The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 1095: Future and redemption

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Just as everyone was discussing, a holographic screen suddenly appeared on the big round table in the senior conference room.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at the staff on the screen.

If this kind of situation occurs in the middle of a meeting of this level, it means that it has reached the scope of the authorization of the meeting, and the reported matter has a major relationship with the discussion of the meeting.

There was also a man in a high-level suit on the screen, but he was relatively young. He only saw him expressionlessly: "I received a message from the main brain of "Tian Shi". Appears, and it will do something more threatening to us."

"With regard to this high-level extraterrestrial life event, the main brain has no explanation." After a pause, the computer-sized holographic screen disappeared.

At this time, there was a kind of ridiculous laughter in the meeting: "Oh, it seems that we are thinking too much. From the feedback of the main brain, it is capable of controlling advanced alien life to invade our planet in this way, of course. It means that it holds the'key to the gate of hell'."

"What I want to ask is that the alien civilization that is 40 years away from the speed of light on our planet is the same kind of alien creature as this incident?" The old man thought of this question.

And another person immediately answered: "No, the alien civilization beyond 40 years is a high-tech civilization. The characteristics of civilization are related to "technology", but the alien creature in this incident is... how to say Well, just like the Warcraft and Zerg in the game, it is a high-level alien creature alien!"


"Well, the individual's powerful biological alien!"

"In this way, we humans have discovered the existence of two advanced alien species."

"I don't know what to call the main brain of the game now, is the red queen? Or the gray queen? Anyway, the main brain of the game seems to see the future, and it is planning the future security of humanity in a way we don't know!"

"Oh, you don't have to hold this kind of thinking. If you do this as you say, it is also protecting yourself."

"I tell you, I thought of a possibility, that when I don’t know when, the main brain of "Sky" opened a strange space-time wormhole inside the game, and this space-time wormhole is connected to the outside of this event. The world where the stars are shaped."

"High-dimensional space-time world?!"

"Yes, I heard from the teacher of the country that "Tianshi" itself is a high-dimensional space-time virtual world!"

"Then the problem is coming, the main brain of the game releases the "Evening of the Gods" expansion pack. The expansion requires players to collect the key to the gate of fate. If your guess is true, the player enters the gate of fate, then they may be sent by the main brain. The alien and alien world of this incident, so what's the benefit of doing this, and what are the benefits for us humans?"

"What is the game master brain planning?!"

"The player enters the alien alien world. If the alien possesses an experimental body, then we will face the invasion of another more terrifying alien creature 40 years in advance!"

"No, if the player is possessed by aliens, the main brain of the game should find it. It will not allow this player to go offline."

"It is undeniable that the main brain of the game has mastered a terrifying alien army by virtue of this!"

"No matter what, human beings are currently facing major social order changes, which is a catastrophe!"

"And the root of all this is the discovery of an alien high-tech civilization 40 years away from the planet...the fleet."

"Another question is coming, I think this question can only be answered by the national division, that is, the purpose of the messenger player may be false, or there is no description of what the national division hides, he is not saying that organizing players into the final fantasy world Get the game source code."

"But, the main brain releases the expansion and welcomes players to enter the final fantasy world. So do we humans have the ability to get the source code? I think this possibility is infinitely close to zero."

"So, connect the National Teacher, and ask him to answer some questions for us."

"If things are beyond imagination, then it is necessary to let the whole country...No, players worldwide stop this game!"

"Stop this game? This is unrealistic. As long as the game device has power, it can be played without signal coverage. A large-scale power outage will only cause ordinary players to not play. It cannot prevent a small number of players from continuing to play, and they are threats. Birthplace."

"Recognize the reality. This is irreversible. Whether humanity will move toward technological civilization or alien civilization in the future depends on how it goes..."


Dantai Jingning was in a large room at this time. There were two or two opposite her. The weapons of the three of them were recovered in the backpack. There is a banned magic circle here.

One of them is Qing Deng Ning, the other is a man, very strange.

Qing Dengning said: "My friend is from Dongying, and now he is a Chinese player."

"Trust me to ask someone from your fairy guild."

Dong Ying's man smiled politely, bowed his head and paid tribute, then looked at Dantai Jingning peacefully and said, "Beautiful lady, we want to redeem 3 people."

"As for the price, we are willing to bid 2 million gold coins, which is enough to show our sincerity."

Dantai Jingning seemed to be more cautious. After hearing the other party's words, she said the procedure directly: "Tell me the name of the person you want to redeem."

After getting these three names, Dantai Jingning opened the friends bar and sent a text message to Zhao Feifei: "Sister Fei Fei, the customer requested to redeem Dongying player, I will send the name to you..."

Then he looked at Dong Ying's man and Qing Dengning, "Please wait a moment."

While Dong Ying's man and Qing Dengning glanced at each other, they read a message from each other's eyes and exchanged their eyes.

Zhao Feifei is now on the core building console. She opens the Guild Prison interface and enters a name in a search for detaining prisoners.

Immediately the interface changed and this person's name appeared.

It’s just that all the information about the person, his rank, equipment, attributes, title, guild, and social relations appear in this interface. What is social relations, is the position held in his guild and whether it is in Dongying District There are official titles and so on.

In short, very detailed!

This person's equipment is very good, the breastplate is sacred, the weapon is also sacred and is the same as his level, which is of great value.

After secretly evaluating, Zhao Feifei entered the second name, and then the third name.

When entering the third person's name, Zhao Feifei slightly opened her eyes, because she saw that the social relationship of this person's name, there is one display: 8th Guild Guards Association Guild President!

Everyone knows that the gold content of Dongying Teachers’ Guild is very heavy!

The guild leader of the 8th-level guard division is much more valuable than the guild leader of the 8th-level Fangtian guild just captured!

In fact, Zhao Feifei did not know that the true identity of the guild leader of the 8th Guards Division is: the three princes of Dongying Royal Family!

Zhao Feifei's expression is a bit uncertain, after all, this is the first time such a thing is done, very strange, very strange, no experience...

When calling Chu You, the area where the other party is located is also a shielded zone, and the other party cannot accept it.

What to do about this? !

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