The research team was busy, but the dark energy was still there.

Inside and outside the cracking barrier of the institute, Zhao Wuji and Wang Miao looked at each other.

"It turned out to be Wang Miao, team leader. I heard that you were reinstated, but I didn't have time to send someone to congratulate you."

Wang Miao ignored him and pressed the concentrated detection button on the detector to narrow the detection range and accurately capture subtle dark energy.

The reading was still normal.

Wang Miao looked at the barrier that was still cracking.

"Master Zhao, you seem to be in a lot of trouble. If you don't mind, why don't you open the barrier? One of my team members is in the formation sequence, and maybe he can help you repair the barrier."

"Then I won't bother you. The investigation team of the Special Bureau is very busy. Why bother you with such a small matter? We in the Zhao family also have people who are proficient in formations, and they can fix it quickly."

"Master Zhao doesn't seem to welcome me in."

"Hahaha, no way, you know, this is the Institute of Life Sciences, there are some viruses and bacteria, and we are afraid that they will be transmitted to you."

"Then Master Zhao is not afraid of infection?"

"I got vaccinated."

Wang Miao was speechless.

This Zhao Wuji, although he looks majestic at ordinary times, when he pretends to be stupid, he is not ambiguous at all.

The superiors of these big families are all flexible and proficient in the way of being black-bellied.

In the bushes on the roadside in the distance, the clone No. 899, who was sent by Monkey Brother to follow Wang Miao, was looking around and eavesdropping on the conversation between Wang Miao and Zhao Wuji.

At this distance, normally, one cannot hear anything, even for professionals with more acute senses.

But Song Gua got another good treasure from Doraemon.

A gadget similar to a hearing aid, worn on the ear, can enhance hearing tenfold.

The eavesdropping bandit relayed all the conversations he heard to Song Gua.

Song Gua dusted himself off.

"It seems that even if the barrier is cracked, Wang Miao has not detected any abnormal life fluctuations, so he cannot legitimately go in to search."

Brother Pao said: "When the two of us completely blast the barrier, Wang Miao and the others should be able to detect the deformed beasts inside."

"I'm afraid there are no deformed beasts inside... It would be great if we could get a deformed beast and throw it in."

Just then, Song Gua noticed the movements of Yan Zu, Guan Xi and others who were taking the martial arts exam, and searched their memories.

Do you remember the position exchange method that Song Gua used to help Yan Zu and others gather on an island?

That method would leave a clone for transfer on the original island of Yan Zu and the others.

These clones were unwilling to be lonely, and did not lie in the cave, but crawled out and wandered around.

Combined with the memories of these clones, Song Gua confirmed one thing.

"No wonder Wang Miao couldn't detect the mutants. The Zhao family sent all the cloned mutants to the Heart Lake! Now there are mutants on every island in the Heart Lake! Why don't we help one of them go home, hehe..."

Thinking of this, Song Gua decided to go all out.

Anyway, the photos of the mutants have been exposed to the public.

Why not let the general public see something more exciting.

"Brother Monkey, you continue to live broadcast the research institute. Come with a live broadcast team. I will send you to an exciting place!"


Jiangnan City, the Heart Lake Island Group.

The mysterious dark compass, with the unpredictable power of space, teleported all the cloned mutants awakened by the Zhao family to the islands of the Heart Lake.

Some of them fell from the sky, some drilled out from the ground, and some climbed up from the bottom of the water.

Screams resounded through the Heart Lake.

"Ah!! What kind of monster is this?!"

"The monster eats people!"

"Why is my wound squirming?! It's getting worse, what is this!"

"Help! Where's the examiner! Where's the examiner! Help me!!"

"Is this also part of the exam?! This is going to kill us!"

"Mom, I want mom, woooo ...

One of them appeared at the feet of the fifty or so candidates who had gathered together to fight against the nine undercovers.

The distorted beast had a strange power and crawled out from the ground, bringing mud and dirt with it, and the rubble and stones collapsed, scaring the fifty people standing on the hill to scatter like birds and beasts.

Yan Zu and others were excited after seeing it clearly.

"I thought it was something else, but it turned out to be these little gems."

"This is a good thing. Dig out the beast cores in their brains, charge that broken balance, and unlock the fusion function."

"After the fusion of our A-level professions, we may be able to fight against the big three yuan and the big four! Even stronger than them!"

"What are you waiting for, get it!"

"But the abyss rock in our belts is exposed, which will inhibit our abilities. I'm afraid we can't beat them."

"This belt is really strong, it can't be broken at all!"

"I'll try to see if I can blow it up by self-detonation!"

Brother Edison stopped everyone.


He raised the corner of his mouth, took out a cigarette, lit it slowly, and blew out a smoke ring, looking so handsome.

"I have a good idea."

The other eight people rushed up and pressed Brother Guan Xi to the ground and stomped on him.

"Fuck, tell me! You are so handsome!"

"It's great to be like Brother Guan Xi! Next time, let Brother Huozi disfigure you and make you look like Ruhua!"

"Let you show off! Let you show off! You even brought cigarettes with you. You don't look like a three-good student or an excellent class leader at all!"

Brother Guan Xi begged for mercy, his nose and face were swollen.

"We just need to exchange with the old thief, and then let the old thief exchange with the cannon fodder group. Those wearing the clothes we are wearing are the brothers of the cannon fodder group, and we will be free."

Before the eight of them could boast, Song Gua's voice rang in their heads.

"Why is it so troublesome? Go dig a hole!"

Nine undercover clones ran to a small hill, each using their skills to quickly dig a cave and squeeze in.

Song Gua and Guan Xi exchanged positions and came to this island.

He first released a clone group with live broadcast equipment and asked them to shoot the distorted beasts that were chasing the candidates.

Then he activated the power of unity, and the strength attribute skyrocketed.


With a slight pull, Yan Zu's belt was broken by Song Gua.

"The strength of this thing is designed based on the level of the candidates, so it can't withstand my attack."

Yan Zu picked up the broken belt and took a look.

"This is a trap. Now the belts of all the candidates on the Heart Lake should have exposed the Abyss Rock. I'm afraid there are distorted beasts on every island. Someone is sending the candidates into the monster's mouth!"

Song Gua "click, click, click", tore off all the belts of others.

"The Zhao family and I have a tacit understanding and chose to launch the operation on the same day."

"If every island in the Heart Lake is full of mutant beasts, the Zhao family alone should not be able to send so many cloned mutant beasts here. There must be someone behind the scenes to help."

"Who cares who he is? The Zhao family is courting death. Let's make them die quickly. Brothers, put on hoods, put on Taoist robes, and seize the beast cores!"

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