The dream was so easy, and the dream was so wonderful.

"This illusion is so easy!"

Song Gua was happy.

He raised his eyes and saw the one-eyed woman looking at him.

Her eyes gave people a kind feeling, as if a doting grandmother was looking at her grandson.


She said something without a beginning or an end.

Song Gua was puzzled.

"Are you talking to me?"

He looked back.

The scene in the illusion had begun to blend with the real world outside.

There was no one behind him, just a crazy scientist with a wild imagination.

"It's inexplicable..."

Song Gua quickly put away all his clones.

The illusion disappeared completely.

The professionals who were still playing the alien invasion game with the one-eyed man suddenly appeared in the tent area built by the official five days ago.

The dazzling light column that shot up to the sky has disappeared.

The staff of the Professional Association, who was on duty and was bored, was shocked when he found that the light around him suddenly dimmed.

"The illusion is gone!"

The next second, the person in charge of the scene immediately grabbed the loudspeaker and shouted.

"Raise the barrier formation! No one is allowed to leave!"

The existence of the Transcendent is not a piece of news known to the general public.

The illusion suddenly disappeared, and many professionals at the scene were confused.

"What's going on? Is the illusion closed? Isn't it time yet?"

"No, if the illusion is closed, we should be trapped inside, how could we be teleported out?"

"Why don't these people let us go? What are they doing!"

"The illusion disappeared? Did an illusion disappear in Yunshan City before?"

"I always feel that there is something the authorities haven't disclosed."

Song Gua used the clone superimposed on himself to open a 360-degree perspective, and soon found the dwarf from five days ago, and walked over calmly.

Seeing Song Gua's iconic butterfly mask, the dwarf said in surprise.

"Hey, Chen Guanxi, you're still here, we thought you were killed by the one-eyed man in the illusion."

Song Gua used the position exchange to return to the gangster headquarters and replaced Brother Guanxi.

Brother Guanxi still had that coquettish temperament.

"Being with me will make you look too mediocre, so I was alone and had in-depth exchanges with the women in the fantasy world for five days. They all recommended me to drink mango juice with brown sugar flavor. I said that my car only uses 95 gasoline. Oh, damn, another ignorant girl who was fascinated by me..."

The expressions of the dwarfs twitched.

"What the hell is he talking about..."

"This man is not mentally normal. He probably got lost in the fantasy world for five days."

"It is very likely that he is trying to make up for himself."

"Damn, I thought he was a master because he wore a mask, but he didn't help at all."

All the professionals at the scene were left behind, and the law enforcement team of the Yatuo City Professional Association guarded the surroundings and strictly prohibited leaving without permission.

Not long after, the law enforcement team of Jiangnan City arrived.

The level of these people looked similar to that of Yatuo City, but their equipment looked more luxurious and their training was obviously higher. They were not easy to mess with at first glance.

The professionals who were originally a little agitated were now out of temper and did whatever they were told.

The members of Jiangnan City's law enforcement team brought a special instrument.

Song Gua was familiar with it.

It detects the Transcendent.

After checking everyone, the captain of Jiangnan City's law enforcement team looked puzzled.

"Why is there nothing?"

He checked again.

Still nothing.

The captain didn't believe it and checked again.

This caused dissatisfaction.

"How long are you going to keep us?"

"What do you want to do without food and water? Illegal detention?"

"The law enforcement team knows the law and breaks it!"

In desperation.

They had to let them go.

The information of everyone present had been registered and verified anyway, so it would not be troublesome to find them later.


Blue Star, Huaxia Administrative Region, District Capital City, Shangjing City.

Office of the Chief of Staff of the Strategic Department of Huaxia Administrative Region.

Zhang Beihai was receiving Yue Sheng.

A secretary opened the door and walked in in a panic.

"Chief of Staff Zhang! The 40th level illusion in Yatuo City has disappeared, and a low-level Transcendent has appeared!"

Zhang Beihai and Yue Sheng turned their heads at the same time.

"Are there any new Transcendents?"

The secretary shook his head.

"No, no trace of him was found at the scene. Maybe the world power he obtained allowed him to disappear silently.


Yue Sheng smiled.

"Really? I think he and the Transcendent in the Yunshan Illusion may be the same person."

Zhang Beihai nodded gently.

"I have the same feeling. They are both low-level illusions, and no one can be found. He doesn't want us to find him."

"Teacher, do you remember Song Gua that I mentioned before?"

"Sheng, don't call me teacher. I'm not much older than you. I just taught you for a few months in the youth training camp of the law enforcement team when I was young."

"Although there is no distinction between countries and nationalities in the world today, I still admire the ancient rituals of our Huaxia region. It is right to respect teachers."

"Okay, that Song Gua? I remember him. He was born with full growth, the holder of several basic copy records, upgraded quickly, and has the opportunity to become the next candidate."

Yue Sheng thought for a while and said, "I always feel that the disappearance of these two illusions is related to Song Gua. ”

“I was present at the Yunshan No. 5 Middle School test. He is not a Transcendent, and he has not left Yunshan City recently, right?”

“That’s right, but… I don’t know why, I just have this strange intuition.”

“It’s good to think about it more.”

“Could there be something wrong? He is actually a Transcendent, but it was not detected?

Even if he is a Transcendent at the first level, he can receive the information of the Divine Monument much better than ordinary people.

Why not let him become a candidate in advance and try to receive the information of the Divine Monument?

His level is low, so he can clear many illusions that we can’t eliminate.

If he waits until his level is high, I don’t know when those illusions of level 30 and 40 can be eliminated. ”

Zhang Beihai lit a cigarette and paced in front of the desk.

“No matter how good you are at playing dungeons, you are not qualified to be a candidate. You know this.

Including level, skills, equipment, talent, these things are not important.

The most important thing to become a candidate is to have a heart to fight for Blue Star and for humanity.

He is only nineteen years old and has not graduated from high school. He has been staying in a small place like Yunshan City. He has too little experience. Wait a little longer.

You should have less contact with him. People who can only grow up by relying on the care of others cannot withstand hardships. The Federation does not need such flowers in a greenhouse. "

Yue Sheng knew that Zhang Beihai actually knew what he had done in Yunshan City.

The Federation seems to have weak control over the local areas, but in fact it is too lazy to manage, not that it cannot manage.

After all, the people in the core of the Federation are also people with limited energy.

They have to deal with bigger troubles. It doesn't matter if the remote places are a little messy, as long as it does not affect the overall situation.

"The teacher criticized that I actually just wanted to help him avoid some unnecessary troubles. Yunshan City is still too bad compared to Shangjing."

"The college entrance examination will be in more than a month. By then, he should be able to pass the exam and come to Shangjing. It seems that there are many outstanding graduates in this year.

Not only are there those who have made it through the efforts of big families, but there are also some rare professions.

Only by letting them compete with each other can we see who is more qualified to be a candidate. "

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