The battle was over, and the battle was over.

The undercover agents were eager to fight, and were very excited.

"No problem!"

Considering that there were many deformed beasts on the Heart Lake, Song Gua exchanged positions with the nine intermediate clones and released more than 300 main clones one after another, letting them fight the deformed beasts on various islands.

Based on the previous battles with cloned deformed beasts in Jiangnan City, these deformed beasts seemed to be only at the level of first-level professionals, and the clones would have no problem fighting one-on-one.

Among these 300 main forces, Brother Gui was also included.

"Brother Gui, see if you can use your talent to transform the deformed beasts into your summons."

Brother Gui touched his chin.

"Ah, I haven't tried this before. If it works..."

Song Gua grasped the void, and the Dragon King twisted his mouth, "I want all the beast cores of these deformed beasts!"

Ghost Brother knelt on one knee very cooperatively, "I am willing to offer the crown to my king!"

Song Gua: "Hahahaha... Take it."

Ghost Brother: "Let's go."

There are so many islands on the Heart Lake, and Song Gua feels that there are not enough clones responsible for live broadcasting.

So he released some clones to join the live broadcast team to achieve multi-camera, multi-scene, and multi-lens broadcasting.


Headquarters of the Jiangnan Special Bureau.

Director Xu Jinsong paced back and forth in the office, anxious.

"How is it, is there any news outside the city, has the beast king been caught?? What? Haven't caught up yet? You are wearing the latest detectors, how can you not catch up! Let the beast king run away, starting from me, the whole system will deduct half a year's salary!!"

Just then, the secretary pushed the door in with a tablet.

"Director! Something terrible has happened. Those bandits..."

"Oh no! Let the Public Security Bureau seal off the scene first. We don't have time to deal with them now!"

"But they are broadcasting the mutants killing people!"


Xu Jinsong grabbed the tablet and saw Monkey Brother's live broadcast room.

The live broadcast screen was cut at this time, and there were two pictures.

The picture on the left is broadcasting the Yunshan Life Science Research Institute. You can see that the huge barrier is cracking. There are two groups of people confronting each other inside and outside the barrier. The people outside seem to be colleagues from other cities.

The picture on the right is explosive, broadcasting the martial arts examination on the Heart Lake.

In order to prevent the audience from not understanding, the live broadcast screen also marked the location.

There is no martial arts examination at this time.

All candidates are running for their lives.

The mutants are running around on various islands and turning the water upside down.

Many candidates have lost their lives to the beasts.

Young blood was spilled on the islands in the middle of the lake. Their helpless cries were heartbreaking. Here, they had no way to go up to the sky or down to the earth, and were slaughtered by the deformed beasts.

Yes, slaughter.

The deformed beasts killed people to seize fear.

So they could not kill with one blow. They never attacked the vital points, and died of excessive bleeding.

Those poor candidates who lost their legs and had their abdomens opened wide, lay on the ground wailing and screaming until they died.

The barrage passed by.

"Are you sure this isn't acting?"

"Can this be live-broadcasted?"

"If it's real, why didn't the super administrator block it? If it's fake, how can it be so realistic?"

"This is my child! He really took the martial arts exam on Xinhu today! This isn't fake! Save my child!!"

"It seems to be real. Many parents have seen their children. Something big has happened!"

"Where are the officials? Why are the bandits live-broadcasting???"

"This world has finally become what I imagined."

Xu Jinsong touched the non-existent official hat on his head. This time, it might not exist anymore.

He took out his mobile phone.

In the group of the Global Special Bureau, a large group of senior leaders were tagging him, all sending a symbol:?

Xu Jinsong didn't want to reply, and even wanted to quit the group.

"Where is the big filter? How did the image of the Deformed Beast appear on the Internet?"

The secretary said.

"I heard from the people in the Skynet system that the background data of the big filter was tampered with, and the image of the Deformed Beast was set to the highest priority."

"A small check every minute, a big check every hour, such a big problem with the Skynet system was not discovered? Are the people in the Skynet Bureau eating shit?"

"Now it is suspected that the people in the sky are interfering. Our technical experts are fighting against an unknown hacker. The hardware resources that the other party can call are limited. It is only a matter of time before they are beaten back, but it takes time."

"Why should the people in the sky help Dark Star! Dark Star is also their enemy!


Xu Jinsong touched his forehead and collapsed.

Not to mention that they haven't fought back yet, even if they are one minute late, all the previous efforts of the Global Special Bureau will be wasted.

"Are the bandits in Wangjiang District also broadcasting this live broadcast?"


"Okay, I'll go meet them in person and see what these lunatics want to do!"

"Wait, Director, look..."

The secretary pointed at the live broadcast screen.

The bandits are out.

They are rescuing the candidates from the distorted beasts.

Facing the distorted beasts, the candidates were completely crushed and had no power to fight back.

But the bandits, whose level is not much higher than that of the candidates, and most of them have not reached the second level, are at ease when facing the distorted beasts, and beat the distorted beasts without any power to fight back.

In the barrage, there was a cheer.

"Bandits are awesome!!!"

"A lion descended from the sky!!!" ”

“Are the bandits planning to stay in Jiangnan City?”

“That’s great! The bandits are here, and the sky is clear!”

“I’ll reward a sports car for every monster the bandits kill!”

“I’ll reward two!”

“How can I let those who carry firewood for the public freeze to death in the wind and snow? If I can support the bandits financially, I will never be stingy!”

“I love these mysterious men who always wear hoods!”

“How do you know there are no women among them? You men are the ones who do good things, right?”

Too many comments.

Due to the efforts of the super administrator, most of the live broadcast rooms have been blocked, and this one has the most people.

The number of people watching at the same time is about to break 100 million.

In this huge amount of comments, the comments sent by the bandits themselves were drowned out.

“Don’t give rewards! We borrowed this account! To support us, please transfer money to the following account: 929292…”

Xu Jinsong frowned.

“How did this gang of bandits sneak into the examination room? They ambushed there in advance? Did they know that there would be a distorted beast on the Heart Lake? Where did the distorted beast on the Heart Lake come from? ? ? ”

Xu Jinsong felt that he had a lot of questions.

The secretary analyzed it.

“They even prepared the live broadcast. Could it be that they directed and acted it themselves? They caught the distorted beast in advance and buried it on the Heart Lake, then hid in advance, and released it when the martial arts exam started, and then pretended to be a hero falling from the sky, and then broadcast it live, so as to make a global name for themselves!”

Xu Jinsong was stunned.

“What you said makes sense, but there was a third investigation team in the examination room before, and they buried the distorted beast in advance, so why didn’t their detectors respond? "

The secretary was speechless.

No matter what, Xu Jinsong jumped out of the office building, summoned his flying mount, and flew towards the pedestrian street in Wangjiang District.

Song Gua swore that he was not as complicated as his secretary thought.

He just wanted to kill the Zhao family because the college entrance examination was over and he had nothing to do.

His plan was just to live broadcast a bombardment of the Zhao family's research institute, expose the existence of the mutant beast and the Zhao family's cloning of the mutant beast, and put pressure on the official to suppress the Zhao family.

Unexpectedly, the Zhao family also started the Tianbing plan today, putting the mutant beast on the Xinhu test site to create killings.

Song Gua simply took advantage of the situation and bombarded the research institute on the one hand, and sent a clone to strangle the mutant beast on the other hand.

In fact, Song Gua didn't know what the purpose of the Zhao family letting the mutant beast kill people was.

Who cares?

I won't let you do what the Zhao family wants to do.

You want to kill people, I will save people!

I just want to go against you!

I also earn a reputation!

Win the game.

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