The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 954: Chase at sea, banshee talent

The sea is boundless and windless and three-foot waves. An osprey with its wings spread close to ten feet is flying freely in the sky. Wherever it passes by, the birds retreat, and the fish sinking due to the projection dare not make their heads.

The huge osprey flew a hundred feet high, a huge black shadow in the sea quietly floated up, a drop of water rose into the sky, the osprey figure lightly dodged diagonally, its speed suddenly increased, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye, with a huge head. The magic whale came out of the water and took a look at the distant figure, let out a loud roar, flicked its tail and plunged into the sea, leaving only the huge waves scattered on all sides.

In the sea, a small boat of three feet drifted along with the waves. It was a hundred meters away, even if the waves were rough, it was still calm within ten meters of the boat. A tall, crane-and-looking old man sat in the boat and fished quietly. The fish floated up and down. The old man’s eyes were tightly closed. Not moving.

one day? Two days?

No, he has been sitting here for half a month, not moving the listener's every move for thousands of miles, and then his eyes suddenly opened, and a sharp, piercing laughter: "Hahahaha, as expected, you deceived many people." , But can't lie to me! Sure enough, everything is vain, only one's own strength is truly one's own, and will never betray."

Sunrise and sunset, rising tides and falling tides, when the first rays of sunlight bloom on the horizon, a new day begins.

A black spot in the sky flew from the sky, and the black figure grew bigger and bigger. It was a majestic flaming bird. The flaming bird crowed up high in the sky, and then swooped down in a graceful arc like lightning.

The small boat was still drifting with the flow. The flame bird flapped its wings and rushed towards the boat. It suddenly turned into a human form at a height of 100 meters from the sea. It uttered an angry shout and punched out of thin air. The air was violently distorted, and the figure quickly turned towards Falling in the opposite direction, a canoe crashed to the ground before landing on the sea.

It was a young man. The canoe fell into the water and the sea shook violently. The young man’s magical power exploded as he pressed his hands on the canoe. The canoe shot out like a lightning bolt from the string, and ran a hundred meters away in a blink of an eye, and the speed was getting more and more. fast.

The old man's face sank slightly on the three-zhang boat, and the fishing rod in his hand was lightly shaken, and the current under the boat suddenly accelerated and chased the canoe straight.

The old man seemed to be able to control the flow of the water, and the small boats were not ordinary things, but the canoe that the young man drove seemed to be even better. Riding the wind and waves to stir up the sky, he actually ran farther and farther, and seemed to have a tendency to distance himself.

The old man's face became more and more gloomy, he let out a cold snort, and his whole body stood up, with a slight force under his feet, the small boat soared to the sky and escaped from the sea and rushed towards the canoe.

The young man seemed to perceive the movement behind him, pressing his hands slightly, the canoe disappeared instantly, and he himself walked on the water faster than the canoe, leaving ripples on the water, the distance between the young man and the old man From shrinking to enlargement.

"As expected to be a young man who has been blessed by many gods, this seat is also a little envious of the blessing of the sea." A frustration flashed across the old man's face, and the boat under his feet disappeared instantly, and the whole person soared to the sky and charged at the young man like lightning. In the past, the distance between the two has been shrinking.

"Shadow clone!" The young man's figure turned into three as he ran. The three figures immediately ran in three directions, leaving similar marks. The old man's face changed slightly, and he hesitated.

With his ability, he couldn't see the true and false for a while, and he stretched out his hands to both sides and made a tearing motion. The air suddenly twisted, a space crack appeared out of thin air, and the old man's figure instantly disappeared, and the next moment Ten feet away in front of the teenager who appeared right in front of him.

There was a look of surprise on the young man's face. He kept walking away from him without stopping and turning around. The old man stepped on the sea without any slow speed. He moved flatly to the young man's side in a blink of an eye, and reached out and grabbed him.

A bright smile appeared on the young man's face, "You guessed it wrong!" It turned into a bubble and disappeared before the old man's hand fell on him.

The old man used the old tricks to tear open the space to the second figure. The second figure turned into a bubble again, but the third figure turned into three at this time, and continued to advance rapidly from three directions.

The old man was so angry that he could not help but applaud and admired: "Shadow clone, transforming form and shadow, can be used to such an extent, the wizard of Saint Ville is indeed a rare genius in a century. If you escaped recently, this seat will have a real face. I’m going to throw it in. Small means are only small means after all, and all small means are illusory in front of absolute power!

There were waves of melodious voices from the old man's mouth, his voice was dreamlike, his mouth was facing the three figures of the young man, but the latter didn't mean to stay at all, but accelerated suddenly and ran faster.

The old man's voice was a little messy, his face showed a surprised look, but the Siren Banshee's talent and magical powers he displayed, even a master of the same level could not completely ignore it, how could this young man be immune?

"Interesting, I admire you more and more." The old man looked up at the sky, his arms slightly opened, his body shape suddenly changed, a pair of wings emerged from behind, and the male face gradually softened and turned into a middle-aged man in a blink of an eye. The woman, with her white hair turned dark blue, with wisps of blood red in the dark blue, her gorgeous clothes torn apart, and only one armor that could only protect the vitals was left. She had a slender and plump figure with a little touch. A charming face, a pair of sharp claws.

"Little guy, do you know why a demigod brings a word of God? A holy master is unattainable in the eyes of ordinary people. If you don't understand the chain of laws, you are just a mortal after all!" The siren banshee showed excitement on her face. With a look, he licked his lips and watched the distant back make an unrepressible excitement: "How long have you not encountered such an interesting prey? I can make this seat wait for half a month and set up so many layouts to confine a thousand miles of space. If this is all run away by you, how will this demigod see people in the future, you can't run!"

In addition to the song of the witch, the siren banshee also has several powerful abilities, "Rapid currents!"

The ocean current at the feet of the young man in the distance suddenly changed direction, forming a countercurrent that swept the young man back, causing him a chaotic footsteps. The forbidden air made him unable to fly and he could only run at sea. Now the ocean current formed a countercurrent that made him unable to run. .

The young man’s brains turned quickly, and his feet broke out with "Boom! Boom! Boom!" and interrupted the ocean current. The whole person was not running forward, but jumping forward, even if it was against the current, as long as my strength could interrupt the current, as long as My speed can be faster than the ocean current, what can you do with me?

"The mist of the sea!" A faint mist suddenly appeared on the sea in front of the boy. The mist became thicker and thicker and gradually became a little bit obscure. The bursts of singing disturbed the boy's sense of direction. No matter where he went, he felt that he was in the direction of the singing. As he moved forward, the ocean current became a little weird. No matter which direction he headed, it felt downstream. The young figure stood motionless, holding a long sword fully guarded.

The shadow clone disappeared. The young man stood there alone, his face was pale, the singing stopped, the mist gradually dispersed and a clear space appeared, a small boat slowly came in, and a siren banshee with wings on his back faced her back. Standing at him, his posture was high.

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