being Xiao Xiao Weier, Xiaoweiya's complete essence of the happy castle, it prefers the place with the magic of hell.

At the beginning, I asked, why not change it with a better Warcraft? Guai Liluo only answered four words: "I like it, it's useless."

The simple four words were exchanged for a long text of Xiaoweier’s explanation: "Xiao Luo means that although she likes the devil bear, she is very satisfied with this one, and likes to play with it, but this devil bear can’t give her It’s too much help, and it’s useless to contract.

I am very puzzled by the magical Elena of Wei Liluo, is the magic bear useless to the elf druid? Elena believes that Guai Liluo will not lie, but this is the first time she has encountered this situation, even if it is a demigod druid who dare not say that.

On a large tree 100 meters high, a black eagle squatted lazily. Its lair was an elf tree house, a huge elf tree house capable of accommodating a dragon, and the big tree was a mutant iron wood. , Standing there is slightly abrupt.

Entering the castle, Lilith is trimming the hair of a beautiful holy light unicorn in the courtyard, and a bright elk next to it comes up and rubs twice, but is kicked away by the holy light unicorn. The two of them are competing for favor. Everyone wants to be Lilith's favorite, no one looks down on Wright Knight.

The Wright Knight, who was in charge of welcoming guests, saw the two bright holy beasts fighting for favor in front of her daughter, and couldn't help showing a bitter smile. Her daughter had clearly told them that she already had a candidate for the favor, but she was very high-quality and was incubating. She still couldn't stop the two sacred beasts from pursuing her. In the end, she would rather be an anonymous mount pet than her own combat partner.

What can you do if people don’t want you to be stronger than yourself?

The Wright Paladins can only bear it, and they would be disliked if they were pleased in the past. If they hadn't moved out of Lilith's father's identity, they would have been rejected even more.

Seeing the weird gazes of Isaiah and The Wright Paladin shrugged helplessly and said: "You have also seen that the holy monsters are too autonomous and cannot be arranged casually. My daughter Zhuyu is in front, they really look down on me."

"By the way, although the Burst Devil Bear was given to Xiao Luo, Xiao Luo is unwilling to give up the demon pet that Xiao Wei gave her, and only uses it as a pet and a tool for hand training. The Nether Black Hawk is arrogant, it I don't think I am worthy of Little Weir, and I only want to guard this home from a distance. In fact, it loves Xiao Weiya the most."

In other words, the four saint-level monsters that Brand sent out, without a successful contract in the end, were completely free.

Isaiah and Elena looked at each other. They have seen the strength of these four holy beasts. It is really not something ordinary people can conquer. Although it seems that they don't need it, they want to take it away from them. Not big, after all, this is a gift from others, a carefully prepared gift.

Florett and Mojiesi took the initiative to greet them. Because it was daytime, Léa was basically away from home, and the development of the Half-elf House was in full swing. Most of her energy was devoted to the commercial street, and she even had less time to entangle Vier. There are many, but Little Ville and Little Weiya continue their own tourism industry, and are currently huddling together at the Mitis Wizarding Academy, not on the Elf Island at all.

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