The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 213: metamorphosis

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Don't listen to his nonsense, okay, continue to call people into the guild. I will upgrade the skills of the **** tree. It is still 10 hours before the war begins. Let's prepare again, more benefits." The soul of the war was disbanded after relentlessly. meeting.

"Yu Ye, how did Chu's War Soul Guild rise to level 6? Where did they come from so many resources?" Zhao Feiyan had a puzzled and curious look in her eyes.

"It's very simple. As long as you have money in reality, buy strategic resources offline, and after confirming, put those players into the guild in the game. They will put the strategic resources into the contribution list, which is such a way to obtain." Although the strategic resources It cannot be traded and cannot be sold, but it is not impossible to obtain it quickly.

Chu You knows clearly, don't look at the fact that there are not many fifth-level guilds in the world. In fact, it will not take long for the fifth-level and sixth-level guilds to appear in large numbers. However, it is not easy to upgrade the guild to level 7, it is a hurdle.

"You Ye, I always wanted to ask you a question."

"You said." Chu You looked at Zhao Feiyan strangely.

"In your mind, what is the position of the Super God Guild? Why did you create it?"

"In general, it is cannon fodder, powerful cannon fodder, obedient cannon fodder." Chu You said lightly.

"So how did you locate your own guild?" Zhao Feiyan never understood why Chu You's guild didn't add people. Is there anything else that can't be said?

"It's fun, do you think that the founding guild must be filled with people? At least, "Xian" is different. For those who can enter "Xian", my requirements are..."

"Top!" Zhao Feiyan interfaced.

Looking at Zhao Feiyan's appearance, Chu You smiled and shook his head: "No, it's abnormal!"

Suddenly the commander and Lin Luoer looked at Chu You in a speechless manner.

"Jiu Cai'er is abnormal?" Zhao Feiyan had seen the girl, but she thought Jiu Cai'er seemed very ordinary.

"She, at least in terms of physique, SS level, holy dharma body, what do you think?"

Zhao Feiyan nodded, believing Chu You's statement.

"Tianshi" is a brand-new revolutionary game. There has never been an all-true virtual game before, so how to judge whether a player is a "Tianshi" master is still very vague. In this epoch-making game, everyone is new.

"Yu Ye, I guess you should be an SSS-class physique, right?" Zhao Feiyan was very sure of the state when Chu You was transformed. The reason for saying this is just to admit it from Chu You's mouth. In fact, many players have speculated on this matter.

Chu You responded with a smile you know.

Zhao Feiyan nodded, "Actually everyone understands. A foreign evaluation magazine once evaluated your account, saying that your account is valued at US$100 million at this stage!"

"Is it only 100 million?" Chu You smiled contemptuously, "I tell you, I won't sell it even if you give me 1 billion, although I can't sell it." The account is not tradable because it is bound to personal biometric information .

"You are the one who does not lack money. In reality, it's a big business." Zhao Feiyan didn't believe what Chu You said. An account with 1 billion US dollars, or an account at the beginning of the game, who believes? Even if there is such a ghost, it is hype!

"Okay, don't say it, you are busy first, I and Huiye are going to do something." Said Chu You directly walked out of the guild center building, and then summoned the Raptor mount, toward the super **** guild not far away Xuanhe ran to the direction where his battleship was docked.

Lin Luoer felt that she was behind, and she didn't feel much about the conversation between Zhao Feiyan and Chu You.

Watching the two go away, Zhao Feiyan suddenly smiled silently, which made the killing commander beside him look at herself. Although he didn't say anything, the doubt in his eyes was very strong.

"Do you think Luo Shuihui is abnormal?" Zhao Feiyan said without looking at the man beside him.

The killing commander said nothing, and he felt it was better to be silent about this kind of thing.

Soon the two reached the bank of the river, where a huge sail warship was docked, which was the first Chiyou.

"Do you think I'm perverted?" Lin Luoer said suddenly when she was on board the ship with Chu You, her face was a little blushing, would Chu You speak? You cannot join a guild if you are not a perverted level. And listening to Chu You's tone, this metamorphosis level is even more powerful than the top class, so powerful that it can only be described by metamorphosis.

Squinting at Lin Luoer, a smile appeared on his face, because he remembered the desperate energy of Lin Luoer's previous life. Suddenly died playing "Tianshi", which is also drunk. Although the reason for this is heartbreaking.

China's top ten pastors ranked second, and nannies ranked first. Is this perverted?

"I my eyes, you are very evil!" Chu You decided to change her rhetoric and use the metamorphosis to call the other party really embarrassing.

"Demons are much better than perverts."

"But Luo'er, I still think that metamorphosis is more powerful than evil spirits..."

"You...I am pure heart!"

"I'm just very simple, I want to emphasize the master level in my eyes!"

"Chu You, you are a pervert!"

A snapping finger rang from Chu You's hands. "Helpless, sometimes it means the profound feelings that others give to others." After finishing this sentence, Chu You's mind flashed the powerful silhouettes of the previous life.

In this life, I myself can't wait to play against you!

The battleship soon set off and sailed east.

"Chu You, where are we going?"

"The ancient road I mentioned was partly on the river and the road was narrow. I was going to stop the warship there and let those Chu players also taste that taste."

"Let them feel ahead of time, the true essence of the game war!" After squinting slightly, he remembered the big scene of the bombardment of thousands of ships in the past life and the bombardment of thousands of ships. Comparing his own battleship to that scene is simply pediatrics.

Outside the building of the creature’s lair of the Super God’s Guild, the killing commander and Zhao Feiyan stood. At this time, the killing commander looked at the list of guardian **** beasts, and finally chose the unicorn unicorn in Chu Youkou’s mouth. After choosing to hatch this **** beast, As the vice president, Zhao Feiyan saw the incubation schedule of the mythical beast. The above shows that it takes 20 days: 23 hours: 59 minutes: 58 seconds. That is a total of 21 days of incubation time.

And Chu You gave the killing commander exactly three 7-day creature acceleration cards for a total of 21 days. Killing Commander immediately used one. Later, in Zhao Feiyan's shocked eyes, the timetable was shortened by 7 days to 14 days.

"It's really amazing!" The muttering words came out from Zhao Feiyan's mouth. The killing commander nodded silently without speaking. When he saw the effect, the killing commander used all the two cards in his hand.

Suddenly, the shrunken incubator burst out, and a huge red unicorn ran out, with a sharp long angle emitting thunder and lightning effects on its head, and its large eyes fluttered around. , The tail behind is constantly shaking, looks harmless to humans and animals, and can be stupid.

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