The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 972: Gino's Constructed Wizard Dream

"Is this construction wizardry? Construct wizards can actually be so powerful that they are worthy of war wizards." Gino was really frightened. There were fifty or sixty steel puppets, actually hundreds of thousands. The group of demon beasts galloped horizontally and smashed all the way through the blood. The most important thing is that none of these puppets was bad in the end.

For Gino’s feelings, Ville could only chuckled. The construct wizard is indeed very good, but this time he was a speculation. The reason why these construct puppets are not bad is more because he and Lilith secretly Added defensive witchcraft to them, how can Tier 3 defensive witchcraft be broken by the most advanced, most influential little monsters.

   As for the second-order Yalong, Lilith rushed out and beaten him with a half-body discomfort. It was all about relaxing the muscles and bones and warming-up exercises after he hadn't taken any shots on the way.

   Lilith didn’t want to tell Gino that it’s not witchcraft, but people.

   Is a mountain of three thousand feet high? In fact, it’s not too high or too big, but it’s a one-way road, without any and bifurcations. It is a climbing trail with layers of stairs. The trail is winding straight up into the sky, and at the other end of the sky. But it was a sea, a magic mess.

For such things that are obviously not in line with common sense, Ville and Lilith are already numb, and being strong is the last word. For those god-level masters, especially master god-level masters, they can use any means they can produce. It's terrifying.

   Lilith had already submitted the initial mission before coming, became an official apostle, and quickly used her accumulated merits to be promoted to a three-star apostle. She was already able to use the Eye of Advanced Appraisal, and the two quickly got a general idea of ​​the situation in the mountain.

This seems to be a very good place for body training. It is much stronger than the so-called eternal uphill road in the Mitis Wizarding Academy. For the two of them, this mountain road is not a problem at all, but for Gino It seems a bit difficult, it's pretty good to be able to walk halfway, and physical fitness has never been his strong point.

   As for spiritual perseverance?

   Will this guy who was born in a big family and grew up in good clothes and has strong perseverance?

   expressed serious doubts about this little Will.

Take one step at a time. You and Lilith always have a way to bring him up. Ville is in front, Lilith is close behind, and Gino is at the end. The three of them have just set foot on the mountain, and they are powerful. The coercion fell from the sky abruptly restricted their strength to the first level. Except for their spiritual power, their fighting spirit and magic power were all restricted.

However, physical fitness and mental strength cannot be restricted. Ville and Lilith move their muscles and bones lightly, and move forward with high spirits. Every time you take a step, you must carefully understand the changes here. Ville is even more so. The eyes flashed brightly, and the operation and maintenance of the laws of the earth spread around the body.

The law of gravity here is clear and clear, and it is easier to perceive than the outside world, and there is also the breath of giant dragons, which constantly stimulates their blood and body. What makes Little Ville most happy is that apart from the physical strength being tempered, Even the fighting energy and magic in the body have been tempered.

In the first 100 meters, Xiao Weier was not rushed or slow with a smile. At a height of five hundred meters, a faint khaki light appeared on Xiao Weier. At a height of one thousand meters, a touch of rhythm suddenly lighted up from him, two thousand meters high. At the place, the earthy yellow light gradually dissipated, and Little Weier looked plain and unremarkable.

In the first one hundred feet, Gino tried to support his sweaty back. At the height of five hundred feet, Gino was unable to fight in a double-stranded battle. He was relieved by Lilith's two magic arts, restored his physical strength, and then was blessed by two magic arts. In order to move on, at a height of thousands of feet, Gino was about to fall and almost fainted, his body was soaked with sweat, and he almost collapsed, and he barely recovered after pouring two bottles of master potion.

At an altitude of two thousand meters, Gino slumped on the ground and breathed, the sweat poured out without money and even wet the ground. He didn't even have the strength to stand up, and Lilith beside him was sweaty but still sweaty. It was a very refreshing feeling, and there was no fatigue at all, and Xiao Weier even had no Hanshui, and he was also sweating before.

   "Breakthrough?" Although Lilith was asking, her tone was quite certain.

Little Ville nodded lightly and didn't say much, but everything was silent. Gino no longer had the energy to think about more things. He couldn't break through. He wanted to faint immediately. In this place, every moment. Exhausting physical strength is too hard for him.

"The law of the earth here is very simple and easy to understand, but it already belongs to the law of the fourth-order demigod. My earth-attribute witchcraft is third-order perfect, but the shadow attribute is the last step." Depressed, it was obvious that his first choice was from Shadow Witchcraft, and the one shown to the outside was also from Shadow Witchcraft. In the end, Shadow Witchcraft was dragged down.

In fact, Ville’s time invested in the cultivation of the three attributes of shadow, earth, and ocean is not much different. It is just that the tree of death in the world of snowwood has swallowed and deprived him of the chain of laws of the pirate god, and turned it into an insight to give him some help. The third-order completion of ocean witchcraft, and this time the manifestation of the laws of the earth on the mountain of three thousand feet also provided him with the power to complete the third-order completion of the earth witchcraft, and completed the last step.

"Don't worry, this is the third level of the 9th level of the road to the dragon. There are many opportunities behind. Even if it doesn't work here, we can still turn to Teacher Troy. His attainments in shadow witchcraft are enough for you to complete the last step." Lilith is very confident in Ville and knows how to complete the last step, but rather than asking for help, she hopes that Ville will complete this step naturally.

   Little Will nodded slightly, he was also full of confidence in himself. Looking at Gino Billy Dorag's half-dead appearance, Little Will couldn't help but shook his head slightly: "Is it the limit?"

Lilith said helplessly: "It's almost like this. If you continue to force him to persevere, I'm afraid it will be counterproductive and destroy his potential. This is already his limit, the limit under the premise of not harming his body and potential. Up."

"It may be that we are injuring him. According to Carter, the intensity of this level shouldn't be so great. According to this intensity, no one in the entire safe zone can reach the top." Ville waved his hand and the two steel puppets fell on By his side, he picked up Gino and put him on a to follow Ville and Lilith to move on.

Under the action of stretcher, healing magic, and blessing magic, Gino walked half-deadly, and finally reached the top of the mountain. All the pressure disappeared without a trace. The coolness in front struck him, making him sober. A lot.

"I am, I have reached the top?" Gino slowly reacted at this time, slowly falling off the stretcher, and then sitting up rolling. He wanted to stand up, but he felt sore all over his body. There is a hint of comfort.

   "It turned out to be a construction puppet, why didn't I think of this trick before." Gino patted his thigh with regret, but grinned in pain.

   I decided, after I go back, I must study the construction wizardry of the Construct Wizard. This thing may be a brand-new road and a more suitable shortcut for a waste like me who cannot climb a higher level with his blood.

   Seems to see Gino's thoughts, and Ville directly threw a book to him: "The Construct Wizard is indeed very powerful to some extent, but this thing has a low IQ requirement. Are you sure you can learn it?"

   Jino immediately shut himself down when he heard that, am I a mentally retarded in your eyes? I'm a descendant of the dignified Dragon Spirit family, don't foreign messengers want face?

   Well, since you gave me the primary inheritance of the Constructed Wizard for nothing, it doesn’t matter whether you give me face or not. It can be seen that your old man is in a good mood now, so we don’t care about it like you.

   Gino would not admit that he didn't care because he didn't care about it, and now it's not the time to learn Constructed Witchcraft. It's okay to put things away and go back to the dream of constructing wizards.

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