The sky is full of fog, and the sky is full of fog.

"Dear audience, I am now at the periphery of Yunshan Fantasy.

Now, we are riding on Captain Yue Sheng's mount.

Because there is a thick fog area below, even the wild monsters are high-level elite monsters, and there are restricted area creatures wandering around, which is very dangerous.

You can see that there is a light column rising from the ground and rushing into the clouds in front.

The appearance of this light column means that the fantasy has entered the opening time.

At the same time, it is also the entrance to the fantasy.

The diameter of this light column is shrinking every day. When it disappears completely, it means that the opening time is over.

We also use this to calculate the opening time..."

On Ziyuan's back, three official media staff members are working seriously.

The fresh graduates looked down.

Seeing the white beam of light that pierced through the fog and clouds, they were all amazed.

The diameter of this beam of light was more than 500 meters at this moment, which was very spectacular and dazzling.

"Old buddy, no need to go down, hover at the edge of the beam of light."

Zi Yuan, who was wrapping a European and American magazine with his dragon whiskers and flipping through it with his eyes narrowed and teeth bared, heard this and slowed down his flying speed and slowly approached the beam of light.

Professionals can enter the illusion from any part of this beam of light.

This means that as long as you can fly, you don't need to enter the dangerous fog area below.

Yue Sheng said to everyone seriously.

"The purpose of the trial is to broaden your horizons. Don't be greedy for small gains and lose big gains.

After entering the illusion, the only way to leave is to return to the light gate you entered.

Any other escape props cannot take you out of the illusion.

The inside and outside of the illusion are completely isolated, and electromagnetic wave signals cannot be transmitted.

Life is only once, so students must take care!

If you don't want to participate in the trial, it's still not too late to quit now."

Of course, no one quits at this time.

The number of illusions is not small worldwide, but it is less when distributed to each city. There are no illusions around many cities.

The Yunshan illusion has only appeared in the past two years.

No one wants to miss the opportunity to enter the illusion.

"Since no one quits, just jump in yourself."

Yuwen Hao, who was standing in the front row, was surprised.

"Just jump in like this? This place is at least a thousand meters high, right?"

A beard of Ziyuan floated over, tied Yuwen Hao up, and threw him in directly.

"Just go in if I tell you to. Why are you talking so much nonsense! Remember to get more resources for Lord Long after you come out, hehehe~~"


Yuwen Hao screamed and fell into the light column.

Others no longer hesitated and jumped in.

Song Gua also jumped into the illusion amid the strange roars of his clones that only he could hear.

"Oh la la la la~~ illusion! The grandfathers are coming!"

"Rob money, food, and women!!"

"Didn't they say we can't do it recklessly? We should be more civilized."

"Rob money, food, and women in a civilized way!!"

"Since it is a martial arts world, the level of technology must be very backward. If we go in and invent glass..."

"Make a steam engine?"

"Try some gunpowder?"

"Reborn: I Climb the Technology Tree in the Martial Arts World?"

"Smash the Book Store!"

Behind Ziyuan, the Minister of Education rubbed his arms.

This is a thousand meters high, and the temperature is very low.

"Captain, the children have all gone in. Pang Liang and Lin Ruqing will bring them out in three days. Let's go back first."

Yue Sheng gently patted Ziyuan's dragon horn.

"Go down."

The Minister of Education was panicked.

"Go down? Why go down, Captain? There is a dense fog area below, and there is a restricted area nearby. It's very dangerous."

"I know, my experience fatigue period is over, and it's time to go to the restricted area to level up."

The Minister of Education and several media people were panicked. They were not combat professionals.

The vice chairman of the Yunshan Professional Association smiled, "Captain, don't tease them. Don't worry, I will take you back."

The vice chairman summoned his mount, which was a large bird of the hawk type. Although it was not as big as Ziyuan, it could carry four or five people.


Inside the Yunshan illusion, the marginal area.

Illusions are incomplete worlds. The lower the federal rating of the illusion, the smaller the internal space.

Yunshan Fantasy is only F-level, and its internal space only has a city and a few dozen kilometers of surrounding area.

Song Gua and others appeared in front of a huge glowing portal 30 kilometers outside the city.

Because they jumped down

They walked out of the door one after another at different times.

The first person to step into the illusion was naturally Yuwen Hao.

"Is this the illusion?"

Yuwen Hao stepped on the soft grass under his feet, smelled the air with the fragrance of soil, and looked at the distant horizon.

"It feels no different from the outside."

Song Gua's voice appeared behind him.

"Look back."

"What's wrong?"

Yuwen Hao turned his head and saw that there was no grass, distance, or sky behind him. There was only a light spot that penetrated the sky and earth and flowed like a waterfall.

"What is this?!"

"The end of the world, or the end of the illusion."

"Ah? If people in this world walk here, won't they feel strange?"

Lin Ruqing walked out of the light door and said.

"No, you can treat the people living in the illusion, or other intelligent creatures, as NPCs.

They all live in a predetermined life trajectory.

Even if they walk into the edge of the world, they will not feel strange, let alone disappear.

You can understand that they went to the "unloaded" area, but we can't see it, but it is actually still evolving."

After everyone came out, Lin Ruqing gathered everyone together and said some precautions.

"Although Yunshan Illusion is an F-level illusion, we can't take it lightly.

First of all, we have to adapt to the local customs, and everyone should have prepared clothes in advance."

Yunshan Illusion is a martial arts world.

So everyone prepared a set of ancient costumes.

Everyone put the ancient costumes on the outside of their equipment.

The ancient costumes are loose enough, even if the students wearing heavy armor, they only look a lot more burly, not too abrupt.

"Song Gua, your outfit... is also considered an ancient costume?"

Song Gua was wearing an orange training suit with a big "Gua" character on the back.

Song Gua tied the blue belt and said.

"Hmm... why not?"

Ma Feng laughed, "Are you going to become a Super Saiyan?"

Song Gua ignored him.

He dressed like this because if he used clones in the illusion, it would be inconvenient for the clones to wear the bandit's outfit.

In order to make the trial of fresh graduates more meaningful.

During these three days, Yunshan Illusion does not allow other people to enter - and the illusion is also limited to the number of people. For such an F-level illusion, no more than one hundred professionals can enter at the same time.

Since no outsiders came in, the bandits appeared here, isn't it strange?

People with ulterior motives might think that it was these students who brought them in by some means.

Wang Miao is still investigating with all his strength, and Song Gua doesn't want himself and the bandits to appear in his field of vision again at the same time.

For this reason, Song Gua wants to order more than 200 sets of identical ancient costumes.

But they don't accept this order.

Then he had to make it himself. It was just operating a sewing machine, which he was familiar with.

Ancient costumes were too complicated, and they used too much fabric, so they took too long to make.

But this one was much easier to make.

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