The wait was short.

Suddenly, a loud dragon roar came from the sky.

When I looked up, I saw a howling wind.

A purple dragon-shaped creature with two huge fleshy wings and a body like the Eastern Dragon was slowly landing.

This monster has a wingspan of ten meters and a body length of nearly a hundred meters. It has round eyes, sharp teeth, and a strong tail.

It's so domineering!

A group of freshmen were shocked.

"What the hell is this?!"

"Is it a restricted area creature?! So big?!"

"How can such a creature appear in this area? The world boss is coming?"

"There is no announcement!"

"Still looking! Run for your life!"

The students scattered.

Song Gua stood still.

Because he saw Yue Sheng standing on the head of the dragon-shaped creature.


Yue Sheng's hearty laughter came from the air.

"Don't be afraid, classmates, I'm here to pick you up!"

There were still a few people standing behind Yue Sheng, and they couldn't help laughing when they saw the students on the platform were so scared.

Hearing Yue Sheng's voice, the chaotic crowd finally quieted down.

Zhao Shanming and other children of big families were frantically trying to save their reputation.

"Humph! Why are you running! A bunch of cowards who have never seen the world!"

Ma Feng glanced at him and complained in his heart: Damn, you just ran the fastest, and even took out the scroll. If Yue Sheng had spoken a second later, I'm afraid he would have teleported away.

Zilong landed on the open space outside the platform, and it could actually speak human language.

"Oh, yo~~ High school students nowadays are so well developed. I like this girl with twin ponytails. What did she eat to grow up?"

Zilong's expression was weird and a bit wretched.

Yue Sheng stamped his foot.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Zilong stopped talking, but made crazy eyes at the girl, scaring her away.

Yue Sheng explained to everyone.

"This is my mount, the dragon Ziyuan. I'm sorry to make you laugh."


A function that will only be enabled after the third transformation of the professional.

After the Blue Star World merged with the game, the area of ​​the wild is much larger than the urban area.

In the later stage of the professional, it is impossible to always brush dungeons and wild monsters every day. You have to go to places with thicker fog.

Those places are impossible to pass through, and it is too tiring to travel by legs alone.

Mounts are a must-have in the later stage.

Of course, transportation is only one of the functions of mounts. The mount itself is a very important part of the combat power of professionals.

Fifty students stood on Ziyuan's back one after another.

When Yuwen Hao passed by the dragon head, he had a cordial exchange with Ziyuan, who was still staring at the female student.

"Brother Long, we are like-minded."

Ziyuan turned one eye to Yuwen Hao, and continued to stare with the other eye.

"Little brother, do you have any resources to recommend?"

"Hehe, yes, yes, this is my gift to Lord Long."

Yuwen Hao took out a comic book, Ziyuan stuck it with his tongue and put it in his mouth.

"Little brother is really smart, I will sit behind Longjiao in the first class later."

"Okay, okay, I have a good friend, can he sit in the first class?"

"It has to pay extra."

Yuwen Hao took out a magazine full of Western beauties.

Ziyuan's eyes lit up.

"European and American girls! Oh ho ho..."

It even blushed with excitement.

In this way, Song Gua and Yuwen Hao sat next to Longjiao, and could hold on to Longjiao to prevent Ziyuan from feeling insecure when flying in the sky.

In fact, even if there is nothing to hold on to, it will not feel unstable behind the mount.

The mount has its own force field, which can fix the person on it.

Unless the force field is destroyed by an attack.

After everyone got on the back of the dragon, Yue Sheng patted Ziyuan's big head.

"Fly, old friend."

Ziyuan was wrapping Yuwen Hao's comic book with two dragon whiskers, tasting it with relish.

After taking off, he continued to fly and read in the air.

"The illusion is located in the dense fog area. It will take some time to fly over. During this time, I will introduce you to a few people."

There were three media personnel who came with Yue Sheng to pick up the graduates. They were shooting materials.

In addition, there were four people.

Two of them were official personnel, the Minister of Education of Yunshan City, and the Vice Chairman of the Yunshan City Professional Association.

The Minister of Education smiled at the camera and said.

"We in Yunshan City have always attached great importance to education. In the past golden age, teachers were responsible for imparting knowledge and solving doubts.

Now that everyone has changed jobs, we have to do more than that. We also have to teach children to adapt. This

A dangerous but colorful world.

So we organized this illusion trial, hoping that they...”

All clichés.

The students were drowsy listening to it, as if they were listening to the principal's speech during a break.

The next person to speak was the vice president.

He also said some clichés in front of the camera, but in the end he said something useful.

"Although the word 'illusion' is in the word 'illusion', students, don't be careless.

Because if you die in it, you will really die.

I know that you all want to gain something from this trip.

But remember, you must 'follow the local customs'. If you want to get something, follow the rules of the illusion world to get it.

Instead of arbitrarily robbing.

Although the Yunshan Illusion is the lowest level illusion, only professionals below level 30 are allowed to enter.

But it does not mean that there is no power that cannot threaten you.

Illusions are incomplete alien worlds, which are constantly evolving.

The internal time flow rate is consistent with the external only in a specific time period.

At other times, it is many times faster than the outside world.

Therefore, an F-level illusion may not still be F-level after multiple evolutions, so be careful. "

When the flow of time inside the illusion is consistent with that outside, it is the so-called open time.

Professionals can only enter and exit the illusion during this period.

During non-opening hours, the illusion is isolated from the outside world.

"In addition, the opening time of this Yunshan illusion will end in ten days.

To be on the safe side, our trial will only last three days.

After three days, everyone must leave the illusion.

Otherwise, when the next opening time comes, you may have spent your whole life in the illusion.

Even, you are already a dry bone in the tomb! "

The two officials finally finished their words.

Yue Sheng brought two young men to stand in front of everyone.

One of them, Song Gua had seen.

Lin Ruqing, who participated in the auction of her own job transfer gold medal in the dungeon area, is the daughter of Lin's Bank.

"Lin Ruqing and Pang Liang are seniors who are one year older than you. They are both level 30 and can also enter the illusion.

This time, they will lead the illusion trial and be responsible for protecting and taking care of you in the illusion."

Lin Ruqing is easy-going and gentle in tone, which is in stark contrast to the giant hammer weapon in her hand.

"Hello, fellow students, I am Lin Ruqing, Guardian Sequence, A-level occupation, Hammer Shadow. If you encounter any trouble in the illusion, you can ask me for help. "

Zi Yuan turned his head back for some reason and suddenly opened his mouth.

"So big..."

Yuwen Hao secretly gave a thumbs up, and Zi Yuan winked back.

Song Gua glanced at Lin Ruqing. Although she was wearing heavy armor, it was indeed... so big.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Yue Sheng's forehead. He was somewhat helpless about his unruly mount.

Xu Kai was also in the crowd of this trial and waved at Lin Ruqing.

"Sister Ruqing!"

Lin Ruqing glanced at him, "You are here too."

It was Pang Liang's turn to introduce himself.

This guy just looked up and said coldly: "Be smart and don't hold back!"

All the clones said in unison, "Dian!"


The illusion is not a quick travel, nor a fan fiction.

What exactly is the illusion? There will be an explanation later. The main line is not to travel through illusions one by one. This is not an infinite flow book. Everyone can rest assured to read it later.

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