The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 951: Longling Family 1 is making progress

Who cares the most about the Sunshine Land in the whole Elf Island?

Gino Billy Dorag.

As the external supervisor of the Dragon Spirit family, his power is quite large. His combat power is not strong but his ability to do things is very powerful. It is enough to be able to pack two hundred Dragon Spirit family members into the half-elf house. Five young girls from the Dragon Spirit family have mixed into the rose collar.

One of them became Connie's beckoning girl, two entered the work through the relationship of the Jasmine Paladin, and the last two were married to apprentice wizards of the Kendall family.

The Kendall family is just a family of the Karst Kingdom of the Gods Continent. It is not ranked in the entire Gods Continent. It can be mixed in the Seventh Ring with the Wizard Islands, and the Sixth Ring is basically inconspicuous. Whether the ring can be mixed is two things, but the Dragon Spirit family is a big family with a history of thousands of years, not to mention how powerful it is, one hundred and eighty second-order masters can still come out.

They lowered their stance and married the Kendall family, which had only a few dozen people, and still gave away the beautiful girls of the Dragon Spirit family. This attitude made the Kendall family very satisfied, and even everyone except Lilith, Jasmine, and Wright had some others. Flattered.

The strength of the Kendall family is severely polarized. Lilith, Jasmine, and Wright are all Tier 3 holy masters, surpassing everyone in the Dragon Spirit family, but apart from the three of them, the Kendall family has only one. An elderly second-level wizard (because it is not the elf blood that stayed with the Rose Lady of Drake City to receive the elderly), a first-level wizard, and the most powerful one is only a third-level wizard apprentice, and that's it for most of his life.

In order to give the Jasmine Paladin a face, the Kendall family sent most of the elven blood awakeners in the clan to the elven island. You must know that the elven island is a holy land in the minds of all the elven blood awakeners, and not everyone can enter. , And only Ville and Lilith had too much influence, no one dared to stop them, otherwise more than 90% of them would not be qualified.

The news that Ville and Lilith are leaving only circulated from the top. Gino heard a little wind, and the pure blood elves and nobles behind the Dragon Spirit family also heard the news from the girl next to Jasmine Paladin. , So he couldn't sit still all of a sudden.

It is very difficult to visit Little Vil now, but if you want to visit Lilith, you can still do it if you find the right way.

Lilith often needs to guard the Sunshine Neck. This land and dead ends are completely their private land. Even members of the Kendall family do not have the right to freely enter and exit. There are only a handful of people who can enter and exit freely. The Littleville family, The Lilith family, then, gone.

You blame Li Luo and Liya?

They are all counted in the Littleville family, one is a younger sister, the other is a flat wife, and even Elena is his grandmother. Even if the others are half-length priests of the temple, they need to greet in advance if they want to enter. It also depends on the master's mood, Little Weier and Lilith may give them some face, but Little Weiya won't.

Gino paid a great price, and only then persuaded the Jasmine Paladin to take him into the Sunshine Leader Happiness Castle.

what? You said that Jasmine is just Lilith's aunt, not a family in the strict sense?

The Jasmine Paladin has something to say. Even if we are not Lilith’s family, we are also Mojiesi’s family. Mojiesi and I are a couple and family, and Little Will is Mojiesi’s daughter. I Why is it not a family anymore?

Gino Billy Dorag is not too far from Lilith in the strict sense, but his mother doesn’t recognize him as his uncle. How could Lilith recognize this uncle’s grandfather, so facing Lilith, Ji Nuo was very respectful and didn't dare to rely on the old to sell the old. He was afraid that Lilith would drive him out. There were not many opportunities like this.

Gino’s identity is not strong enough, so she can only wait for Lilith in the side hall. Lilith is not free every day. Ville and his sister, Viya, are wandering around, visiting relatives and friends. Their whereabouts are uncertain. Today, if you construct the Wizard Tower on the Sixth Ring Road, tomorrow you may go to the Beast God Island or even the Continent of the Gods, leaving Lilith to take charge of the affairs of Sunshine Land.

Wright has become extremely busy because of this. There are not too many things in the Sunshine Land, but not too few. The most important thing is that there is not enough manpower. Those Saint-level masters do have talents, but they can't stand the time of entering the group. They have not been able to get their full trust, and even so, they have been assigned a lot of work and absolutely no idlers.

When the tea was cold, Lilith was late, and Gino had to stand up to greet her. After a simple bow, Gino knew what she was coming for.

Confirm whether the news that Ville is about to brave the road against the dragon is true.

"It's true. The identity of Weier's teacher, Professor Weizel, is not a secret in front of real masters, but few people know that his son is the husband-in-law of Princess Silver Dragon, and has a certain right to speak in Silver Dragon Island. It was through him that he got the Anti-Dragon Order." Lilith briefly introduced the source of Little Ville's Anti-Dragon Order, but did not mention the number.

"Nilong allows the owner to carry the follower. This follower must have the dragon bloodline, even if it is the hidden dragon bloodline. I don't know this quota..." Jino quickly revealed his true purpose.

"Vail's order of the dragon against the dragon is very special. He does not need to be the owner of the dragon bloodline. He is a saint-level master who is less than 30 years old. He is a genius who can be completely dragonized without entering the Dragon Island. He is worthy of respect, so his against Long Ling is very high-level." Lilith said lightly: "In order to prevent him from messing around on Long Island, this time the person with whom I passed by is me."

"Whether it is Léa, Nicole or Xiaoye, it is unrealistic to suppress Weier completely now. Only I can fight against him without defeat." Lilith's tone is very peaceful. In fact, if it is a competition, now Saint The high-level Ville really couldn't beat the Lilith of the Saint-level peak. Her nine third-order spell slots have all been filled, and she is constantly improving to lay a solid foundation.

One talent slot, nine spell slots, which are filled with water or oil, exclusive or mercury. The difference is huge. The more solid the foundation, the stronger the strength, the easier it will be to achieve a demigod in the future. The number of ponds is slightly larger, and it is still in the water filling stage, and Lilith has already begun to develop the water towards mercury.

Which is more powerful, broad and profound? The current situation is that Lilith has the upper hand. As for the future, it is really hard to say.

An awkward look flashed across Gino's face, and then gritted his teeth and said firmly: "Lilith, I hope you can give up this place."

There was a faint smile on Lilith's face, she took a deep look at him, but did not directly refuse: "Give me a reason."

"The Dragon Spirit family has existed for thousands of years, and it has developed step by step to this day. There are indeed not many masters. The humble attitude of the messy bloodline has made us the laughing stock of the clown in the eyes of many people. But after thousands of years of development, you really think Did the Dragon Spirit Family gain nothing?" Gino Billy Dorag's voice suddenly rose.

"Lilith, I know that you look down on our Dragon Spirit family from the bottom of your heart. Even if you have the blood of the Dragon Spirit family flowing in your body, you never admit that you are a member of the Dragon Spirit family. You think we are lunatics, clowns, yes Unrealistic visionaries, but I want to tell you that the strength of the dragon spirit family is not only that, the dragon druid is not a fantasy, we have already had a lot of success, and even once had an immature dragon virtue. Rui."

Gino Billy Dorag's words made Lilith suddenly think of something, and tentatively said a name: "Diver Wizarding Academy?"

"How do you know?!" Gino was taken He didn't expect that Lilith would mention this name first. You must know that even if it is from the Dragon Spirit Family, you know that the Divor Wizarding Academy and the Dragon Spirit Family have There are only a handful of people in the relationship.

"Sure enough." Lilith nodded slightly: "Don't be surprised. I was also an alternate member of the Mittis Wizarding Academy Grand Competition back then. The Devor Wizarding Academy can go all the way to suppress other colleges except Mittis Wizarding Academy. Don’t you rely on the transformation into martial arts? Two of the members have become half-dragons."

"No, maybe it's not a half-dragon, but a half-dragon." Lilith's eyes can't be wrong, as long as she recalls the original scene and thinks about her feelings, she immediately understands what's going on.

Gino was a little frustrated, but he still needs to say what he should say: "The ultimate goal of the family has never changed, but the methods and methods have always been improved. We have cultivated Druids of the Druids, and there are also the Change Wizards of the Druids. Divor Wizarding Academy is another major base of the family. The family has three hundred transformation wizards. Among them, there are as many as 30 official wizards who have Yalong transformation, but the bloodline of Yalong is still too weak. A holy level. Wizards have not been cultivated either."

"Once, we also had a dragon druid who unexpectedly awakened to become a half-dragon genius when he was only ten years old. It's a pity..."

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