The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 955: Wit and courage, intrigue

Seeing this figure, the young man suddenly sighed, and when he closed the long sword in his hand, the canoe was released and sat down straight. This sudden act made the pretending Siren Banshee stunned.

"You are indeed a legendary mercenary who promoted Baihua Yin to become a god, boy, you are very good." As a winner, the siren banshee demigod doesn't mind raising his defeated generals. The higher the strength of the defeated generals, the better the evaluation. The victor's self has a sense of accomplishment.

The young man sat in the canoe, looked at the siren demigod, and asked puzzledly: "I'm curious, how did you know that I would come here quietly at this time? You know I did so much before. Disguise, let out so many false news, just to disturb people's eyes and ears, why do you know my purpose?"

The siren banshee made waves of triumphant laughter, but the laughter was slightly hoarse, not as enchanting and sweet as the previous banshee singing.

"It's too late. The biggest mistake of your kid is to repeatedly emphasize this time half a year later, and even spread it widely." The siren banshee demigod smiled and said: "Elves nobles, sacred masters in the land of light, fairy goddess Temple, Dragon Spirit Family, you promised a lot and made a lot of preparations, without exception, you emphasized that you will go to the road of Nilong after half a year to break through. But sometimes, overemphasis is a little bit of a feeling of concealment, so I know, you definitely don’t I’ll go on the road against the dragon at this time."

"You know that you have attracted the attention of a lot of demigods, so you have been very careful about your whereabouts. Even when you go out, you only go to relatively safe places that are guarded by demigods, plus the guardianship of the seven-story holy tower. I will wait for a while. God wants to catch you as hard as the sky."

The siren banshee demigod was very happy and said: "Sacred artifacts like holy towers are beyond specifications. The powerful space transfer ability is hard to defend. You can go back and forth freely in several places, but holy artifacts like holy towers are not. The only thing. Convenient abilities often have corresponding restraint methods. The teleportation ability of the holy tower is not insoluble, but it requires a lot of preparation in advance to block the teleportation ability of the holy tower."

"Whether it is the six-ring construction wizard tower, the island of the beast, or the church of the gods continent, and the mermaid territory of the storm are not suitable for large-scale prohibition. The holy tower is a masterpiece of the main god, and the layout of the forbidden holy tower's transmission function is not suitable for A place full of faith appears. The air is forbidden here, but only the lifting of extraordinary powers is forbidden, the space transmission is forbidden here, but only the power of faith transmission is forbidden. Space equipment can be used here, but you cannot enter the holy tower." The female demon demigod described the effects of their arrangement one by one, but never mentioned how they arranged it.

"Do you know how much effort did you put into catching you?" The siren demigod turned around suddenly, staring at the young man with piercing eyes, and said every word: "However, all this is worth it. , You make me treat it so carefully!"

The boy scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "Um, we are not familiar with you, I would be embarrassed if you are so enthusiastic."

The siren banshee demigod smiled and gave him a big wink: "You little guy has repeatedly badd my good deeds. In the Paradise of Indulgences, I returned without success. The fairy island Baihuayin became a **** in advance, even more so. I was seriously injured and you told me that you are not familiar with this seat, little guy, you are very good, really good."

I am your enemy, but you tell me, don't you know me? The siren banshee demigod hated the demigod at all, but he knew that this little guy might really be unfamiliar with him. After all, he was just a teenager. Even if he was a holy master, he was not a person at the level of a demigod. Isn’t unfamiliarity taken for granted?

The siren banshee demigod raised the table for eighteen years, and she was one of the biggest obstacles to Baihuayin becoming a god. This **** kid didn't pay attention to him when he promoted Baihuayin to become a god?

How much confidence he has in the end, can ensure that all enemies are not a threat to the vernacular, and they don't even understand Baihuayin's enemies.

However, the facts have proved that this kid is indeed very powerful, especially the misleading methods. He kept talking about the path to becoming a **** in fifty years. As a result, the whole country has soared in less than ten years.

With great fanfare, Baihuayin built the backup island of God’s kingdom needed by the gods, developed faith there, moved believers, and even invested huge manpower and material resources to turn around the mercenary association, the sea storm mermaid, and the Thunder Naga. Turning around, I became a **** on the wizard island, and sheltering the island is useless.

Of course, it is not completely useless. At least sheltering the island has attracted the attention of many demigods, and also provided a lot of power of faith to make Baihuayin become a **** more smoothly. Only these two hands have pitted many demigods, and among them The sirens demigod who was pitted the most was the demigod.

"Senior is a strong demigod, and juniors should be respected, but seniors deliberately set up traps to leave juniors behind. Juniors are really..." The young man looked at the siren banshee and demigod opposite, and stopped talking.

The siren banshee demigod smiled slightly: "I am waiting for the demigod to treat you a little holy guy with this kind of disgrace, but you are not an ordinary holy master, it is not easy to catch you. This time I won’t let you go anyway. Boy, you know that everyone counts as everyone. Your biggest mistake is that you shouldn’t expose your destination.”

"You used to play tricks at the time of Baihua Yincheng God, but it was very beautiful. It made me wait for so many demigods to suffer a sorrow. This time I want to do it again. I have to say that your heart is true. Very big. No one of the demigods is a fool. I guessed that you would come the first time, and I guessed that you might not come for a long time. I wait for the demigod to know very well what the Nilong Order is. Time-limited, since I knew your time limit, I guessed you would play tricks."

"But as long as you will come to the road to the dragon, it doesn't matter how long you wait here, as long as you can eventually catch you. That's why I set up a big ban in the first time and released a lot of eyes and ears. Always monitor the sea area of ​​thousands of miles, the sea surface, the underwater, the sky, and all-round monitoring."

"You kid is really alert, first disguised as an osprey, and then disguised as a flaming bird. Each one is so brilliant that people can’t see the flaws and try to get through, but I would rather kill the wrong one. A little bird and a little fish can't escape from the layout of this seat. And you soon showed your feet." The siren demigod showed a triumphant smile on the face of the demigod.

The teenager asked curiously: "What kind of horse foot?"

"Powerful!" The siren demigod said faintly: "The strength of the Osprey you disguised exceeds the level that the Osprey should have. The flaming bird you disguised has appeared in a place that shouldn't be there. It is impossible for a flaming bird to appear here. "

The boy couldn't help but slapped his forehead, and suddenly asked, "Do you know why I can become a flame bird?"

The siren demigod was stunned for a moment and some reaction was not possible. A pair of wings suddenly appeared on the back of the young man, and the whole person rose up into the sky: "I can incarnate as a flame bird because in addition to the blood of the elves and the dragon, there is also the blood of the flame bird. , My druid transformation can be transformed into a flaming bird, but a full-state flaming bird transformation requires magical support but just the flaming bird wings do not."

"Your banshee wings can fly, and my flame bird wings can also fly. The siren banshee's ability is indeed very strong. The ocean currents, mists, and the sound of charm, but for me who can fly and are immune to charm, this Far from enough."

The young man’s figure soared into the sky and quickly traversed the fog. The voice came from a high place, but it was getting lower and lower, "Thank you, senior, for helping me understand. The same method is really impossible to hide from a smart person. Juniors should take a warning. Time, today’s meeting ends here, we will have a period later. No, it’s better to have an indefinite period later."

The siren banshee's demigod expression froze in an instant, and the whole person instantly rose to the sky and chased after him, "Little guy, facing the predecessor's attitude, you will suffer. The layout of this seat is not so easy. breakthrough."

The two figures flew away quickly, the canoes and small boats were rippling slightly on the sea, there was a sound of water, the next head of the canoe came out, and he looked around and left the canoe and the siren demigod. The small boat in the same place was put away and plunged into the sea and disappeared.

"The same trick may not be difficult to use. Sometimes smart people are more likely to be fooled. Smart people are mostly self-confident, and overconfidence is conceited.

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