The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 952: Gino's ultimate goal

"Lilith, do you know what is the most important thing to become a dragon druid?" Gino suddenly asked, a word that made Lilith thoughtful.

Gino thinks that the Dragon Spirit family is the family that knows the dragon druids best. They have worked hard for thousands of years, have been making progress, and have even been close to success, but they have ruined that hope because of their eagerness for quick success.

"The druid of the dragon is essentially a druid of the elves, and the method of achieving the druid of the elves is also applicable to the druid of the dragons." Lilith's tone was very calm, as if she was just explaining a truth: There are probably two methods for Yi, one is self-awakening, which is suitable for members of the Elf clan who have blood of other monsters in addition to the blood of the Elf Druid, transforming themselves with the power of blood."

"The other is to hunt the beasts, using the blood of the beasts as a guide, and fusing the spirits of the beasts to finally make the elf druids. This method is the most common and risky one. The elf family now has a complete set. A relatively safe and step-by-step elven druid inheritance. What you want to say is definitely not the way to hunt a dragon to become an elven druid. So..."

"So, you want to say that the achievement of the Dragon Druid must meet the requirements of the Elf Druid bloodline and the Dragon bloodline, and the strength of these two bloodlines must meet a certain condition." Lilith's words made Gino stunned. How did she know?

Seeing Gino's stunned look, Lilith shrugged indifferently and said: "For the elves, the methods and conditions for achieving elven druids are just common sense. The dragon druids are essentially elven druids. Isn’t it just a simple inference? It should be simple, right?"


This is the experience and lessons that the Longling Family has worked hard for thousands of years. How could it be simple?

No, Lilith is only talking about some deeper theoretical knowledge, but only theoretical knowledge. She has absolutely no deeper experience and data in her hands. Gino can't help but realize this when she wants to understand this. At the same time, she secretly sighs, genius. She is a genius, this girl can think that these are much better than the members of the Dragon Spirit family in the past.

But he never expected that Lilith made some inferences based on her own personal experience and the status quo of Little Will. Little Will’s situation is very special and completely beyond Lilith’s imagination, but the conditions for the transformation of the dragon can be explained. Tong, he is considered an alternative saint-level change wizard.

It is definitely a very wise choice for the Dragon Spirit Family to switch to the School of Change Wizards after countless failures. After joining the School of Change Wizards, aren't these people a member of the Dragon Spirit Family?

They just try not to take the initiative to mention their family background outside as much as possible. If one day they truly achieve the transformation of a dragon or become a druid of the elves, then the dragon spirit family will definitely welcome them back. Such members stand as the core, and even directly appointed as the patriarch.

"Yes, according to the family's inference, if you want to become a dragon druid, both the elven bloodline and the dragon bloodline are indispensable, and this dragon bloodline does not refer to the subdragon bloodline but the real dragon bloodline. The dragon bloodline can only create druids of the dragon at best, and it is impossible to make druids of the dragons. Such a druid is not the ultimate goal of the family." Jino's face was hot.

"In fact, a long time ago, the family already had Druids of the Dragon. It can even be said that the family has never lacked Druids of the Dragon. This is also the confidence that the family has been tirelessly pursuing the Druids of the Dragon, only for thousands of years. In the past, the Druid of the Yalong was still the Druid of the Yalong, and there was no hope of becoming a Druid of the Dragon. It is too difficult for Yalong to become a dragon. The blood of the Yalong is like a dragon who wants to become a dragon. , Too difficult, too difficult."

"If you want to become a dragon druid, you must have a considerable degree of dragon blood and elven blood at the same time!" Jino's tone was very firm.

Lilith thoughtfully, what was her bloodline like before she became the Dragon Druid?

There is definitely an elf bloodline, but whether it is a father or a mother can inherit it to himself, what about the dragon bloodline?

Where does your dragon blood come from?

Yvette Selvey did give herself a drop of Tier 3 Silver Dragon blood, but Lilith was already awakening before that. She was awakened by Yami’s dragon energy, but her bloodline concentration was insufficient, which led to her awakening. After the successor was weak, the blood of Princess Silver Dragon happened.

On the whole, the bloodline awakening of the Lilith Dragon Druid is caused by the stimulation of the external breath after its own bloodline reaches a certain level. Before the age of twenty is the best time to awaken the bloodline, the bloodline of the Lilith Elf Druid, the giant The dragon bloodline awakened at the same time, which created the appearance of the dragon druid.

That is to say, Lilith is born with the blood of the Elf Druid and the dragon, but whether the entire dragon spirit family has the dragon blood is questionable. Where did Lilith's dragon blood come from?

In fact, after Lilith got the eyes of the appraisal, she had carefully checked her mother’s situation, hoping to find a way to improve her mother’s strength, but unexpectedly discovered that her mother’s bloodline was a little weird. In addition to the blood of the wizard mage and the dragon, there were actually There are traces of very weak dragon bloodline, and this dragon bloodline belongs to the silver dragon.

His grandfather, Gino Billy Dorag, doesn’t have the slightest dragon bloodline, only the good sub-dragon bloodline and elven bloodline. It must be the same for my grandmother who has never met, then my mysterious grandfather. It is very doubtful, and there is also the aunt Liz, who has not seen her for many years, and now she can't find anyone.

Leaving aside other things, her vitality seems to be much stronger than that of ordinary wizards, and even stronger than that of ordinary elves.

On the way to follow Baihuayin's mission, Lilith also investigated the grandfather's family, and found that it was basically a cover, an extinct family that had no descendants for a long time, they just stayed in the ruins of that family for a few years.

The origins of Grandpa and Liz are very mysterious, so Lilith has to think about it a lot. The so-called traveler school may not be Liz's true identity. She still has many secrets.

But when Lilith reacted and wanted to find her, Liz's whereabouts were unknown. At first, news kept coming. Now there are no traces. Even the sacred wizard of Star Mountain who has advanced to the third rank is also divination. Not where she is, only knows that there is no danger.

Gino didn’t know Lilith’s psychological changes, and was still talking about the family’s achievements, “It’s not difficult to obtain the blood of the Yalong, and the druids of the Yalong are also very simple to achieve, but the blood of the dragon is as difficult as the sky. Even if a drop of dragon blood is obtained, it is not enough to give birth to a dragon druid. The place where the dragon blood is the most in the world is Dragon Island." Jino said, staring at Lilith with piercing eyes.

The latter asked nonchalantly: "What then?"

Jinuo directly knelt on the ground: "Please be sure to give the entourage of Dragon Island to the Dragon Spirit Family. This is the best chance for the family to complete the ultimate goal!"

Lilith waved her hand, and the powerful force forcibly threw Gino back onto the seat. Her control of magic power is also not something Gino can compare with. "Don't tell me that the huge dragon spirit family can't find a piece of inverse. Long Ling?"

Gino's face was miserable: "Nilong has given us a piece of unknown, but no one can successfully reach Longdao through the road of Nilong, and can't even get out of the road of Nilong."

"Although the road to the dragon is not going in or out, there is no room for turning back. Only when you reach a certain node can you choose whether to move on or withdraw. The family members have been in more than a dozen back and forth, but..."

It's not that no one can come out, it's just that few people who come out don't say anything, and none of them have cleared customs.

This clearance does not refer to full clearance, but small clearance. There are nine nodes on the road to the dragon, and each node can leave, and only three nodes are eligible to enter the periphery of the leader, and six nodes can enter the dragon island. In the middle level, no one knows what will happen after nine nodes, because no one has ever been able to get there.

And according to the news that Gino received, after the sixth node, every node can get a blessing from the Dragon God once every node clears the level.

"Are you going to let Xiaowei bring members of the Dragon Spirit family into Dragon Island?" Lilith showed a thoughtful look on her face.

Gino nodded: "The road against the dragon is as difficult as climbing to the sky. Now there are no one thousand or eight hundred people trapped inside the Yalong, but the wizard of Saint Ville is not an ordinary He is the last thousand years. The person who has been most likely to pass the level is not three levels but more levels. The family members are not very demanding, as long as they can be taken to pass the third level and enter the outskirts of Longdao, it will definitely not be delayed."

Well, it should not be delayed after the third level. After all, it is impossible for the Saint Wizard of Vale to set his goal at the third level. The sixth level or even further is his end.

"What are the family members planning to do when they enter Dragon Island?"

"Sow seeds and breed dragon druids!" Gino clenched his fists: "This task can only be done by members of the dragon spirit family. This is a secret. In fact, not all elves and dragons can be combined. The dragon druid, only one side has the dual bloodlines of the elves and the dragons. This is the conclusion drawn by the family research for thousands of years. The wizard of Ville is a druid of the dragons and has the blood of the dragons and the elves, and you You also have the bloodlines of the elves and sub-dragons of the dragon spirit family, and the possibility of you combining them to become a druid of the dragon is also very high."

"It's not just you, but the combination of other elven girls and the wizard of Ville may also become a dragon druid. Wizard of Ville is the most perfect seed, but he..." Gino shook his head and sighed as he came to Ville. He is not a member of the Dragon Spirit family. Secondly, he is not abusive, nor can he look down on the girl sent by the Dragon Spirit family, otherwise he would not have to spend so much trouble trying to send someone to Dragon Island.

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