The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 221: Legend of the seconds

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

When the real time points to 8 o'clock, the game China Region PVP battle officially started.

At this time, all the battle squares in the Seven Powers were packed with too many players. Not only that, all roads connecting the battle squares were also overcrowded.

Chu Kingdom, the soul of war relentlessly shouted on the Guild Channel: "All pass through the northern border of Yan Kingdom!"

There are many transmission channels on the battle square. Their appearance is the same. The rune gravel surrounds a slightly larger circle. Inside is like a crack in space and time, with a thick multicolored cyclone. The only difference is their name. are different.

At this time, with the relentless command of the Soul of War, the Soul Guild and its branches chose the channel that led into the northern border of Yan Kingdom. After the confirmation, it disappeared quickly and disappeared. The channel of the Battle Square is not limited by the number of people. The premise is that players who change jobs can only enter other countries through cracks.

"What happened to the crack? Has it been refreshed?"

In another place in the Chu Kingdom, this is a 20-level area. In terms of the current player level, it is still not enough to involve here, but there are a large number of players here, and three different guild members gather in Here, there are levels ranging from level 10 to level 17, most of which are levels 10-13.

It's not easy to bring low-level players here, but fortunately, they started to act earlier.

Just after the system officially opened the PVP war, in the middle of them, a crack was refreshed.

"It's refreshed, we will pass it right away now." After that, many shouts instantly sounded, and a total of 500 people quickly passed into the territory of Yan State through the crack. This crack disappeared because the number of people was full.

When they appeared in Yan Guo, they found that not only they, but also the first batch of 500 players who entered through the crack, were all online at this time, but now there are 1000 players gathered here, but they have not moved yet, think they should What is being adjusted.

None of them knew that above this location, there was an invisible assassin in the Yan Kingdom coldly watching them, and at the same time, there was an invisible assassin squatting in the bushes not far away. The sent intelligence.

At the same time, the killing commander received information from six different locations. These six locations were the locations where the Six Kingdoms entered the Yan Kingdom through one of the cracks in their own country. These locations are still very close to the Super God’s Guild, which is more than other cracks. It's much closer.

"Boss, here they come."

"Well, you call scouts to report the coordinate position of their movement at any time, and pay attention to concealment, I will go to the Super God Guild." Chu You said after decisively terminating the production proficiency and left here.

"Luoer, are you here?"

"Chu You, I have been waiting for you at the Allied Forces Taiwan. Also, Cai'er is here." Lin Luoer immediately replied and told Chu You that Jiu Caier was there.

After a while, the two met together. Jiucai'er was surprised at the appearance of Chu You, and then praised the male god. Before being introduced to the Super God Guild, Chu You gave the intermediate movement speed scroll and the intermediate casting scroll to each of them 50 pieces. He didn't have much of this kind of thing. After all, Chu You pumped this thing less. Scrolls like these blessings can be made through life and occupation.

Two people were given a velociraptor mount.

"Let's go." Then the three disappeared here and passed into the Super God Guild.

At present, there is only one person in the huge Super-God Guild, that is Zhao Feiyan.

"What are we doing here?" Jiu Caier puzzled.

"Go to kill!" Chu You said while receiving intelligence information, while constantly weighing and considering.

"Ah? Go fight? Okay." After hearing Chu You's words, Jiucai first applauded. Lin Luoer looked at each other in surprise. She really didn't expect Jiucai to be quiet and quiet. Quiet, but a belligerent.

Judging from the intelligence received from the killing commander, the players from the Six Kingdoms who came from the crack are still in the adjustment stage, and there is no rash action for the time being, which gives them an opportunity to take advantage. Chu You knows that the six places are Jin Kingdom The cracks came out recently!

Do you want to do it? This is my brother!

"Yo, all the members of the First Guild of the World are here!" Zhao Feiyan said with a smile, and then his eyes focused on Chu You's face. The seductive Qiaozu spit out a silent word to Chu You, Chu Youyi Understand, Zhao Feiyan's colloquial word is "abnormal"! But Chu You directly ignored Zhao Feiyan's mischief.

"Come on, mount the horses, follow me!" After the three said, they summoned the Raptor mount, which is the top mount of the sixth-level guild.

Zhao Feiyan is the vice president of Chaoshen Guild. She has the authority to open the two closed gates. Here she is to open the gates for Chu You and others.

Soon the group disappeared in Zhao Feiyan's eyes and left here.

Velociraptor is worthy of the title of exhausted dog. Once running, the speed is quite fast, Jiu Caier even appeared in a panic look. She was afraid that she could not master this speed and hit the tree! On the other hand, Lin Luoer frowned tightly, trying to overcome it.

At this time, there was an abnormality in front of him, Chu You looked at it and ignored it. It was two players from the Jin Kingdom, which apparently came alone, and he was too lazy to care about this kind of mosquito meat Chu You.

"Follow me!" Soon the three of them left the official road and entered the sparse woods.

Under the guidance of Chu You, all three of them threw away the strange experience along the way, without any hindrance, and Chu You copied the "short cut", no one is more familiar with the terrain than the reborn, if you take the official road , It takes more time.

When the three came to a dilapidated ancient building, Chu You finally stopped.

"Dismount!" When your feet landed on the ground, Chu You opened Emperor Ji's special inventory, and instantly 5 icons of blessings appeared on Chu You.

"You also eat cooking scrolls, Cai'er. After I rushed into the crowd, you opened directly." Chu You said lightly.

"Open big? What big open?"

"It's your Note7!"

Jiucai'er: .....

"What about them?" Lin Luoer blinked.

"Below!" Withdrawing the sacred weapon behind him, the fighting stance opened instantly, and the six dragon horns of the Panlong Halberd stretched a lot, and the scarlet dragon eyes opened with the closed eyes, and the platinum level The Centurion of the Yan Army had a lava-like effect, and Chu You opened the Super Soul Seal.

"Zhizizi~" An electric flash flashed away from the weapon's head and disappeared, which means that the weapon's soul stone was turned on.

"Let's go..." After talking about the strength of the legs, he rushed forward and bypassed the building in front of him. His sight was suddenly bright. In front of it was a slope, and below the **** was the player scale of nearly 800 people in Jin!

In the eyes, there was only indifference and coldness, completely ignoring the awe-inspiring atmosphere brought by Jin's close to 800 people.

Jiucai'er and Lin Luoer also appeared here one after another. When so many people suddenly appeared below, Jiucai'er still couldn't help but startled, and there was horror in his eyes.

"Wow, so many people!" It was just that when Jiu Caier's eyes were on Chu You's slender and advanced figure, she felt somehow in her heart, and her sense of fear subsided, replaced by a chase, even death ,so what?

Lin Luoer had already taken a step ahead, and only Chu You in her eyes. Jiucaier hurriedly followed.

When you only need to jump one hurdle away from the other side, Chu You squeezed her weapon and jumped down.

Chu You came too suddenly. The direction he ran was that the players of Jin Dynasty couldn’t go up, and Chu You’s way down the **** was also more terrifying. He didn’t go down the road, he ran and jumped down. The body is extremely balanced, just a few times above the players of the Jin Kingdom.

When it was found that there was an abnormality in the upper part, the players of Jin Kingdom widened their eyes and opened their mouths, but they did not speak for the first time. Obviously they were shocked by Chu You above.

Chu You, whose movement was almost in one fell swoop, fell directly on the enemy crowd, and then the players of the Jin Kingdom appeared to be commotion.

‘Dragon breath fluctuates! ‘Everything is too late. The range skills have already been shown. Those Jin players who have never tasted what it’s like to be spiked at this moment, finally realized it, and experienced the legend of the night!

In an instant, with Chu You as the center, there was a vacuum within a radius of 25 meters...

At this moment, the players of Jin Dynasty were completely stunned by what was happening in front of them. Unbelievable horrified expressions appeared in their eyes. Without witnessing the scene in person, it is impossible to realize the mood of Jin players at this moment.

Looking at the scene where more than 120 players were instantly killed by a spike, this strong visual impact made Jin Guo players stand still and their brains were blank.

No matter how high the momentum was before, no matter how passionate the heart is, it is now all vanity!

The shaking light dust fluttered in the air. At this moment, it entered a silent place, the needle fell audible, and it was extremely silent. The scene created a central point of seconds, and there were a few more black breaths on Chu You's body, and the'Dance of Battle Halberd' quietly triggered.

The terrified eyes and the trembling souls of the players of Jin Kingdom, Chu You took heart!

The smile on the corner of the mouth gradually widened and split, and finally the smile was engraved on Chu You's face, "You are still a group of roosters!"

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