The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 973: Will painting a turtle become a tortoise?

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"Lilith, I feel it." There is a sea behind the mountain, and the sea can't be crossed by external force. It can only swim through it. This is a rigid rule that cannot be changed. Ville and Lilith don't matter, but the current state of Gino is obviously not. Suitable, the three can only rest temporarily.

   Sitting on the top of the mountain on the shore of the sea, Ville suddenly widened his eyes and said something that made Lilith feel a little inexplicable.

   randomly arranged a barrier to "protect" Gino, temporarily cutting off his contact with the outside world, and Lilith asked what little Ville felt.

"The fusion of mountains and seas, the transformation of the earth and the ocean, the changes in the elements of the vicissitudes of the earth." Xiaoweier almost jumped up excitedly: "After the third-order consummation of the attributes of the earth and the ocean, I actually felt the independence of the two forces in this place. It’s a very mysterious feeling to blend with each other."

Lilith suddenly realized that she couldn't help but sighed: "The little tricks that the master god-level masters randomly arrange, the fur contained in it can make us a lot, if it is their own way, I don't know how strong it will be. The dragon **** may not be proficient in the mountains. The Tao of the Sea, it only uses powerful force to create all of this, forcibly fusing the mountain and the sea, it is precisely the collision between the two that merges this wonderful rhythm."

Ville nodded slightly thoughtfully. Lilith's words are very reasonable. This is not necessarily the rhythm of the dragon god's power, but the natural rhythm of his power acting on the mountains and the sea. In other words, this is just the dragon god. The aftermath of power is an accidental product.

   "Now, Lilith, is the law contained in the natural phenomenon formed by the collision of powerful forces? Is it a natural law or a way to be understood?" Little Ville suddenly asked.

Lilith pondered for a moment, and shook her head lightly. "Under normal circumstances, the power that blessed the will of the strong often contains the way of the strong, but the natural law of the collision of power and power appears, and the personal will will be greatly weakened and displayed. It’s more about the laws of nature. The breath of the mountains and the sea here is very peaceful, which is obviously manifested by the way of nature formed after thousands of years of collision and fusion. However, it is the power of the Dragon God that promotes this situation."

Little Weier said with a slight headache: "I am a little confused now, what is Tao? The law of understanding is contained in the demigod realm, and it is full of demigod will. So, is it the law or the will that really works, or is it? The power of a demigod? If I understand the path of a demigod, then does this path belong to that demigod or a natural path."

   Lilith couldn’t help but laugh when she heard the words, and drew a simple but very capable little tortoise on the ground, "What is this?"

   "Turtle." Ville replied instinctively, and then he was stunned. What is this? what is this? what is this? Lilith's words echoed in her mind, why would she know what this is? Although the things that Lilith drew had the shape and spirit, they were not real tortoises after all. They belonged to Lilith’s tortoise and not her own. What would happen if she compared Lilith’s paintings to her paintings?

After    painted, I got rid of the shackles of Lilith, what if I painted it again?

If you don’t know that you will never see a tortoise again, Lilith’s paintings are your only source of information, then your impression and concept of the tortoise will be like this, and even if you see a real tortoise in the future, as long as you have With some changes and differences, I might not think it is a normal tortoise, but in fact Lilith has not painted many details, but simplified or even beautified the tortoise.

   If you study it carefully, there is a big defect in the appearance of this turtle god. If you taste it carefully, you will find that even the **** is not like it anymore.

   This is a painting, a picture of Lilith's impression of the tortoise, and then Ville began to paint on the ground.

   The first painting has stiff lines and a complete image, but it is tangible and godless.

   The second painting has rounded and smooth lines and a more natural image, with a three-point charm.

   In the third painting, Vail perfectly copied Lilith's tortoise picture, with almost no big difference.

   In the fourth painting, there was a flash of light in Ville's mind, and his fingers waved quickly on the beach. After a while, a vivid tortoise appeared on the ground with fierce and fierce eyes. He opened his big mouth and roared upwards, revealing his mouth full of fine fangs.

   "Sharp-toothed turtle." Lilith paused, with a faint smile on her face. This guy finally understood her intentions, but her happiness did not exceed three seconds. There was a horn on Ville's side.

   "Now, Lilith, it's easy to understand the path from your tortoise picture to my painting, but what if I saw my sharp tooth turtle first?"

   Lilith couldn't help but feel a little airy, isn't this **** usually smart? Did you accidentally hit Jiang Zhi's halo?

After shaking her head and throwing the thought out of her mind, Lilith drew a Xuanshui turtle under the cusp tortoise, a cracktooth shield turtle under the Xuanshui turtle, and a tail mallet tortoise underneath.. .

A painted portrait of a monster turtle appeared on the beach. Lilith drew fifty or sixty in one breath and then stopped. Ville watched the turtle gradually lose focus, as if he was thinking, and it seemed to have been lost. Confused.

After a while, Ville suddenly moved. He drew a tortoise behind the sharp-toothed tortoise, the mysterious water tortoise, and the crack-toothed shield tortoise. A tortoise that shared the same features of the three demon tortoises, one was slightly rough but very very rough. The natural tortoise, followed by the tail mallet tortoise and...

  The three turtles are one, and then they are one again. In the end, all the turtles are one, which is surprisingly similar to Lilith's original tortoise.

   Little Wil’s hand paused slightly, and a bright light flashed in his mind. He once again drew a portrait of a tine tortoise in the back, but this time the tine tortoise was more in shape, and seemed to have a hint of spirituality.

"I understand, I finally understand! From the simple to the complex, and then the complex to the simple, and finally the ten thousand turtles become one, and then to find the true self." Little Ville shouted loudly, and the whole body seemed to be filled with a faint star. The phantom of a sharp-toothed turtle slowly formed behind him, making Lilith's eyes widened.

   "Blood awakening?!" What the **** is this? Will painting a tortoise turn into a tortoise? There seem to be some secrets in this **** that he doesn’t The Seventh-Floor Sacred Tower does not keep it secret to itself, and Snowwood World does not keep it secret to itself. After that, Apostle Space also confessed to itself, but this **** There is such a big secret in him, hehe, little Ville, you successfully aroused my curiosity again.

I can always find new feelings in you, and always discover new secrets. Every new discovery will make me more curious about you, and I will love you more deeply. You must be responsible for my curiosity, my dear Fiance!

"Now, the tortoise has nothing to do with our breakthrough this time. Why don't we draw the dragon, from the general image of the dragon to the five-color dragon, the metal dragon, to the various dragons, and finally the return from the dragon. Dragon.” Lilith couldn't help suggesting. It feels a little bit bad to become a tortoise. It's better to become a dragon.

The excitement on Ville’s face stiffened slightly, and he became frustrated again, and said bitterly: "Lilith, I suddenly found that this kind of visually visible thing in the form of onlookers adjustment is easy to understand, but have you ever considered the evolution of biological metamorphosis? The situation? Two-legged wyvern to four-legged wyvern, four-legged wyvern evolved to giant dragon, different types of dragons give birth to different sub-dragons, and these sub-dragons may have different forms, such as dragon wolves, dragon eagles, earth travel dragons, and iron armored dragons. , Ridgeback..."

   Lilith couldn't help but slapped her forehead, "It can't be reversed, can't you find the characteristics of giant dragons from them on the premise of understanding the general shape of giant dragons, you fool, big fool!"

   "Oh, this time I'm going to play a probing game in pieces, it feels a little bit..." Chaptere

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