The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 980: Stories and surprises

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The night in the underground world is cold, and the fluorescent grass can't bring warmth, and the Shadow Tribe is not the Earth Fire Tribe, and their geographical location is not superior.

There are strict restrictions on the burning time of a bonfire. Underground ventilation is a big problem. The smell can easily attract Warcraft. They are not the top of the food chain and cannot live freely.

Lena collects as many warm animal skins as possible to make this little corner warmer. Half an hour of barbecue time is their happiest time every day. Today Lena also picked some spices from the swamp to make this little corner warmer. The grilled meat becomes more delicious.

Although these children have been fed, there are still some people who can’t change the habit of overeating and eventually eat.

Lena knew that it was not their fault. They were used to eating a full meal and couldn't eat for a few days. They learned to endure starvation. Even with their own help, they still can't change this. A cautious style.

The bonfire was extinguished within the specified time. Lena strictly followed the village’s rules. She knew that although some things looked cold, they had meaning. She had seen many lessons of blood. She was no longer the high-spirited spirit when she first arrived. , The little girl clamoring to change everything.

A dozen little girls gathered around her, listening to her story outside, the boundless sea, the blue sky and white clouds, the huge battleship that can hold hundreds of people, the flying battleship that can fly in the sky, the academy where children gather, There are also all kinds of food and clothes.

Lena has a fluorescent stone, this kind of little thing has become their treasure now, a little light in the dark sky is also commendable, especially this little light will not produce smoke to attract the attention of the outside world warcraft, the exhaust vent is nine songs ten Eight bends, even from the middle of the tree, basically don't need to worry about large monsters coming in from the exhaust vent.

What they need to worry about is the herd, especially the small monster herd, such as the magic rat and the magic ant.

The story Lena told them today was a love story between a giant dragon and a girl from the shadow clan. The story was not very exciting. A shadow clan aristocratic girl came across a shadow dragon when she went out to play. The shadow dragon was very lazy and could lie down. Never sit while standing, never stand if you can sit, and even like to lie down while eating.

After the Shadow Clan girl discovered that the Shadow Dragon was not malicious to herself, but not cruel, she began to contact him frequently and tried to be friends with him. She tried to steal the Shadow Dragon to gain his friendship.

The shadow dragons are not considered strong among the dragons, nor are they the nobles among the dragons. They are inconspicuous and unobtrusive like a shadow, but the dragons are the dragons, and they are not so easy to approach. Their encounter is just an accident. , Shadow Dragon left soon.

The shadow clan girl firmly believes that the shadow dragon will come back, waiting there for decades. When the shadow dragon reappears, the girl is no longer a girl, but a middle-aged person. She still keeps herself. He is innocent and lively, still teasing the shadow dragon as always.

The shadow dragon soon left, and the shadow clan girl built a small courtyard where they met and still waited there, until she died, the shadow dragon did not reappear.

The story of the Shadow Clan girl was recorded as a negative textbook in the family history. Until the second Shadow Clan girl appeared, she was also very curious about the Shadow Dragon, and then brought the record and found the courtyard. She was surprised to find The courtyard was actually well preserved, and a handsome man lived in it.

The Shadow Clan girl tried to **** the courtyard back, but it was not the man’s opponent at all. Moreover, the courtyard was originally a secret place in the wilderness. It was inaccessible to the people and only frequented by Warcraft. The man said this was his site, even though the Shadow Clan girl Even if he took out the record, he was unsuccessful in driving him away.

The two of them were in a stalemate for a while, but the Shadow Race girl was very persevering, and she built a simple hut outside. She wanted to stand firm with him to the end, vowing to take back the memories of the Shadow Race predecessors. .

She would come over to reason with him every day, but the man ignored her, and even turned a deaf ear to her words. Most of the time she was sleeping or preparing to go to bed. The shadow clan girl commented on him that pigs and beasts are all Harder than him.

Until one day a Tier 3 monster found here by accident, the shadow girl’s hut was crushed. When the shadow girl chased and killed the shadow girl into the courtyard, the gate of the courtyard was broken, and the man just made that look. The hair of the first Tier 3 monster is upside down.

With just one punch, the Tier 3 monster was beaten to death by that man. The man's power made the shadow clan girl worship to the extreme, and he was even more stalker.

But the man still ignored her, did not give her the slightest accommodation because of her cuteness and beauty, and even sent her to repair the courtyard gate, making the Shadow Clan girls thunderous, but carefully think about this courtyard is the painstaking effort of the Shadow Clan seniors. Only obediently obedient. 4E Novel

The cuteness of the shadow clan girl is unimaginable by most people. Her perseverance and determination are also shocking. The man lived there for three full years, and the shadow clan girl stayed there with him for three years, until one day, the man Ready to leave, the girl dedicated herself to him.

Early the next morning, when the man incarnate as a dragon spreading his wings and flying away, the shadow clan girl knew that he was the protagonist in the story. In fact, he was always there, but the shadow clan’s lifespan kept him from patrolling, the first shadow clan The passing of the girl let him know that the lives of ordinary people from the non-dragon clan are so fragile and short, and the second shadow clan girl made him understand that a short life can actually be very wonderful.

But he has reached a very important juncture to see an important gathering, and he has been there for decades. When he comes back again, the courtyard is still the same, but the second shadow girl is gone, staying in Here is a new shadow clan girl, a shadow clan girl with dragon blood.

The long life of the dragon clan brings endless parting. The shadow dragon took the girl away and buried the courtyard with his own hands, just like burying an unforgettable memory.

The story is not very long, but it makes the little guys very satisfied, but they are not concerned about the love in the middle, but the power of the dragon, the third-order beast beat it to death, if they have such a Strength, it is absolutely necessary to kill ten monsters every day, eat in a different way, and move the house to it, and never continue to be frozen by the bonfire every day.

The simple ideals of the little guys made Lena want to cry, but she couldn't cry. Compared to them, how happy she used to be.

Although my mother missed her father most of the time, she gave herself a good education and a good skill. Although her father was lazy, she let her blood line get well developed, the second-order dragon blood knight, the second-class shadow clan wizard, Lei Most of Na's achievements today are bestowed by her father, although she has never forgiven him.

He buried his home, although there are his memories, why not his own memories.

He left him, but he found a girl from the shadow clan as a disciple, which made Rena very jealous, and finally angrily decided to break the road against the dragon, wanting to become a real dragon, and then become a strong man. Beat his father.

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny. She easily passed the first three levels, but got stuck in this one.

Is it difficult to pass this level?

Lena has found a way to clear the level, but her heart is more fettered, making her unable to leave. On a group of poor little guys, she sees her own past, the self before her father returned after her mother left.

The night was deep, and under the call of the village chief, Lena came to the meeting hall and received a news that she could not accept.

" The village has been exposed, and the army of the Demon King Palace will come within ten days. We must move."

"The place to move has been selected. It is close to the remains of an underground village of the Earthhuo Tribe. The Earthhuo Tribe is willing to provide us with shelter and form an alliance with us."

"This time the migration is very urgent. We can't take away all those little guys. The village doesn't have so much manpower, and the Earthfire Tribe is not willing to risk coming to help at this time."

"After all, the army of the Demon King's Palace is not something they can provoke."

"If we are slow and attract the army of the Demon King's Palace, they will refuse us to approach, and will not rule out the use of tough methods."

"Leena, our time is running out."

"This is the reality. The whole village is destroyed or some people are abandoned. We have no choice."

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