The fight was very lively in the city, but it was quiet outside the city.

Five days later, an old one-eyed man in a suit and leather shoes came to a cemetery in the southern suburbs of Ah Dong Dong City.

The old man had silver hair and was as withered as a pile of weeds.

Wearing thick glasses, his skin was wrinkled like terraces on the hills.

Holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand, he walked with trembling steps to the tombstone.

"Ah Lei Lei, I came to see you, it's been thirty years..."

The old man put the flowers on the ground, and no tears could flow from his turbid one eye.

"The experiment has reached the last step. As long as the human experiment is successful, I can make my daughter alive, alive! It's good to be alive! No matter what form it is!"

The old man took out a syringe from his arms and held it in his hand. There was a red liquid in it, and it was still bubbling.

Not far away.

On the treetops.

Song Gua and a clone of the archer sequence were staring at the old man.



The archer clone's silver bow was fully drawn, and the magic arrows gathered on it.

"You have to shoot him to death with one shot. This kind of smart man probably left himself countless back-ups. Don't make mistakes."

"Don't worry! I practice shooting every night! The hit rate is great!"

Just when the clone was about to shoot, another one-eyed person appeared in the field of vision.

Looking at the long white hair on her head, it should be a female one-eyed person.

"Ah? Who is this? It's blocking my view."

"It's the scientist's friend. The scientist will inject the virus into her body later. Let's change the shooting point."

Song Gua changed the direction with this clone and aimed again.

The improvement of the four dimensions of the professional will also make the senses stronger.

In the process of changing the shooting point, Song Gua heard what the one-eyed woman said to the crazy scientist.

"Professor Yiyaya, give up your research. This is not what you think of as resurrection from the dead, or the new evolutionary direction of our race. This is a conspiracy."

The mad scientist said in a hoarse voice: "For so many years, you have been funding my research. Now you tell me that this is a conspiracy? Is it your conspiracy?"

The one-eyed woman shook her head, "No, I sympathize with your experience, cherish your talent, and voluntarily support you without seeking returns or calculating anything from you."

"Then why did you let me give up!"

"I don't know how to describe this feeling. It seems that every day in the past, I have lived in a fog. One day, everything suddenly became clear to me. Green Star, Green Star people, life, heaven and earth, and the universe seem to be guiding me."

"Hu Cha Cha, have you joined a cult? Do you know that you are talking nonsense?"

"I know what I am talking about. In short, this mysterious guidance makes me realize that if I want to stop your research, the tube of reagent in your hand will kill Green Star."

Song Gua and the clone are in place again.

After hearing the two people's words, Song Gua frowned.

"Something is wrong. Why don't I remember that the two of them had this dialogue in the history recorded in the divine monument?"

The record of the scene at this moment in the divine monument is that the old friend of the scientist and the scientist's wife came to pay tribute to the scientist's wife at the same time.

This old friend is the source of funds for the scientist to continue research for so many years.

During the process of reminiscing about the past, the scientist will inject reagents into the body of this old friend to conduct human experiments.

It sounds a bit of a vengeance, but the three views of the one-eyed man may not be the same as those of humans, which is not important.

What is important is that the conversation between the two recorded in the divine monument does not contain the above content.

"Have the professionals who messed around in the illusion these days interfered with the course of history?"

Song Gua released a clone and asked him to run away.

After being far enough away from this area, Song Gua exchanged positions with him, then took out the divine monument, and released a large number of clones, letting them surround the divine monument to observe the content.

Song Gua needs to check whether the history related to the main line in the monument has changed.

If there is any change, killing the scientist may not be the best solution.

Song Gua returned to the grave of the scientist's wife and continued to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two.

"Kill Green Star? I just want to revive my daughter! How could I kill Green Star!"

"Have you forgotten that your rebirth virus will give the infected person extraordinary powers. You have already made white mice that can release lightning, dogs that can become invisible, and cats that can split in the experiment."

"Isn't it good? Our novels, movies and TV shows are not always in fantasy.

Do you think that humans can become omnipotent like God? "

"Life in the universe has evolved for billions of years. As of today, this is the best posture for exploring the world. Your reagent will change the evolutionary route of life. This is destructive and will inevitably bring disastrous consequences."

The scientist opened his arms and laughed at the sky.

"Hahaha! Only the ignorant will accept the rules of the universe! Those who master science should use science to change the world! Change the rules!"

Facing the increasingly crazy emotions of the scientists, the one-eyed woman remained calm.

"Why you?"

"Why me?"

"Why you?"

"What do you want to say!"

"Who is leading an intelligent race and opening a new path of evolution? Why is the virus you spent thirty years studying more powerful than the results of billions of years of evolution of life?"

"How do I know! This is an unexpected gain! You know, I just want to make my body that has lost its life function stand up again! ”

The one-eyed woman seemed to understand something again.

“Yes, even you don’t know, so I say there is a conspiracy here.”

The scientist’s emotions gradually calmed down, and he limped towards the one-eyed woman.

“You worry too much, Huchacha, you have such worries because you don’t know enough about the rebirth virus.”

“I have read all the information you gave me. Unless you are hiding something, I believe that I know it as well as you do.”

“No, no, no, you haven’t experienced it yet!”

The scientist raised his hand.

At this moment, his old body burst out with agility and strength that did not match his age.

Just when the needle was about to pierce the one-eyed woman.

The clones who were observing the contents of the monument spoke.

“Old thief! The history of this world has not changed fundamentally!”

Song Gua immediately ordered.

“Shoot! "

A magic arrow shot out and pierced the scientist's head on the spot, and green liquid flowed out of his brain.


The scientist fell to the ground.

The red reagent fell from his hand.

When it was about to break on the ground, Song Gua activated the power of unity, borrowed the power of 15 clones, and with an agility of up to 5,000, activated the charge skill and rushed forward like a lightning.


He caught the test tube.

At this moment.

Ripples began to appear in the zombie illusion, just like the previous Yunshan illusion.

The illusion is about to disappear!

Clear the level successfully!

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