The True Young Miss Is A Spoiled Boss

Chapter 596 The Most Loyal Believer

Xing Jiu'an is the rare warmth Qi Lei has encountered over the years.

Be nice to him, save him from hell, a light in a dark life.

So, having this warmth, he wants to have it all the time, because he is afraid that one day he will lose it, so he makes himself very good, a little bit, a little bit more good, if he is good, he can always have this warmth .

A very paranoid idea.

He is different from Su Yize. Su Yize doesn't have a younger sister, and there are many people who love him and love him. He is a delicate young master and a man of heaven.

But he is different. He is underground mud, growing in the darkness of the abyss. After more than ten years of suffering, he finally saw a beam of light and touched a little warmth...

Xing Jiu'an is the only one for him.

If he loses Xing Jiu'an, he really loses everything.

Xing Jiu'an once tried to change his mind.

She is a little devil in the mouths of senior brothers and sisters. She is coquettish, willful and domineering. Qi Lei is her only younger brother. She rescued him from that place, and she has already decided that she will be responsible for his future.

She has always been a little girl who has been spoiled by others, but suddenly she has a younger brother, of course she will treat him very well, and I want him to be like myself...

But it is very difficult to change the character you have cultivated since childhood.

Just like Xing Jiu'an, she has been spoiled by so many people since she was a child, so when she grows up, she will still be like when she was a child, squeamish, domineering, willful, unreasonable, and righteous when she does wrong... There are a lot of smells fault.

Qi Lei is different from her. He has suffered since childhood, and he has long lost his willful thoughts.

Unfortunate children, use a lifetime to heal childhood.

Xing Jiu'an met the master and was picked up by the master. Everyone raised her carefully and carefully, and raised a squeamish bag.

But Qi Lei was not as lucky as her. When he met Xing Jiu' was too late, and his character couldn't change too much.

When he faced Xing Jiu'an, he was gentle, well-behaved, obedient, like a tamed wolf, always surrendering to one person.

The two were about the same age, and Mu Qing had thought about whether they would be together in the future.

Qi Lei has been with them for two or three years. In addition to the embarrassment when he first brought them back, every time he saw them later, he had to let Mu Qing sigh. If he grew up like Xing Jiu'an, he should also be with Xing Jiu'an. Great at the same age.

However, since Xing Jiu'an took him as his younger brother, took him with him, let him go to school, and taught him some other things, his whole person seemed to change in an instant.

A smart and excellent person can turn into a dragon even after struggling in the quagmire for many years and going through wind and rain.

Gentle and strong, excellent and calm, Qi Lei has only one weakness, and this weakness will always be Xing Jiu'an.

The relationship between the two is very good. In front of Xing Jiu'an, Qi Lei will always look like a tamed beast. Even if he has fangs and claws, he will never make Xing Jiu'an feel dangerous.

He is like the most loyal believer, sticking to his god.

Mu Qing felt for a while that it would be good if Xing Jiu'an and Qi Lei were together in the future.

Qi Lei will never betray Xing Jiu'an.

However, Qi Lei never had this thought.

Born in misery, growing up in the abyss, trapped in the quagmire, how could he possibly try to... blaspheme his god.

He just wants to be Xing Jiu'an's younger brother, watching her happy and worry-free, that's what he looks forward to most.

Of course Qi Lei knew that Xing Jiu'an and Lu Zhichen were together.

He didn't ask Xing Jiu'an anything, nor did he think about stopping it.

He just wanted to see Xing Jiu'an happy.

Xing Jiu'an, who was with Lu Zhichen, was very happy.

He didn't want to make more comments about Lu Zhichen, and he didn't know what he was like.

It's enough to know that Xing Jiu'an likes it.

As long as Lu Zhichen and Xing Jiuan are together and treat her well, he will always bless her.

He just wanted to keep the identity of Xing Jiu'an's younger brother and didn't change anything.

Lu Zhichen drove the three to the restaurant where he always had food delivered.

Xing Jiu'an is relatively familiar with the food here. During the training camp, she ate here most of the time.

The taste of this food is good, and it is more suitable for Xing Jiu'an's picky eaters.

Lu Zhichen had a special private room here, and the four of them walked over directly.

"Little Senior Sister, I want to stay here for two days. Would you like to go to your place and Senior Brother's place?" Su Yize asked as he walked.

Qi Lei on the side pursed his lips and did not speak.

If Xing Jiu'an is inconvenient, he can go to the hotel, he doesn't care about it.

Su Yize seems to have to fight with him about everything, but he doesn't care much about it.

Coming here, being able to see Xing Jiu'an is a very happy thing for him.

Although he wanted to compete with Su Yize for status, he was used to being obedient and didn't want to take the initiative to make Xing Jiu'an embarrassed.

Regardless of whether it was embarrassing or not, he didn't want to take the initiative to speak.

People who are probably insecure can be satisfied if they can have a little bit of good.

Xing Jiu'an is really inconvenient here.

In City C, they live in a residential unit building, a four-bedroom, two-hall house with four people, one room per person.

There are other houses, just a little further away, and not yet in order.

Xing Jiu'an thought for a while, "I have no place here."

Before Su Yize could speak, Lu Zhichen said, "My place is big, how about you two going to my place?"

Su Yize and Qi Lei didn't speak for a while.

Xing Jiu'an said, "I think it's okay."

She looked at her two younger brothers again, "What do you think!"

Su Yize thought to himself, he would rather go to Xing Jiu'an to build a floor, anyway, the living room can sleep.

He is still young, and the room is very warm and does not worry about getting sick.

Just as he was about to say this, Qi Lei nodded and said hello.

Then, Xing Jiu'an looked at Su Yize again.

Su Yize didn't want him to be inferior to Qi Lei, and Qi Lei agreed. With the little sister, he is a well-behaved and obedient child.

If he said anything else, wouldn't it be that he was being self-willed and not as sensible as Qi Lei?

Qi Lei is so dark! Su Yize thought to himself.

However, he still nodded gloomily and said yes.

In this way, the accommodation of the two people was arranged, and everyone was very satisfied.

After eating and sitting here for a while, they went out.

Xing Jiu'an and Lu Zhichen were fairly familiar with this place, and they played with them for a long time. After dinner, they had to send them back early to let them rest earlier.

After flying over and playing for another afternoon, Su Yize felt a little tired, but looking at Qi Lei's relaxed appearance, he kept clenching his teeth and insisting.

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