The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 979: In the dark, with a bright heart

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This alien space is ten times larger than the Neverland alien space that Vil has experienced before, a hundred times. It is not so easy to clear it out. If it were Ville and Lilith ten years ago, it would be very difficult to survive here. Fortunately, they are no longer the rookies ten years ago.

If they decide and then act, or knowing that they know their opponents will survive a hundred battles, their first thing is not to slay nearby monsters in a hurry, but to look for clues and understand the basic situation of the entire alien space.

"Take it out." Lilith rolled a cute little white eye and stretched out her hand, but was held in the palm of her hand by the stupid little Weir carefully.

Lilith slapped his big hand and said dissatisfied: "Don't pretend to be a fool. That girl may be the key to our break. Even if it isn't, she should have something to do with us. The black dragon of profiteers sent us to this place absolutely. Not an accident."

Ville shrugged and slid the face towel to Lilith. After some general inferences, he took the initiative to break up the blessings given to him by the black dragon, and forcibly suppressed the strong fluctuations in the bloodline, although occasionally there was a little recklessness and IQ But it has reoccupied the high ground.

It’s like taking advantage of Lilith just now because the blood is making a ghost, and when you hand over the stolen goods obediently, you are in charge. Ville clearly distinguishes the self from the non-self. Only in this way can he occasionally commit crimes on the premise of ensuring his own safety. Make a mistake and do something bad.

Thinking of this in his mind, Ville was shocked. Is this still himself?

Little Ville stopped the movements in his hands, thinking quietly, countless thoughts in his mind turned, "Human Bloodline Evolution Secret Art" was running fast, and various god-level meditation thoughts in his mind were also rapidly rotating, and there were threads of **** in the sky and the earth. The magic came into view.

"Xiao Miao, please!" Xiao Weier let out an inaudible low drink, a green light flashed on his body, the invasion of **** inside and outside the body and the invading **** magic was swallowed, and his whole person was completely awake.

"Pop! Papa! Papa!" Lilith couldn't help applauding and admiring: "I thought you had to wait a little longer and vent unscrupulously, and then you can really wake up because of my pain. Obviously I have noticed it before. The weirdness here clearly knows that there is a lot of **** magic power here, but it still pushes all the problems to the blessings of the golden dragon and the black dragon."

Little Ville smiled bitterly and shook his head: "When did you find out?"

"Unlike you, I always keep in touch with Xiao Miao and Lily. Not long after I entered here, before you molested that beautiful girl, they reminded me." Lilith's words are obvious, I just didn't deliberately To remind you, although I know that you are affected by the devilish energy of hell, I just want to see you deflated.

What else can Ville do, he deserves to be punished if he made a mistake, but he couldn't help but regret it when he thought that he had broken the blessing of the black dragon before. Sure enough, people can't take it for granted. There are obviously many cheaters around him. Why don't you check before making a decision?

"Brother Stupid Apostle asked for himself. You haven’t played with Xiaowei for a long time, and this time it’s not that Xiaowei didn’t want to tell you, but Sister Lilith said that it’s good for you to teach you a lesson, but for all that’s done to Brother Stupid Apostle. Xiao Wei is willing to do good things." The voice of the apostle elf appeared in her mind. It was obvious that she had been paying attention to herself silently. Xiao Wei was a little embarrassed. She was not with her sister during this time. Xiao Weiya was busy going through the barriers, and she did neglect the little elf Xiao Wei. She had already said that she would be good to her.

"Brother Stupid Apostle has this thought, Xiao Wei is already very happy, and I will ask Brother Stupid Apostle not to dislike Xiao Wei in the future. Xiao Wei will remind him when she thinks it is helpful or Brother Apostle is in danger." The apostle In the space, Xiaowei lay on the sofa while playing games while performing affectionately. Not far away, two little loli also had a great time. Who is the apostle elf who is not Lilith and Xiao Luo.

They have already formed an alliance. Anyway, they are a family, and there is no need to divide each other. Before, Xiaowei often went to the apostle elf of the black dragon Wezel to play, but later found out that she was not very compatible with others, so she slowly give up.

This time it was her turn to take a new person, so she trained directly according to her own preferences, and both Lilith’s elves and Luo’s elves were very obedient, which made her very happy.

Xiao Wei actually overlooked a lot of things. Lilith’s pixie foreign trade is similar to herself, but it is actually shaped according to Xiao Wei’s childhood character, almost the same as Xiao Wei, while Guai Li Luo is shaped by herself, but very well-behaved. Obedient, especially the words of Little Ville, so her elves are also very obedient to the words of Little Elf.

In a hidden small village outside the forest, neat rows of towering trees block the sight from the outside world, a figure descending from the sky lightly bypassing several traps, and throwing a small wooden sign next to the tree to disguise The tree-like hunter floated in, carrying a prey without touching the ground.

"It deserves to be the first hunter who grabbed the title of the strongest when he first arrived. It is much better than our watchdogs." In the other direction, a person in the grass raised his head, faintly spit out a bit of bitterness. .

"Okay, our Shadow Tribe is not a well-known big tribe. It's already very good for Lena to choose to join our tribe. You must know that she was a super master who almost made the strongest of the Earthfire tribe at will." The knot was motionless there, and the disguise was meticulous, but it did not affect the voice. This was the only exit into and out of the tribe, and other places were strictly protected.

They live in this underground world, but they have to dig out an underground village in the underground world. Only in this way can they survive better. The powerful people in this world are not people like them, but Warcraft.

Their voices are not loud, but they can't hide from Lena, who has slowed down. It has been a year since she came here. From the very beginning, she was full of fighting spirit and wanted to clear the road to the dragon and become a compatriot who understands and saves the world. , Now she only hopes to make this tribe better.

In the end, she was still not strong enough. Lena took a deep breath to make her footsteps appear lighter. The children here are very sensitive. Whether it is footsteps, voice differences or a little stiffness in the smile, they will be aware of something wrong. .

They brought a lot of comfort and laughter to themselves, and they couldn't make them sad and disappointed.

The tribe is not too big. The diameter is only three to five kilometers, and the height is less than ten feet. There are a lot of fluorescent grass planted on it. This is the standard configuration of the underground world. The center area is the residence of the soldiers and the village head, and the back is a warehouse. , On the left is the training ground, on the right is the living area, and there is a slum in a small corner.

The so-called slums can also be called orphans. The children left by the adults who died in the war generally live here. Boys are often adopted, and only the inherently disadvantaged little girls are left. They have very little food every day, even Having to go out to pick, Léa was brought back by a little girl here.

As the first hunter, Léa can enjoy good welfare by paying a fixed share of prey in one month. Her share of this month has been completed, but still half of the prey is handed over to the village. This is also a lot of respect for her by the villagers. One reason is to be strong, kind and follow the rules.

"Sister Lena is back."

"It's Sister Lena."

"Fawn, Sister Lena brought back half a fawn."

"Hey, I have something delicious tonight."

There are a dozen little girls, the oldest is only 13 or 4 years old, and the youngest is only 5 years old. Their parents died in a great war three years ago, and the village was greatly affected by this, and they almost couldn't survive.

Even if life is difficult, even if they don't have enough food, even if they know that they might be eaten by Warcraft in the future, they still survive completely, and even want to live better and take care of more people by the way.

In the dark, with a bright heart, these are the children of the Shadow Tribe.

Seeing them, Lena was full of strength, "Today I ate venison, and it's a deer from Warcraft. Everyone can eat it, but it's not allowed to eat it."

Lena's eyes swept away. Although this small space was doubled by her, it was still a bit narrow. There is a particular need to build villages underground, and it is impossible to dig endlessly. Once it collapses, everyone will suffer, and the level of earthquake resistance It must be high, and there are not no experts who are good at ground movement in Warcraft.

Every time a tribal village is destroyed, there will be the shadow of a beast who is good at ground movement and digging. Six months ago, Lena witnessed the miserable destruction of a village with her own eyes. In the end, she was able to rescue only a few people.

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