The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 212: The second level 6 guild

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Old man, what happened to you before?"

"I've sent people to the ancient road to do the task. I asked before. It should be very fast. They are all errand tasks. The second wall of the guild has been built." The commander returned.

"Yu Ye, do you want me to organize a manpower to establish an alliance mode? With the influence of the Super God Guild, there should be a lot of players joining." Zhao Feiyan did come up with a feasible method. As long as this is done, the Super God Guild will definitely have Tens of thousands of players responded, and even more, but it is foreseeable that most of them are untransferred players. In this way, their own defense will be greatly improved. After all, there are so many cannon fodders.

A flash in Chu You's eyes shook his head: "No, no more, our real battlefield is on the ancient road, where the main force of Chu is blocked."

At this moment, Killing Commander's eyes opened, seeming a little shocked, and immediately said to Chu You: "Look at the guild leaderboard, Chu's War Soul Guild has risen to level 5, and Wanshi Guild has also risen to level 5. , Not only that..."

This news is indeed a bit alarming, with slightly cold eyes, and calmly opened the rankings of the China Association. I saw that the major guilds of each country have changed at this moment, and they have risen to the 5th level. The Guild of Dragon Squad, the Guild of Heaven and Heaven of Tang Dynasty, the Guild of Aotian and Crimson of Wu Kingdom, the Guild of Wei and the Guild of North Dragon, the Guild of Qin Dynasty and the Guild of Sky Wing!

When you saw Qin Guo’s War Wolf Guild, Chu You’s eyes were even colder. You opened the friends bar and sent a voice to Fan Hualuo, the president of Luohua Guild: “What’s the matter with Qin Guo War Wolf Guild? Didn’t you say they stood by us before? On this side?"

The other horse sent back and forth: "Yeah, their War Wolf Guild was a level 5 guild a day ago. Do you mean the changes that have just occurred? The War Wolf Guild is not with them. I can guarantee this. Forum Qin There is no signature of the War Wolf Guild in the National Declaration of War."

"If I saw the War Wolf player in Yan Kingdom, don't blame me for being ruthless." Chu You said coldly.

"It seems that they are going to be real. Upgrading the guild before the war will definitely get the new guild skills of Shenshu." Zhao Feiyan said with a frown, she just opened the guild leaderboard and looked at it. The form seems less and less optimistic.

"Oh, let's not talk about them. Come, let's discuss the tactical deployment." The tone was relaxed, and the dignified atmosphere was diluted a lot.


In the territory of Chu State, in the core building of the Guild of War Souls, there are many people here at this time, which has more momentum and atmosphere than the Chu You four-person meeting.

Battle Spirit relentlessly said at this time: "Okay, the guild has reached level 5, and now hand over resources to impact the level 6 guild!"

Suddenly, many high-level leaders opened the contribution list, and then contributed all the strategic resources exchanged in the market construction. After last night, War Soul relentlessly reopened: "You can now call the members of the first group, the second group, and the third group out of the meeting, and add those players who are ready to contribute strategic resources!"

This process is quite cumbersome, but the contribution of strategic resources has been greatly improved. Those new players who have joined in, without a word, open the contribution list and then contribute their poor strategic resources. They are all happy on their faces. The color, because this way, you can receive soft sister coins offline.

Yes, the War Soul Guild has only secretly acquired strategic resources offline after determining the strategic direction. As long as players contribute strategic resources, they can exchange for certain soft sister coins. This method has been carried out for a long time. To prevent the god-class lord of Yan Kingdom from discovering prematurely, they have been secretly enduring, and now it has completely exploded at this moment, and now it is to rise to the sixth-level guild in one go.

To upgrade a 5th-level guild to a 6th-level guild, you only need to eliminate 10 guilds, and these 10 guilds are unlimited. Even tier 1 guilds are counted, which is very simple.

For a while, there was a busy hour on the information channel of the Guild of War Soul. A large number of players withdrew from the meeting, and a large number of players joined in. While the guild's contribution list, its strategic resources are slowly rising.

"Let them do it automatically. Let's discuss how to attack the Super God Guild." There are not only high-level leaders of the Soul of War, but also high-level leaders of the major guilds of Chu. There are many old online gaming guilds.

"It can be seen from the map that the Chaoshen Guild is in the northern border of Yan Kingdom. The only thing that is unclear is where the Northern Border Passage of Yanguo Battle Square will take us to!"

"It doesn't matter, after entering the Yan Kingdom, we will naturally have positioning, and with the detected map, we will naturally determine the direction, but I hope not to be too far away." An old veteran online gaming guild said lightly.

"The deputy chairman of Chaoshen Association Zhao Feiyan has already posted on the forum to face the battle. I was thinking, what methods do they use to stop us from attacking?"

"That's right. I'm very curious. It is said that the Super Divine Guild only has more than 400 people?

"You don't understand this. People are an elite development model. You have Ye Ye behind you, ignoring the tactics of the sea." A high-level war spirit said with a joke.

"Ignore the tactics of the human sea!" Chu You said this heavily. "I will give you 200 troops to resurrect, and you will all give me a spot at the ancient road checkpoint, just keep it there." Stopped and continued: "Do you know why I chose the location of the Super God Guild here?"

"It is because this is a strategic point. The transmission channel to the square can only lead them to the Eastern Region of Yan Kingdom. They want to come over and can only pass through the ancient road. The ancient road has a level set by NPC. Although it is a small level, but It’s enough for us. The number of people can’t take advantage there.”

"Then why do you want to build a second city wall in the guild?" Zhao Feiyan asked.

"Just in case, and if they come through the crack, they can come directly here, but the number is not large." Each crack can only limit 500 people, who can guarantee that all 500 people are together What about?

"So what if this happens?? I mean what if the six countries sent 500 people to our guild to go directly to the crack?" Zhao Feiyan didn't want to miss any details.

Hearing this, Chu You smiled, with a confident light in her eyes: "Then they have come and gone!" After that, he traded something to the killing leader, this thing is the creature 7-day acceleration card! A total of three.

"Slaughter, hatch the guild's guardian **** beast. Remember, the best hatch is, I remember the best guardian **** beast of the level 4 guild is the unicorn unicorn? Just hatch it and then you use what I gave you Things, it will appear in an instant!" Chu You knows in his heart that there is no guardian beast in the early stage of the game, because the incubation time of the guardian beast is very long, and the resources required are also many.

"Guardian Beast?" Zhao Feiyan was surprised. She forgot this, but she was still worried: "Can the Guardian Beast resist the attack of thousands of transferred players?"

"No, but this is the beginning of the game, you have to remember that if they do appear, they will come to give people a head, because this is not me!" Chu You clearly, the guardian **** beast faced thousands of early games People are still very lethal. It is impossible for the other party to win the top-level guild of the fourth level guild without paying a certain casualty rate.

And don’t forget that the other party does not have such strategic supplies as the temporary resurrection point of the army. After death, unless the nurse can revive the player on the spot, otherwise, go back to the country where you belong! This is where Chu You is confident!

Just when talking about this, the killing commander once again told Chu You a surprised news.

Chu Kingdom Soul Guild... rose to level 6!

"Good!" When you do see that the Chu Soul Guild in the guild rankings is now level 6, Chu You repeatedly said three good words, with an inexplicable look in her eyes.

The three people present all heard Chu You's tone with a sense of joy and coldness. They looked at each other one by one, and they all had a hunch that this was really a good show.


"I said if you can't be so troublesome, the discussion is over, there are more than 400 people in the other party, a few big things? What are the tensions, the cracking tactics, what are these? What can you say?" War Soul Fengyun was impatient at the moment, and said loudly in front of many people.

"The old man's routine is to make a few messes and enter the Yan Kingdom, just do it!"

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