Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Afterwards, the five great consummations began to sweep this dimension space. Chu You and Xiahou Yuji were together, and the other three went separately.

Of course, the process is not smooth sailing, and from time to time you will be disturbed. For example, dragon spirits, suction black holes will appear, but this is much less than the previous frequency, and the degree of danger is also much reduced.

In short, it is quite safe for the Dzogchen to exist here.

Everyone is following Chu You's instructions, carrying out tasks and absorbing dragon crystals!

However, no one can count the number of aragonite here.

Now Chu You has found a huge dragon crystal minaret. The minaret is six or seven hundred meters high and it is brown. The minaret crystal has not been mined. How much has been absorbed, but even so have absorbed 2,600 awakening aragonite.

"Yu Ji, gather together!" Chu You looked at and said.

"Hmm." I chose to be with Xiahou Yuji because the other party was the most powerful!

In fact, in this environment, Chu You chooses who she is with, and pushes everything here!

It took 5 minutes to absorb this dragon crystal minaret. In the process, such a huge dragon crystal minaret melted and became smaller at a rate visible to the naked eye.

After the absorption, Xiahou Yunji handed over the absorbed dragon crystal to Chu You, and the total number was calculated, that is: 10,000 dragon crystals of the awakened dragon **** life!

Then I ran to the next place and saw a single small dragon crystal in the middle, basically Chu You stretched out his hand and opened his palm, and then consumed the power of the Great Consummation, and then the dragon crystal melted and disappeared, obtaining 9 ordinary Dragon stone.

No matter what grade of aragonite, if you see it, then collect it!


The Kingdom of China, Jintian, Fangtian Guild.

There are two people here that have attracted the attention of many people, that is An Luo Li Ye and Ye Liu Li. They are now above the guild, while below are dilapidated, there are many corpses, and the corpses are floating in the surrounding void.

But the two did not rush to kill, An Luo Liye has completed the task, grabbed the Fang Tian Guild President: Fang Tian Wudao, and put it in the soul containment bag.

"If you are asked to pay the price, you will pay the price. This is the end of doing the right against the Xian Guild!" An Luoli Ye said, looking at a player a few tens of meters away. That was the vice president of the Fangtian Guild.

The vice president opposite is a bitter face.

"I will see the sign of the Immortal Guild in the future, what is the best way to lower your attitude!"

"Hurry and call someone to redeem people, I don't want anything from the ancient heritage, the chairman of the 8th-level guild must be very valuable, let's go!" Ye Liuli, who didn't say a word, reached out and grabbed lightly. After living in Anluoliye, the two girls disappeared and appeared thousands of miles away, where they used the back-to-city skills.

Arriving at the Immortal Guild, Ye Liuli disappeared again, and An Luoli Ye found Zhao Feifei and handed her a soul containment belt in person, "Sister Ye, hurry and throw him into the Guild Prison, otherwise the time for the soul containment belt is about to come. "

The soul containment zone certainly has a time limit, and it is impossible to permanently shut down the player's soul.

"It's the president of Fangtian Guild!"

Ye Niixuan's face and smile are intriguing, "Good job, but behind the Fangtian Guild is a large group company, and now they are bleeding!"

After using the mobile device, Zhao Feifei appeared at the gate of the Guild Prison. After entering, he threw away the soul containment belt, and a light and shadow flew out from inside. Zhao Feifei left without looking.

But at this time, the ghost Chi Yan appeared out of thin air and grabbed the soul.


A senior meeting room somewhere in North America.

There was a group of people sitting inside, but the atmosphere was very depressed. Some people's eyes hadn't even recovered, and they stared at one place dullly.

The news is really terrible!

Actually.....Alien advanced creature appeared!

This is really too weird, so unbelievable, how could it be like this? !

There is a screen in the meeting room, and there is a photo in the screen. There is a strange black body in the photo. This body is similar to a human body. The body is in a solidified liquid state. I can't see the previous hairline. It is all fused with the body. .

The predecessor of this corpse is the experimental body!

So how did this terrifying monster die? !

The answer is: abruptly ended his own life!

In that brief process, no one can kill it. Military-grade +S biochemicals are not its opponents. As for the bullets, they have no effect at all. It must be said that the effect is also the function of buffering the opponent's actions.

This news is already top-secret, and the highest president in North America is currently unaware of it.

"Who can explain?" An old Western man in a suit and tie opened his eyes, his eyes very substantial.

"Why, there will be other real lives in this game? Who can tell me?"

This problem makes everyone sitting here have to doubt life!

"After technical inspection, its biological tissues can be identified as alien creatures!" said another old man. The people here are middle-aged and elderly people, all wearing a high-quality suit, these people are the masters behind North America. capitalist!

"And it's a high-level alien creature."

"How is it possible, this... This is so incredible, alien creatures can easily come to our planet in this way, then what use do we have to build a defense in outer space!" A person looks very angry .

"It's really incredible. Fortunately, this alien creature doesn't seem to survive on our planet for long!"

"It's not that it won't survive long, this is an invasion of high-level alien creatures! High-level alien creatures!!!" A white old man said on the table.

"Why would it be like this!!"

"Is this game suitable for popularizing nationals?"

"Now I see that there is alien life hidden in the heavenly world. This time it was the experimental body that invaded. What about the player who invaded the next time?"

At this time another person said: "The key is, how can this alien life appear, how does it appear! What has changed in this game, the national teacher has never said this question!"

"Do you want to tell this information to other countries now? If this continues, this has seriously affected the safety of our humanity!"

"We humans have undergone major changes in this game, there have been too many evolvers, and we are gradually changing the social order, and the essence of civilization is evolving. All this is to deal with the invasion of advanced technological alien civilization after 40 years!"

Speaking of this, the old man looked at the crowd with incredulity: "But, now, we have been invaded by alien creatures!"

"What's the inside story hidden inside!!"

"Perhaps only by entering the final fantasy world can you find the answer."

"However, there are really too many serious problems..."

"It's getting worse and worse in an uncontrollable direction..."

"We have lost a chance, this time?"


Things are so important today, just two changes today, and they will break out tomorrow!

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