The True Young Miss Is A Spoiled Boss

Chapter 595 Su Yize and Qi Lei

The two of them didn't like each other in the first place. After all, although Xing Jiu'an has many brothers and sisters, there is only one younger brother and one younger brother. Some.

The two are fifteen or sixteen years old and eighteen years old. Even though they are both smart and excellent, they are extraordinarily naive in this regard.

Qi Lei has no monopoly on Xing Jiu'an. He thinks it's a good thing that many people like his sister. He was born unfortunate, but he likes to see Xing Jiu'an happy.

Xing Jiu'an's freedom, carefree, and being favored by many people is what he expected from the first time he saw Xing Jiu'an...

His expectations for Xing Jiu'an.

For him, Xing Jiu'an is a god, a belief, a redemption and a cure. If possible, he is willing to exchange his misfortune for Xing Jiu'an for a lifetime of worry.

Being the younger brother of Xing Jiu'an is a very happy thing for him. He wants to be with Xing Jiu'an, but does not want to possess it.

However, Xing Jiu'an has always had only one younger brother of him, and he was accustomed to his identity. He always thought that only he was Xing Jiu'an's younger brother, and he had a monopoly on this identity.

He wants to be Xing Jiu'an's only younger brother.

But I didn't expect that, and later found out that Xing Jiu'an still has a younger brother.

Although the junior brother and the younger brother are not the same identity, they both occupy the identity of the younger brother.

Moreover, Su Yize is younger than him and can act like a spoiled child. He is a little worried about when Su Yize will take his place in Xing Jiu'an.

There are really many people around Xing Jiu'an who treat her well and like her very much. Qi Lei knows that Xing Jiu'an treats him well, but he still hopes that he can have the only one here in Xing Jiu'an.

This time, he wanted to sneak it in to give Xing Jiu'an a surprise, but he happened to meet Su Yize on the plane.

The two brothers who are jealous of each other pay special attention to this position beside Xing Jiu'an, and Xing Jiu'an is not only a junior brother.

Behind Xing Jiu'an, there are several junior brothers and sisters, but now she is only familiar with Su Yize, and the others have not met much.

The two followed Xing Jiu'an while looking at each other coldly, trying to provoke.

Childish like two children.

Xing Jiu'an didn't see it and didn't care, anyway, both of them were very obedient.

Lu Zhichen stood there waiting for the three people to come, and when he saw them, he opened the car door.

Su Yize and Qi Lei sat in the back seat, and Xing Jiu'an went to the passenger seat.

Along the way, Su Yize talked a lot.

Qi Lei is not very talkative. Unlike Su Yize, he has been carefree since he was a child. He is loved by his family and does whatever he wants; he has developed a lively, cheerful and particularly noisy temperament.

Qi Lei usually doesn't talk much. When he is with Xing Jiu'an, he doesn't talk much. Most of the time, he is obedient. He does whatever Xing Jiu'an asks him to do.

Xing Jiu'an talked to Su Yize, but he would not ignore Qi Lei, and would also ask Qi Lei some things and have a few words with him.

When Qi Lei faced Xing Jiu'an, he was always very good.

He has a precocious temperament, and has experienced a lot of things, but he is very mature at a young age. Xing Jiu'an has always loved him.

She didn't like that Qi Lei was so obedient when facing her, as if she finally held a little warmth in her hand and tried her best to continue to have it.

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